[wordpress插件] CP Contact Form with PayPal贝宝(CP)与PayPal的联系表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 01:00 933 0 全屏看文



CP Contact Form with PayPal inserts a contact form into a WordPress website and connect it to a PayPal payment, either a PayPal Standard payment or a PayPal Express


CP联系表将联系表插入WordPress网站,并将其连接到PayPal付款,即 PayPal标准付款或 PayPal Express

/ PayPal Credit payment where available.

/ PayPal点数付款。

New feature: Now includes also a visual form builder for customizing forms.


Once the user has filled the PayPal contact form fields and click the submit button the posted data is saved into the WordPress database and the user is automatically redirected to PayPal to complete a payment.


After completed the PayPal payment, the website administrator (the email indicated from the settings) will receive an email with the form data and the user will receive a confirmation/thank you email.


Both the paid forms and unpaid forms sent from the contact form will appear in the WordPress settings area with the mark of “Paid” or “Not Paid” so you can check all the details and contact the user if needed.




This WordPress plugin is useful for different types of contact forms, booking forms, order forms, consultation services, payments for joining events (paid event registration), ect…




CP Contact Form with PayPal has the following main features:


    • Supports PayPal Standard and PayPal Express / PayPal Credit (where available)
    • 支持PayPal标准和PayPal Express / PayPal积分(如果有)

    • Supports many contact forms into the same WP website, each one with its own prices and settings.
    • 在同一个WP网站中支持许多联系表单,每个表单都有自己的价格和设置。

    • Visual form builder for adding/editing/deleting fields
    • 用于添加/编辑/删除字段的可视表单构建器

    • Allows checking the messages for both paid and un-paid submissions sent from the contact form.
    • 允许检查消息,其中包含从联系表单发送的付费和未付费提交。

    • You can customize the notification email details, including from address, subject and content with the contact form fields.
    • 您可以自定义通知电子邮件详细信息,包括来自地址,主题和带有联系表单字段的内容。

    • The website administrator receives an email notification of the paid contact message.
    • 网站管理员收到已付费联系人消息的电子邮件通知

    • The customer receives a “thank you – confirmation” message.
    • 客户收到“谢谢您-确认”消息

    • Easy setup of the PayPal payment, basically just indicate the price and email linked to the PayPal account.

    • 贝宝付款的简易设置,基本上只表明链接到贝宝帐户的价格和电子邮件。

      There are optional fields for language and currency settings.

    • 有用于语言和货币设置的可选字段。

    • Export the contact form messages to CSV/Excel
    • 将联系表单消息导出到CSV / Excel

    • Support PayPal taxes configuration
    • 支持PayPal税配置

    • Support recurrent payments
    • 支持经常性付款

    • Refunds can be processed directly from the plugin
    • 可以直接从插件处理退款

    • Supports donation layouts for PayPal donation forms
    • 支持PayPal捐赠表格的捐赠布局

    • Optionally request address at PayPal (useful for the delivery of tangible items)
    • (可选)在PayPal上请求地址(用于交付有形物品)

    • Includes optional captcha verification as part of the contact form.
    • 在联系表单中包括可选的验证码验证。

    • Elementor integration, Gutemberg integration
    • 元素集成,古腾堡集成

    • GDPR acceptance field (General Data Protection Regulation)
    • GDPR接受字段(通用数据保护条例)

    How it can be used


    These are some possible scenarios where this plugin is useful:


      • Contact form linked to a PayPal payment
      • 链接到PayPal付款的联系表

      • As a PayPal button
      • 作为PayPal按钮

      • For accepting donations through PayPal (leave a zero amount in the payment amount)
      • 用于通过PayPal接受捐款(付款金额为零)

      • Support request forms or paid assistance contact forms
      • 支持请求表或付费帮助联系表

      • For receiving product orders (order form), purchases, bookings and reservations.
      • 用于接收产品订单(订单),购买,预订和预订。

      • For automatic delivering of information after payment (put the information into the auto-reply message)
      • 用于付款后自动传递信息(将信息放入自动回复消息中)

      • Registration forms for events with payment involved
      • 涉及付款事件的注册表

      • … any other use involving forms and PayPal payments
      • …涉及表格和PayPal付款的任何其他用途

      Commercial Features:


      There are also commercial versions available with more features:


