[wordpress插件] User Registration, Login & Landing Pages – LeadMagic用户注册,登录和登陆页面– LeadMagic

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-08 13:20 1145 0 全屏看文



Custom Landing Pages – LeadMagic allows you to create beautiful looking WordPress landing pages/ squeeze pages which can be used for lead generation, user registrations, newsletter subscriptions, email capture, membership sign ups, giveaways and more!

自定义登陆页面– LeadMagic允许您创建美观的WordPress登陆页面/压缩页面,可用于潜在客户生成,用户注册,新闻通讯订阅,电子邮件捕获,会员注册,赠品等!

Custom Landing Pages lets you completely override your WordPress theme thus creating pages that truly stand out from other parts of the site.


You have option to add headers, descriptions, background, feature image, links, custom shortcode etc to your WordPress landing page.


Custom Shortcode can be used to embed forms from other plugins combining their power to give you ultimate flexibility.


Use Contact Form 7 forms, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, MailPoet List forms, Newsletter forms, RegistrationMagic Forms, and almost any other plugin you can think of.


Additionally, you can add your own custom CSS to provide additional coat of polish to your WordPress landing page.


This is the only WordPress landing page/ squeeze page plugin you will ever need.


Brought to you by from the creators of RegistrationMagic, rest assured you will get same great support and deep integration with popular RegistrationMagic plugin.


Those who are already using it, are well aware of its awesome form building capabilities.


Custom Landing Pages – LeadMagic takes it to another level altogether!

自定义着陆页– LeadMagic将其提升到另一个层次!

Create and embed any type of form and use RegistrationMagic Analytics to measure its performance.

创建并嵌入任何类型的表单,并使用RegistrationMagic Analytics评估其性能。

Here is a quick recall of what Analytics can do with LeadMagic:


    • Capture Landing Page Visitor IP
    • 捕获目标网页访问者IP

    • Check IP based conversion
    • 检查基于IP的转化

    • Capture time user visited the landing page
    • 捕获时间用户访问了登录页面

    • Capture time when user submitted the form
    • 用户提交表单的捕获时间

    • Track conversions over time through line graph
    • 通过折线图跟踪一段时间内的转化

    • Track overall conversion rate allowing your to fine tune the landing page
    • 跟踪整体转化率,以便您可以精确调整目标网页

    • Track ratio of browsers used to access landing page
    • 用于访问登录页面的浏览器的跟踪比率

    • Track Conversion failure rate
    • 跟踪转换失败率

    • Track time take by user to go through the landing page and filling the form
    • 跟踪用户浏览登录页面并填写表单所需的时间

    • Track browser-wise conversion rate
    • 跟踪浏览器的转化率

    Here are some of the things you can do with combining LeadMagic with other plugins.


    Email Capture Page


    Embed Contact Form 7 form or RegistrationMagic Non-WP Registration form inside a landing page created by LeadMagic


    User Registration


    Embed a RegistrationMagic WP Registration form using drop down.

    使用下拉菜单嵌入RegistrationMagic WP注册表格。

    Add custom success message, redirection and auto-responder right inside the form dashboard.


    Create and assign custom roles.


    Newsletter Subscriptions


    You can use direct shortcodes from MailPoet or Newsletter plugin.


    Even better, you can connect them to your RegistrationMagic form and take advantage of all the extra features.


    You can also connect to MailChimp lists in form Apps section.


    WooCommerce Registrations


    User RegistrionMagic’s built in WooCommerce integration capabilities to directly connect your landing page forms to WooCommerce registration process.

    User RegistrionMagic内置的WooCommerce集成功能可将您的着陆页表单直接连接到WooCommerce注册过程。

    Lead Generation


    Use forms built by RegistrationMagic and it’s internal submission tracking system to generate leads.


    You can also connect forms to leading customer management services like Aweber, Constant Contact and MailChimp to push and store user data within third party dashboard.

    您还可以将表单连接到领先的客户管理服务(例如Aweber,Constant Contact和MailChimp),以在第三方仪表板中推送和存储用户数据。

    You can also push form data to an external URL using built in options.


    Membership SignUps


    Embed forms using leading membership plugins that support shortcodes.


