[wordpress插件] CRM and Lead Management by vCitavCita的CRM和潜在客户管理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-05 02:20 956 0 全屏看文



CRM & Leads for WordPress is the ultimate way to manage leads and customer relationships.


It’s a powerful CRM that lets you do a lot more than capturing and storing customers data.


CRM by vCita works for you, and brings more business your way.



The CRM plugin will:


    • Generate new sales opportunities
    • 产生新的销售机会

    • Provide insights about new leads
    • 提供有关新潜在客户的见解

    • Save time with automated client communications, notifications and reminders.
    • 通过自动的客户端通信,通知和提醒来节省时间。

    • Help you search, tracks and manage leads and clients.
    • 帮助您搜索,跟踪和管理潜在客户和客户。

    Together with vCita Client Portal, vCita CRM helps optimizing your WordPress websites and encourage visitors to take action on your site: send a message, schedule an appointment, upload documents and pay for services, any time, using any device.

    vCita CRM与vCita Client Portal一起,可以帮助优化WordPress网站并鼓励访问者在您的网站上采取行动:发送消息,安排约会,上载文档并在任何时间使用任何设备支付服务费用。



    Quickly view, manage and reply to customers on-the-go with the vCita Mobile CRM App for iPhone or Android

    “> Android

    The vCita CRM & Lead Management plugin connects to your vCita account.

    vCita CRM和销售线索管理插件连接到您的vCita帐户。

    You may create a vCita account directly from the plugin, with a 14-day FREE TRIAL.


    vCita CRM & Lead Management main functionalities:

    vCita CRM和潜在客户管理的主要功能:

      • Lead Capturing & Management CRM – vCita CRM & Leads makes your website work for you.

      • 领先的捕获和管理CRM – vCita CRM和潜在客户使您的网站为您服务。

        It encourages visitors to contact and can double the number of new sales opportunities you get through your site.


        Every contact submitted on your WordPress website is captured by the vCita CRM, and is automatically available in one simple dashboard to quickly qualify and follow-up.

        vCita CRM会捕获您在WordPress网站上提交的每个联系人,并在一个简单的仪表板上自动提供这些联系人,以快速进行资格审查和跟进。

      • Client Management – The CRM lets you easily organize, search and edit client information and social data, mark for follow-up, request payment or scheduler appointments.
      • 客户管理 – CRM使您可以轻松地组织,搜索和编辑客户信息和社交数据,标记后续信息,请求付款或安排调度程序。

      • Client Portal – A secure 24/7 client portal offering account updates, payment status, document requests and messages.

      • 客户门户 –一个安全的24/7客户门户,提供帐户更新,付款状态,文档请求和消息。

        Clients can communicate at their convenience and even set additional appointments, make payments and upload documents.

      • 客户可以方便地进行交流,甚至可以设置其他约会,付款并上传文件。

      • Online Calendar – Manage your business calendar, invite leads and clients for meetings and offer them to schedule appointments right on your site – based on your up to date availability.
      • 在线日历 –根据您的最新状态,管理您的业务日历,邀请潜在客户和客户参加会议,并让他们直接在您的站点上安排约会。

      • Invoicing Templates and Online Payment Collect – vCita CRM lets you create professional invoices including your logo and details.

      • 发票模板和在线付款收集 – vCita CRM可让您创建专业发票,包括徽标和详细信息。

        Your clients can pay for your services online, using any credit card or PayPal.

      • 您的客户可以使用任何信用卡或PayPal在线为您的服务付款。

      • Email ans SMS marketing – promote your services and events with targeted email and SMS campaigns to clients.

      • 电子邮件和短信营销 –通过针对客户的电子邮件和SMS广告系列来推广您的服务和活动。

        Craft beautiful, mobile-friendly emails in minutes and track results and client actions in real time.

      • 在数分钟内制作出精美的,适合移动设备的电子邮件,并实时跟踪结果和客户的操作。




      CRM & Lead Management Plugin for WordPress by vCita is fully translated to:

      vCita的WordPress CRM和潜在客户管理插件已完全翻译为:

        • Spanish
        • 西班牙语

        • French
        • 法语

        • Russian
        • 俄语

        • Portuguese
        • 葡萄牙语

        • German
        • 德语

        • Polish
        • 波兰语

        • Italian
        • 意大利语

        • Dutch
        • 荷兰人

        Don’t see your language here?


        You can manually change the contact form labels, buttons and other texts to show in your language!