        • Visual form builder: The free version includes an useful basic form builder, however the commercial version features an easy, strong and full features visual form builder with all you need to build any form.
        • 可视化表单生成器:免费版包括一个有用的基本表单生成器,但是商业版本提供了一个简单,强大且功能齐全的可视化表单生成器,您可以构建任何表单。

        • Works also without PayPal, discount codes and dynamic/open prices, additional configuration settings.
        • 也可以不使用PayPal,折扣代码和动态/公开价格,其他配置设置。

        • Other payment methods: PayPal Pro, Stripe Payments, Skrill, Authorize.net, Mollie / iDEAL, TargetPay / iDEAL, Sage Pay, SagePayments, Redsys TPV
        • 其他付款方式:PayPal Pro,Stripe付款,Skrill,Authorize.net,Mollie / iDEAL,TargetPay / iDEAL,Sage Pay,SagePayments,Redsys TPV

        • Tons of additional features and add ons: Mailchimp, reCapctha, SMS message delivery, Signature fields, etc…
        • 大量附加功能和附件:Mailchimp,reCapctha,SMS消息传递,签名字段等……

        You can get these features at: https://cfpaypal.dwbooster.com


        Note: Payments processed through the plugin are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) – Directive (EU) that comes into full effect on 14 September, 2019.

        注意:通过插件处理的付款已准备就绪,可进行SCA(严格的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)-指令(EU)兼容,并于2019年9月14日全面生效。

        Language Support


        The Contact Form with PayPal plugin is compatible with all charsets.


        The troubleshoot area contains options to change the encoding of the plugin database tables if needed.


        Translations are supported through PO/MO files located in the Contact Form with PayPal plugin folder “languages”.

        可通过“联系方式”中带有POP插件文件夹“语言”的PO / MO文件来支持翻译。

        Multiple language translations are already included in the plugin.


        Requesting address at PayPal: If you are selling tangible items and you need to request the customer address at PayPal you can enable that option into the settings field “Request address at PayPal” available separately for each contact form.


        Taxes at PayPal: You can indicate the taxes to charge at PayPal over the “request cost” as a percent into the settings field “Taxes (percent)”.


        Each contact form can have a different taxes setting.


        Edit submit button label: You can easily edit the submit button label into each contact form settings.


        The class=”cp_subbtn” can be used to modify the button styles.

        class =” cp_subbtn” 可用于修改按钮样式。

        The styles can be applied into any of the CSS files of your theme or into the CSS file “cp-contact-form-with-paypal\css\stylepublic.css”.

        可以将样式应用于主题的任何CSS文件或CSS文件“ cp-contact-form-with-paypal \ css \ stylepublic.css”。

        For further modifications the submit button is located at the end of the file “cp_contactformpp_public_int.inc.php”.

        要进行进一步的修改,提交按钮位于文件“ cp_contactformpp_public_int.inc.php”的末尾。

        Use a specific field from the form for the payment amount: If a field is selected in this settings field, any price in the selected field will be added to the above request cost.


        Use this field for example for having an open donation amount.


        This field is more useful in the pro version since it supports adding more fields to the contact form.


        Button to change status to paid: The messages list contains a button to change the status of the “Not paid” contact form messages to “Paid”.


        This is mainly for administrative purposes.


        Export data to CSV/Excel: The messages list contains an option to export the contact messages received from the contact form to a CSV/Excel file.

        将数据导出到CSV / Excel::消息列表包含一个选项,用于将从联系人表单接收到的联系人消息导出到CSV / Excel文件。

        This way you can export the email address and other data from the contact messages to other applications or manage the data in Excel.


        The filters in the message list apply also to the exported CSV/Excel file.

        邮件列表中的过滤器也适用于导出的CSV / Excel文件。

        Enabling donation layout: The plugin supports enabling the PayPal donation layout, this way a payment page improved for donations is displayed to the donors.



CP Contact Form with PayPal can be installed following these steps:


    1. Download and unzip the CP Contact Form with PayPal plugin
    2. 下载并使用PayPal插件解压缩CP联系人表格

    3. Upload the entire cp-contact-form-with-paypal/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个cp-contact-form-with-paypal /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the CP Contact Form with PayPal plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活带有PayPal插件的CP联系人表格

    7. Configure the PayPal contact form settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> CP Contact Form with PayPal
    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>>使用PayPal的CP联系人表单中配置PayPal联系人表单设置

    9. To insert the PayPal contact form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将PayPal联系人表单插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标





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