[wordpress插件] Cryptex | E-Mail Address Protection加密|电子邮件地址保护

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-05 13:20 2505 0 全屏看文



NOTE: this plugin is targeted to advanced users and professionals – it requires some configuration tasks and won’t work out-of-the-box!


The plugin is used to display Email addresses as an image – automatically.


This will stop harvesters and crawlers from gathering sensitive data from your website.


It works with emails, telephone numbers, postal addresses or any other text-content.


Just wrap your E-Mail-Address into a shortcode like [email]youraddress@example.com[/email] – that’s it.

只需将您的电子邮件地址包装成一个短代码,例如 [email] youraddress@example.com [/ email] –就这样。

Or use the Autodetect filter to transform every E-Mail-Address on your page automatically into an image!


Plugin Features


    • Protects Email Adresses, Telephone Numbers or any other content
    • 保护电子邮件地址电话号码或其他任何内容

    • Fully customizable appearance: you can configure font-family, font-size and font-color – everything looks like your theme style
    • 完全可自定义的外观:您可以配置字体系列,字体大小和字体颜色–一切看起来都像您的主题样式

    • Retina/HD/High-Dpi Images – best appearance on all devices (2x, 3x or 4x resolution enhancement)
    • Retina / HD / High-Dpi图像 –在所有设备上均具有最佳外观(2x,3x或4x分辨率增强)

    • Shortcode and/or Autodetection usage!
    • 使用短码和/或自动检测!

    • Build-In E-Mail-Address-Autodetection – all addresses on your page are protected automatically (if you want it – you can also just use shortcodes!)
    • 内置电子邮件地址自动检测 –页面上的所有地址均受到自动保护(如果需要,您也可以使用简码!)

    • Autodetection filters configurable for the_content, the_excerpt, comments, comments_excerpt, text-widget<

    • 可为 the_content the_excerpt 评论 comments_excerpt 文本小工具<


    • / strong>

    • Reversible Address-Autodetection Process – your content is modified as long as the plugin is activated
    • 可逆地址自动检测过程-只要激活插件,您的内容就会被修改

    • Postal-addresses, telephone-numbers, names and other sensitive information`s can be protected too
    • 邮政地址,电话号码,姓名和其他敏感信息也可以得到保护

    • Protects E-Mail hyperlinks (mailto) by using javascript based key-shifting encryption/decryption with dynamic keys – but you can use images only
    • 通过使用基于JavaScript的具有动态密钥的密钥移位加密/解密来保护电子邮件超链接-但您只能使用图像

    • Suitable for high traffic sites – automated caching of dynamic generated images and CSS
    • 适用于高流量站点–自动缓存动态生成的图像和CSS

    • Automatic font-search (standard system font-paths)
    • 自动字体搜索(标准系统字体路径)

    • Supports the new modern UI style of WordPress 3.8
    • 支持WordPress 3.8的新的现代UI样式

    • Native support for Enlighter Syntax Highlighter to display E-Mail Addresses within highlighted content (requires Enlighter v2.7)

    • Enlighter语法突出显示工具的本地支持,以便在突出显示的内容中显示电子邮件地址(需要Enlighter v2.7)



    • Includes the Liberation(tm) Fonts package
    • 包括 Liberation(tm)字体

    • TrueType as well as OpenType Fonts are supported
    • 支持TrueType字体和OpenType字体



    The @-sign as well as dot’s within the e-mail-addresses can be automatically replaced by different placeholders, e.g.


    mail(at)example{dot}org, to match your website’s corporate design.

    mail(at)example {dot} org ,以匹配您网站的公司设计。

    Security Modes


    Cryptex provides various obfuscation modes for E-Mail-Addresses:


      • Plain Text – only text-transformations are applied – no use of images
      • 纯文本–仅应用文本转换–不使用图片

      • Single Image – the e-mail-address is expressed as a single image
      • 单个图像–电子邮件地址表示为单个图像

      • Multipart Image – the e-mail-address is splitted into two images, seperated by the @-sign in plain text
      • 多部分图片–电子邮件地址分为两张图片,以纯文本@符号分开

      • Advanced Multipart Image – the craziest one: each part (divided by dot’s and @ sign) is displayed as a seperate image, the dividers as plain text
      • 最高级的多部分图像–最疯狂的部分:每个部分(用点号和@符号分隔)显示为单独的图像,分隔符显示为纯文本


System requirements


    • PHP 5.4 or greater
    • PHP 5.4或更高版本

    • GD library (v2.0.28 or greater)
    • GD库(v2.0.28或更高版本)

    • GD PNG support
    • GD PNG支持

    • FreeType2 (optional, required for OpenType fonts)
    • FreeType2(可选,对于OpenType字体是必需的)

    • Accessible cache directory (/wp-content/plugins/cryptex/cache/ or a custom one)
    • 可访问的缓存目录( / wp-content / plugins / cryptex / cache / 或自定义目录)

    WordPress Theme requirements


      • The wp_footer and wp_head action have to be used (enqueue js+css resources)
      • 必须使用 wp_footer wp_head 操作(获取js + css资源)



        1. Upload the complete cryptex folder (WordPress Plugin) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        2. 将完整的 cryptex 文件夹(WordPress插件)上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

        3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
        4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

        5. Go to Settings -> Cryptex and check all items into the sidebar.
        6. 转到“设置”->“ Cryptex”,然后将所有项目检查到侧栏中。

        7. In case that there are no font available on your server you can use own/special fonts by uploading them into the /wp-content/plugins/cryptex/fonts/ directory
        8. 如果服务器上没有可用的字体,则可以通过将自己的字体/特殊字体上载到 / wp-content / plugins / cryptex / fonts / 目录中来使用

        9. Go to the appearance section and select the font-family, font-color and font-size like the styles in your theme<

        10. 转到外观部分,然后选择 font-family font-color font-size ,就像主题中的样式一样<


          / li>

        11. That’s it!

        12. 就是这样!

          You’re done.


          You can now enter the following code into a post or page to protect email addresses: [email]youraddress@example.com[/email].

          您现在可以在帖子或页面中输入以下代码来保护电子邮件地址:[email]您的地址@ example.com [/ email]。

          Or use the Autodetect feature

        13. 或使用自动检测功能





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