[wordpress插件] Custom Searchable Data Entry System定制可搜索数据输入系统

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-09 16:41 545 0 全屏看文



If you are looking for an advanced and highly customizable search for your custom data, please have a look at Searchable Pro.

如果您要搜索自定义数据的高级且高度可定制的搜索,请查看 Searchable Pro



Get to know all the awesome features and more information about the possibilities of Searchable Pro!

了解 Searchable Pro 的所有功能以及更多信息!

Fully customizable, editable, downloadable data entry system creator with a powerful search engine to search the data.


You can have multiple different forms and organize your entries in the backend and download the entries inputs in CSV format.


Perfect for collecting people’s data, information, inquiries and many other purposes.


This plugin will let you to have a search field on front-end and let your users to search through the data that are entered on your back-end/front-end.


You have full control over the visibility of the data and can control which data to be shown or hidden in user’s search query.


    • Ability to make multiple different forms and saving the corresponding data in their corresponding tables.
    • 能够制作多种不同的表格并将相应的数据保存在相应的表格中。

    • Ability to have your search field on any post or page with a simple shortcode [sds-search]
    • 能够使用简单的简码[sds-search]在任何帖子或页面上都具有搜索字段

    • The search functionality will return all the matches that it finds in all entries in an organized way.
    • 搜索功能将以有组织的方式返回在所有条目中找到的所有匹配项。

    • The user can search based on ANY of the data that you provide in the backed.
    • 用户可以基于您提供的任何数据进行搜索。

    • You have full control over showing/hiding particular data in user’s search query.
    • 您可以完全控制显示/隐藏用户搜索查询中的特定数据。

    • The search functionality will return results for partial matches as well;

    • 搜索功能还将返回部分匹配的结果;

      and it is case-insensitive.

    • 而且不区分大小写。

    • Ability to download form inputs in CSV format.

    • 能够下载CSV格式的表单输入。

      So you can have them on your computer in an organized table as well.

    • 因此,您也可以将它们放在计算机中的井井有条的表格中。

    • Ability to search ALL entry tables or to search SELECTIVE entry tables.
    • 能够搜索所有条目表或搜索选择性条目表。

    • Ability to update/delete the entries.
    • 能够更新/删除条目。

    • Ability to show the custom forms on front-end with a simple shortcode that is unique to each form.
    • 能够在前端显示自定义表单,并具有每个表单唯一的简单短代码。

    • Full control over the forms and entries and the search functionality.
    • 完全控制表单和条目以及搜索功能。

    • Ability to Upload CSV files to the plugin and enjoy all the features just like the data that are being created through the plugin itself.
    • 能够将CSV文件上传到插件并享受所有功能,就像通过插件本身创建的数据一样。

    • Ability to have unlimited different fields for each form.

    • 每个表格具有无限多个不同字段的能力。

      (Text input, DropDown, Multiple Choice, File Upload, etc)

    • (文本输入,下拉菜单,多项选择,文件上传等)

    • Ability to edit, delete and show/hide the form fields which leads to the visibility of the data that you wish to show or hide.
    • 能够编辑,删除和显示/隐藏表单字段,从而使您希望显示或隐藏的数据可见。

    • Ability to update/delete the entries that you already entered to the plugin.
    • 能够更新/删除您已经输入到插件的条目。

    • Dynamically creates separate file upload folders named the same as tables to organize file uploads.
    • 动态创建单独的文件上传文件夹,其名称与表相同,以组织文件上传。

    • Ability to make entries in all languages.
    • 能够使用所有语言进行输入。

    • Perfect for collecting people’s information, inquiries and many other purposes such as announcing grades, results of a competition, etc.
    • 非常适合收集人们的信息,查询以及宣布成绩,比赛结果等许多其他目的。

    • Ability to create unlimited forms and unlimited fields and file uploads as needed.
    • 能够根据需要创建无限的表格,无限的字段和文件上传。

    • Very speedy and very user friendly process for making the forms up and running.
    • 非常快速且非常人性化的过程来制作和运行表单。

    • Ability to edit or permanently delete the created fields.

    • 能够编辑或永久删除创建的字段。

      All from the backend of your website.

    • 全部来自您网站的后端。

    • Ability to permanently delete the form and its corresponding entries in case you didn’t want that form.
    • 如果您不想使用该表单,可以永久删除该表单及其相应条目。

    • Translation ready.
    • 已准备好翻译。



      • English – Default
      • 英语-默认

      • Portuguese: pt_BR(Brazilian Portuguese – Many thanks to Dimy Coleta)
      • 葡萄牙语:pt_BR(巴西葡萄牙语-非常感谢Dimy Coleta)


    1. Upload the unzipped plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将解压缩的插件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件





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