[wordpress插件] CPO CompanionCPO同伴

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 06:30 529 0 全屏看文



NOTE: This plugin is meant for use with the WordPress themes developed by CPOThemes themes, which take advantage of

注意:此插件旨在与 CPOThemes 主题开发的WordPress主题配合使用,该主题利用了

it to add richer content areas and designs.


Check them out!


This plugin include 3 major components :


* Content Types


* Shortcodes


* Widgets


Content Types


This plugin will add seven custom post types to your site: slides, features, portfolios, services, team members, testimonials and clients.


You can still use CPO Companion for any WordPress theme, although you will have to create your own page templates.

尽管您必须创建自己的页面模板,但仍可以将CPO Companion用于任何WordPress主题。



    • Only the content types supported by the current WordPress theme will be shown, to avoid crowding your admin menu.

    • 仅显示当前WordPress主题支持的内容类型,以避免挤占您的管理菜单。

      You can still override this and show any content types if you want.

    • 您仍然可以覆盖它,并根据需要显示任何内容类型。

    • This plugin is perfectly compatible with any theme: you will be able to manage your content just fine.

    • 此插件与任何主题都完全兼容:您将可以很好地管理您的内容。

      However, there are no templates included and it is up to the theme to handle them.

    • 但是,其中不包含模板,并且要由主题来处理。

    • The portfolio post type included here is different from other portfolio plugins, and can be used in conjunction with them.

    • 此处包含的投资组合帖子类型与其他投资组合插件不同,可以与它们结合使用。

      For instance, you can still use JetPack portfolios at the same time.

    • 例如,您仍然可以同时使用JetPack产品组合。



    By installing this plugin, you will be able to embed all sorts of interactive elements onto your pages: buttons, accordions, slideshows, and even pricing tables.


    By using these elements, you can make your content way more appealing and boost your conversions.


    This plugin is designed to give you as much freedom as possible by making each shortcode as flexible as possible.


    Every one of these design pieces can be configured in many different ways, allowing you to pick any size, color or shape.


    Included Shortcodes


      • Accordions
      • 手风琴

      • Animation areas
      • 动画区域

      • Buttons
      • 按钮

      • Dropcaps
      • 落帽

      • Focus boxes
      • 焦点盒

      • Google Maps
      • Google地图

      • Icon Boxes
      • 图标框

      • Item lists
      • 项目列表

      • Leading paragraphs
      • 主要段落

      • Notifications
      • 通知

      • Number Counters
      • 数字计数器

      • Optin Forms (Mailchimp)
      • Optin表格(Mailchimp)

      • Progress Bars
      • 进度条

      • Separators
      • 分隔符

      • Tabbed content
      • 标签内容

      • Testimonials
      • 推荐书

      • Team Members
      • 团队成员

      • Sections
      • 部分

      • Separators
      • 分隔符

      • Spacers
      • 垫片

      Advanced Shortcodes


      CPO Shortcodes also includes an number of more advanced shortcodes that let you create highly refined pages:


        • Column Layouts – Lay out your content in up to 6 columns at a time, including multiple combinations.
        • 列布局 –一次最多将6个列布置内容,包括多种组合。

        • Post Listings – Create lists of any kind of post anywhere, either as a list or in grid format.

        • 帖子列表 –在任何地方以列表或网格格式创建任何类型的帖子列表。

          You can create your own portfolio listing this way.

        • 您可以通过这种方式创建自己的投资组合列表。

        • Pricing Tables – Display your prices with a beautifully-designed pricing table, flexible enough that you can tweak it to maximize conversions.
        • 定价表 –使用设计精美的定价表显示价格,该表具有足够的灵活性,您可以对其进行调整以最大程度地提高转化率。

        • Content Slideshows – Create slideshows with virtually anything in them, including images, text, and even other shortcodes too.
        • 内容幻灯片 –创建包含几乎所有内容的幻灯片,包括图像,文本,甚至其他短代码。

        • Registration & Login Forms – Create and embed beautiful registration forms to create a vibrant community around your website.
        • 注册和登录表单 –创建并嵌入精美的注册表单,以在您的网站周围创建一个充满活力的社区。



        Recent Posts – A more powerful version of the default recent posts widget provided by WordPress.

        最新帖子 – WordPress提供的默认最新帖子小部件的更强大版本。

        This widget allows you to display a thumbnail of each post and also to choose which post type to display.


        Ad Space – Easily insert images without having to resort to writing HTML in a text widget.

        广告空间 –轻松插入图片,而无需在文本小部件中编写HTML。

        You can also link the image or add your own advertising code.


        Social Profiles – Add links to your preferred social profiles, being able to choose from a long list of available social networks.

        社交个人资料 –将链接添加到您首选的社交个人资料中,可以从一长串可用的社交网络中进行选择。

        Recent Tweets – Display your latest tweets from any Twitter account.

        最近的推文 –显示来自任何Twitter帐户的最新推文。

        This widgets provides support for the Twitter API 1.1.

        此小部件提供对 Twitter API 1.1 的支持。

        Flickr Images – Show your latest images from a Flickr account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Flickr gallery.

        Flickr图像 –将Flickr帐户中的最新图像显示在侧边栏中,并链接到Flickr画廊。

        Instagram Images – Show your latest images from a Instagram account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Instagram account.

        Instagram图片 –在边栏中直接显示来自Instagram帐户的最新图像,并链接到您的Instagram帐户。

        Author Badge – Display the profile of a specific user, showing the name, image, and profile description.

        作者徽章 –显示特定用户的个人资料,并显示名称,图像和个人资料描述。

        This plugin is maintained and supported by Macho Themes.

        此插件由Macho Themes维护和支持。

        Check out some of the other WordPress plugins we’ve developed.

        看看我们开发的其他 WordPress插件

        Check out some of the other free WordPress themes we’ve developed.



Installing Through The WordPress Admin


    1. Download the ZIP file
    2. 下载ZIP文件

    3. In your WordPress admin area, go to Plugins > Add Plugin, and select Upload Plugin
    4. 在WordPress管理区域中,转到“插件”>“添加插件”,然后选择“上传插件”

    5. Upload the ZIP file and installation will commence
    6. 上传ZIP文件并开始安装

    7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    8. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    9. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Settings page before using it right away!
    10. 在立即使用之前,请确保先检查设置> CPO设置页面!

    Installing Through FTP


      1. Download the ZIP file and unpack it
      2. 下载ZIP文件并解压缩

      3. Upload the entire cpo-companion to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
      4. 将整个 cpo-companion 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

      5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
      6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

      7. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Settings page before using it right away!
      8. 在立即使用之前,请确保先检查设置> CPO设置页面!





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