[wordpress插件] Create my Apps创建我的应用

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 15:01 471 0 全屏看文



WP to App and WooCommerce to App is absolutely easy with the App Builder software from https://create-my-apps.com without any knowledge of programming .

使用https://create-my-apps.com上的App Builder软件,可以轻松实现WP to App和WooCommerce to App,而无需任何编程知识。

You can test the App Builder software absolutely free for 30 days and pay only if you want to publish the app.

您可以免费试用30天的App Builder软件,并且仅在要发布该应用程序时付费。

With this plugin you connect your WP website and your WooCommerce Shop with the App Builder software where you can then publish all your news and articles from the WP website automatically in the smartphone app.

使用此插件,您可以使用App Builder软件将WP网站和WooCommerce Shop连接起来,然后可以在智能手机应用程序中自动发布WP网站上的所有新闻和文章。

With the App Builder you have many more features you can look at our website if you want to

有了App Builder,您还有更多功能可以查看我们的网站


With Create my Apps you pay for your iOS and Android app only once and not like with many other providers with a monthly payment fee.


If desired, we can publish your smartphone app directly in our Google Play Store and Apple Store account.

如果需要,我们可以直接在Google Play商店和Apple Store帐户中发布您的智能手机应用。


    1. Install directly Create my Apps through the plugin installer or upload the \”create-my-apps\” folder to the \”/wp-content/plugins/\” directory
    2. 直接安装通过插件安装程序创建我的Apps或将\“ create-my-apps \”文件夹上传到\“ / wp-content / plugins / \”目录

    3. Activate the plugin by using the link provided by the plugin installer or through the \”Plugins\” menu in your WordPress.
    4. 使用插件安装程序提供的链接或通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Please go to https://builder.create-my-apps.com and create a account to build your app.

    6. 请转到https://builder.create-my-apps.com并创建一个帐户来构建您的应用程序。

      More Infos: https://create-my-apps.com

    7. 更多信息:https://create-my-apps.com

    8. WooCommerce Integration, please read this article https://helpdesk.full-service-suite.com/knowledge-base/woocommerce-integration-english-version.
    9. WooCommerce集成,请阅读此文章https://helpdesk.full-service-suite.com/knowledge-base/woocommerce-integration-english-version。





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