    Here are some of the things you can do with combining LeadMagic with RegistrationMagic:


      • Capture WordPress landing page analytics
      • 捕获WordPress登陆页面分析

      • Filter and track entries
      • 过滤和跟踪条目

      • Edit design of the form to match landing page
      • 编辑表单设计以匹配登录页面

      • Add multi-page forms to your landing page
      • 将多页表单添加到您的目标网页

      • Show customized success message on form submission
      • 在提交表单时显示自定义的成功消息

      • Redirect user to a page, post of link after form submission
      • 将用户重定向到页面,提交表单后发送链接

      • Bulk email users/ leads
      • 大量电子邮件用户/潜在客户

      • Selectively mail users/ leads using automation
      • 使用自动化有选择地向用户/潜在客户发送邮件

      • Assign WordPress roles to registration forms
      • 将WordPress角色分配给注册表单

      • Define specific email templates for outgoing mails from landing page
      • 为登录页面中的外发邮件定义特定的电子邮件模板

      • Set limits for entries – for example in giveaways
      • 设置条目限制-例如赠品

      • Third party integrations with MailChimp, WooCommerce, Aweber, Constant Contact, MailPoet, Newsletter and DropBox.
      • 与MailChimp,WooCommerce,Aweber,Constant Contact,MailPoet,Newsletter和DropBox的第三方集成。

      • Push data to an external URL
      • 将数据推送到外部URL

      • Add reCaptcha to form on landing page
      • 在登录页面上的表单中添加reCaptcha

      • Advance security to fight spam on your landing page including multiple blacklists
      • 提高安全性以打击包括多个黑名单在内的目标网页上的垃圾邮件

      • Add and Accept payments
      • 添加并接受付款

      • And lot more little things which we simply can’t write down here!
      • 还有很多我们无法在此处写下的小东西!

      Landing page properties:


        • Define Page Title
        • 定义页面标题

        • Define Page Slug
        • 定义页面弹头

        • Enable/ Disable page loader
        • 启用/禁用页面加载器

        • Display an animated loader or custom text
        • 显示动画加载程序或自定义文本

        • Select from a list of loader animations
        • 从加载器动画列表中选择

        • Define loader page background color
        • 定义加载程序页面背景颜色

        • Display a top menu with a custom link
        • 显示带有自定义链接的顶部菜单

        • Define top menu background color
        • 定义顶部菜单的背景颜色

        • Define menu link URL
        • 定义菜单链接URL

        • Define menu link anchor text
        • 定义菜单链接锚文本

        • Define menu link color
        • 定义菜单链接颜色

        • Turn page animation on/ off
        • 打开/关闭页面动画

        • Include or exclude site header and footer
        • 包括或排除网站的页眉和页脚

        • User a solid color or an image as background
        • 使用纯色或图像作为背景

        • If you chose image, define image overlay color
        • 如果您选择图片,请定义图片叠加颜色

        • Upload and display a logo image
        • 上传并显示徽标图像

        • Define text for landing page main header
        • 定义目标网页主标题的文本

        • Define text for landing page secondary header
        • 定义目标网页辅助标题的文本

        • Define pitch/ text for the landing page
        • 定义目标网页的间距/文字

        • Set featured image
        • 设置特色图片

        • Display a caption above the featured image
        • 在特色图片上方显示标题

        • Define caption text
        • 定义字幕文字

        • Define text for form header
        • 为表单标题定义文本

        • Select between displaying form via shortcode or a RegistrationMagic form
        • 选择通过简码显示表单还是RegistrationMagic表单

        • Display additional content area below the form
        • 在表单下方显示其他内容区域

        • Define text for landing page bottom area header
        • 定义目标网页底部区域标题的文本

        • Define text for landing page bottom area content
        • 定义目标网页底部区域内容的文本

        • Display an alert box when user tries to navigate away from the landing page
        • 当用户尝试离开目标页面时显示警报框

        • Define text for the alert message
        • 定义警报消息的文字

        • Option to add custom CSS
        • 添加自定义CSS的选项


    1. Download the plugin


    2. Go to your Dashboard and locate Plugins tab.


      Click on Upload Plugin and specify the path of downloaded plugin in the text box.


    3. Click on Activate Plugin






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