        More of the CRM & Lead Management plugin key features:


          • Import all existing contacts from Google, Outlook or Excel to vCita CRM in seconds.
          • 在几秒钟内将所有现有的联系人从Google,Outlook或Excel导入到vCita CRM。

          • Export all leads and contact to CSV.
          • 导出所有潜在客户并与CSV联系。

          • Generate more leads from your WordPress site.
          • 从您的WordPress网站生成更多线索。

          • Add unlimited number of custom fields on every client record on your CRM.
          • 在CRM的每个客户记录上添加无限数量的自定义字段。

          • View complete client communication history on your CRM
          • 在您的CRM上查看完整的客户交流历史记录

          • Share and/or request documents right from your CRM.
          • 直接从您的CRM共享和/或请求文档。

          • Send customized invoices and get paid faster with online payments

          • 使用在线付款,发送自定义发票并更快地付款

          • Offer Self-service appointment scheduling

          • 提供自助服务预约计划

            for your clients and get more appointments in less time.

          • 为您的客户服务,并在更短的时间内获得更多的约会。

          • vCita CRM will send email and mobile notifications of contact requests, or when a client needs attention or a follow-up.

          • vCita CRM将发送电子邮件和联系请求的移动通知,或者在客户需要关注或跟进时。

            You can respond using any device, anywhere.

          • 您可以在任何地方使用任何设备进行响应。

          • Share files as part of your conversation with existing clients, and track client files on your CRM.
          • 与现有客户进行对话时,共享文件,并在CRM上跟踪客户文件。

          What Our Clients Say:


          “I have been trying vCita and experienced the benefit immediately.


          It is so user friendly, both for me and my clients.


          I tore my hair out with another CRM for months and had some frustrated clients.


          This time, scheduling was easy and so was payment — what a relief!!


          Yes, clients were almost happy to pay me because it was so easy!” Margie Gordillo, Get Real Professional Coaching

          是的,客户几乎很乐意付钱给我,因为这很简单!”获得真正专业教练的玛吉·戈迪洛(Margie Gordillo)

          “The more I use vCita the more valuable I realize it is.


          I would recommend using this invaluable tool for all businesses whether just starting out as I was or going through growth and in need of client management system.” Winston C. Trumpet

          我建议对所有企业都使用这种无价的工具,无论是刚起步还是正在经历增长并且需要客户管理系统。” Winston C. Trumpet

          “ShopKeep is growing fast and vCita is able to easily scales with our growth.

          “ ShopKeep增长迅速,vCita能够轻松地随着我们的增长而扩展。

          vCita is easy to use, client-centric and it looks great on mobile—which makes ShopKeep look good.


          And, vCita goes the extra mile to ensure the software is easy, comfortable and right the first time.


          It’s been key to our success in sales.” Don Bernard, ShopKeep

          这是我们成功实现销售的关键。” ShopKeep的Don Bernard

          “vCita is a great solution for us as it is easy to use, saves time and most of all, it works.

          “ vCita对我们来说是一个很好的解决方案,因为它易于使用,节省时间,并且最重要的是,它可以正常工作。

          vCita customer support is always there if we have a question.” Al Nazarelli, CEO of Silicon Valley Research Group

          如有疑问,vCita客户支持将始终存在。” 硅谷研究集团首席执行官Al Nazarelli

          Learn more about our Contact Management Software




          Building WordPress sites for others?


          Use vCita LiveSite on any WordPress website you build and manage all vCita plugins from one dashboard.

          在您构建的任何WordPress网站上使用vCita LiveSite,并从一个仪表板管理所有vCita插件。

          www.vcita.com for additional information.

          访问 www.vcita.com 以获取更多信息。


Install the vCita CRM for WordPress

为WordPress安装vCita CRM

    1. Download “CRM & Lead Management for WordPress by vCita” and activate it.
    2. 下载“ vCita的WordPress CRM和潜在客户管理”并激活它。

    3. Connect your WordPress site With you vCita account.

    4. 用您的vCita帐户连接WordPress网站。

      You may connect an existing account or create a new one via the plugin by simply providing your Email address.


      This Email will be used for notifications from vCita, and will never be available to your clients and website visitors.


    5. Add the vCita Lead Capturing widgets to your site by checking the box next to the widget you’d like to add.

    6. 通过选中要添加的小部件旁边的框,将vCita Lead Capturing捕获小部件添加到您的站点。

      You can customize the widgets to perfectly match your business need and website design by clicking the “Preview & Edit” link.


      Every lead captured using the vCita widgets will automatically be added to your CRM.


    7. A new CRM tab will be added on your left bar for easy navigation.

    8. 新的CRM选项卡将添加到您的左侧栏中,以便于导航。

    Import Existing Client


      1. Click on “Access Client Records”
      2. 点击“访问客户端记录”

      3. Navigate to “Clients” section
      4. 导航到“客户”部分

      5. Click “Import Clients”
      6. 点击“导入客户端”

      7. Choose from where to import: Google Contacts or a CSV file.
      8. 选择从哪里导入:Google通讯录或CSV文件。

      9. A list of all your contacts will be presented
      10. 将显示所有联系人的列表

      11. Select to import all, or choose explicitly which contacts to import.
      12. 选择全部导入,或明确选择要导入的联系人。

      Add vCita Widgets


      Step by step instructions for implementing vCita widgets into your wordpress site are available in these support articles








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