[wordpress插件] Curated Search策划搜索

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-06 18:20 518 0 全屏看文



You know what information users should be seeing for the most common searches on your site, but the WordPress search engine usually has other ideas.


Until now, there have been two options:


    1. Use Google search results, making the user feel like he’s been escorted out of the building by burly security guards.
    2. 使用Google搜索结果,使用户感到自己被魁梧的保安人员护送出了建筑物。

    3. Spend a few hours playing with the endless settings of search plugins that use fancy algorithms, but don’t seem to do much other than slow down your site.
    4. 花数小时来研究使用奇特算法的无穷无尽的搜索插件设置,但除了降低网站速度外,似乎别无他法。

    But most of the time, you know exactly what information your users should be seeing for common searches.


    Curated Search gives you the tools to send users to the best content using the perfect algorithm – you.

    Curated Search为您提供了使用完美算法将用户带到最佳内容的工具。


    Specify a search term for which you would like to control the results, then use the following features to curate the content displayed to your visitors:


      • Pinned results: Want to make sure your 10k word article on vaporwave vs. chillwave shows up every time users search for “seapunk”?

      • 固定结果:是否希望每次用户搜索“ seapunk”时都显示有关蒸气波与冷波的1万字文章?

        Pin it for the search term and make sure it’s the first result they see.

      • 将其固定为搜索字词,并确保它是他们看到的第一个结果。

      • Synonyms: Create search term “synonyms” to show desired search results on less common terms or common misspellings.

      • 同义词:创建搜索词“同义词”,以不太常见的术语或常见的拼写错误显示所需的搜索结果。

        Make sure users see results for “soda” when they search for “pop” and people searching for “resturaunt” get the results for “restaurant”.

      • 确保用户在搜索“ pop”时看到“ soda”的结果,而在搜索“ resturaunt”的人中获得“ restaurant”的结果。

      • Contextual search content: Build content in the standard WordPress WYSIWYG editor and display it above the search results for specific terms.

      • 上下文搜索内容:在标准WordPress所见即所得编辑器中构建内容,并将其显示在特定字词的搜索结果上方。

        Want to provide a special download link for people searching for “ebooks”, or coupon codes for people searching for “handbags”?


        No problem.

      • 没问题。

      • Redirect specific search terms: If you have 1,000 articles about vinyl records on your site, a search for “vinyl” will be practically useless for the user.

      • 重定向特定的搜索词:如果您的网站上有1000篇有关黑胶唱片的文章,那么对用户而言,“黑胶唱片”的搜索实际上将毫无用处。

        Send the user to a more useful page (landing page, topic center, archive, etc.)

      • 将用户引导到更有用的页面(登录页面,主题中心,存档等)

      • Batch hide content: Don’t want people seeing search results for certain parts of the site?

      • 批量隐藏内容:不想让人们看到网站某些部分的搜索结果吗?

        Mark categories, tags, and custom taxonomies as off-limits to the site search with a handy wizard – no more tracking down category IDs.

      • 使用方便的向导将类别,标签和自定义分类标记为站点搜索的禁区-无需再跟踪类别ID。

      • Hide individual pieces of content: A handy meta box on individual posts/pages/etc.

      • 隐藏单个内容:单个帖子/页面/等上的便捷元框。

        lets you hide single items without having to assign them a custom tag or category.

      • 可让您隐藏单个项目,而不必为其分配自定义标签或类别。

      • Limit total search results: Nobody is looking at page 6 of 15 in your site search.

      • 限制全部搜索结果:在您的网站搜索中,没有人看着第15页中的第6页。

        Ditch the overflow.

      • 消除溢出。


    1. Upload the curated-search folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. curated-search 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. If you would like to display content from the WYSIWYG editor of a Special Search at the top of the search results page, paste

    6. 如果要在搜索结果页面顶部显示特殊搜索的WYSIWYG编辑器的内容,请粘贴 <?php do_action('cs_search_after_title');。

      ?> into the search.php file of your theme below the header and above The Loop.

    7. ?> 放入标题下方和The Loop上方主题的search.php文件中。





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