[wordpress插件] Cool Timeline很酷的时间表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-02 16:00 805 0 全屏看文



Cool Timeline – WordPress #1 Timeline Plugin

酷时间轴– WordPress#1时间轴插件

Cool Timeline is a responsive WordPress pure HTML & CSS timeline plugin that allows you to create beautiful horizontal and vertical history timeline.


You simply create posts, set images and date then Cool Timeline will automatically populate these posts in chronological order(ASC or DESC), based on the year and date of stories.

您只需创建帖子,设置图像和日期,然后Cool Timeline就会根据故事的年份和日期按时间顺序(ASC或DESC)自动填充这些帖子。

You can easily show timeline on any page of your website using shortcode – [cool-timeline]

您可以使用简码-[很酷的时间轴] 轻松地在网站的任何页面上显示时间轴

Check Cool Timeline Demos


Cool Timeline Pro Demo |

酷的Timeline Pro演示 |

Cool Timeline Free Demo


You can show your stories, events, appointments, concerts, future & history happenings by using Cool Timeline plugin on your website.


Cool Timeline Shortcode


[cool-timeline layout=”default” skin=”default” date-format=”F j” icons=”YES” show-posts=”20″ order=”DESC” story-content=”full”]

[凉爽的时间线布局=“默认”外观=“默认”日期格式=“ F j”图标=“是” show-posts =“ 20” order =“ DESC”故事内容=“已满”]

Gutenberg Friendly – Instant Timeline Builder


Cool Timeline (version 1.8+) now also provides instant timeline builder for Gutenberg lovers.


You can easily create timeline in a real time using Gutenberg blocks and settings.


Learn More About Shortcode |

了解有关简码的更多信息 |

Check Timeline Installation Guide


Features Of Cool Timeline


    • Gutenberg block Timeline:- Since version 1.8 users can create instant timeline with the help of Gutenberg instant timeline builder block.

    • Gutenberg块时间轴:-自1.8版以来,用户可以在Gutenberg即时时间轴构建器块的帮助下创建即时时间轴。

      Check Demo Here >>

    • 在此处查看演示>>

    • Compact Timeline:- Now our free users can also create a compact timeline, means a timeline without a lot of space between stories.

    • 紧凑的时间线:-现在,我们的免费用户还可以创建紧凑的时间线,这意味着时间线在故事之间没有太多空间。

      Check Demo Here >>

    • 在此处查看演示>>

    • Clean Layout:- If you love clean and clear look without a lot of colors then you can showcase your story via our clean layout.

    • 干净的版式:-如果您喜欢干净而清晰的外观而没有太多的颜色,则可以通过我们干净的版式展示您的故事。

      Check Demo Here >>

    • 在此处查看演示>>

    • Horizontal Roadmap Timeline:- With help of Roadmap desgin, you can represent your Project/Company Plans and Phases.

    • 水平路线图时间表:-在路线图设计的帮助下,您可以代表您的项目/公司计划和阶段。

      Check Demo Here >>

    • 在此处查看演示>>

    • Advanced Design & Optimized Code:- We have also made it developer friendly, you can easily customize timeline story default query.
    • 高级设计和优化代码:-我们还使其对开发人员友好,您可以轻松自定义时间轴故事默认查询。

    • Create both-sided or one-sided vertical timeline.
    • 创建双面或双面垂直时间轴。

    • Show timeline images in pop-up or link to full story.
    • 在弹出窗口中显示时间轴图像或链接到全文。

    • Choose cool icons along with stories.
    • 选择带有故事的精美图标。

    • Specify story background custom colors.
    • 指定故事背景自定义颜色。

    • Specify year circle custom color.
    • 指定年圈自定义颜色。

    • You can specify different colors for story posts title.
    • 您可以为故事帖子标题指定不同的颜色。

    • Show read more button for full story page.
    • 显示全文页面的“阅读更多”按钮。

    • Show stories in DESC or ASC order.
    • 以DESC或ASC顺序显示故事。

    • Easy to use shortcode to place the cool timeline wherever your heart desires – [cool-timeline].
    • 易于使用简码将凉爽的时间轴放置在您心中所需的任何地方– [凉爽的时间轴]。

    • Translation ready and translated in 4 languages (German, French, Indonesian & Italian).
    • 已准备好翻译并以4种语言翻译(<德语>(德语,法语,印尼语和意大利语))。

    • TinyMCE button to generate the timeline shortcode or easily add shortcode on any page using Gutenberg ready blocks.
    • TinyMCE按钮可生成时间轴简码或使用 Gutenberg就绪块轻松地在任何页面上添加简码。

    • Responsive and mobile ready timeline.
    • 响应式和移动就绪时间线。

    Cool Timeline Pro Features

    酷的Timeline Pro功能

    To make it more cool we have enhanced our plugin by adding many advanced design features in pro version – multiple design options, animation effects, advanced horizontal timeline support, create multiple timelines and more.


    Here you can check our pro features:-


      • 40+ Timeline Designs

      • 40多个时间轴设计

        Cool Timeline Pro Provides 4 Timeline Layouts:-

        Cool Timeline Pro提供4种时间轴布局:-

          • Vertical Timeline
          • 垂直时间轴

          • Vertical Compact Timeline
          • 紧凑型垂直时间轴

          • Vertical One-Side Timeline
          • 垂直单边时间轴

          • Horizontal Timeline
          • 水平时间表

          Every Timeline Layout Supports 5+ Design Options & 2 Skins(light, dark):-


            • Default Design
            • 默认设计

            • Flat Design
            • 平面设计

            • Elegant Design
            • 优雅的设计

            • Clean Design
            • 清洁设计

            • Classic Design
            • 经典设计

            • Modern Design
            • 现代设计

            Check All Demos…        


          • Timeline Settings, Colors & Typography:-

          • 时间轴设置,颜色和版式:-

            Cool Timeline Pro provides advanced setting panel to easily manage timeline visibility settings, background / timeline elements colors and fonts / typography styles and color options.        

            Cool Timeline Pro提供了高级设置面板,可以轻松管理时间线可见性设置,背景/时间线元素的颜色和字体/字体样式和颜色选项。        

          • Video, Images & Slider:-

          • 视频,图像和滑块:-

            You can easily display small and big images, YouTube / Vimeo videos and images slide-show inside Cool Timeline Pro.

            您可以在Cool Timeline Pro中轻松显示大小图像,YouTube / Vimeo视频和图像幻灯片。

            You can add them easily while adding a timeline story.        


          • Custom Color Option For Every Story:-

          • 每个故事的自定义颜色选项:-

            While adding stories in Cool Timeline Pro, you can provide different colors for different stories, means you can easily create a multi-color timeline by using this advanced custom color feature provided by Cool Timeline Pro.        

            在Cool Timeline Pro中添加故事时,您可以为不同的故事提供不同的颜色,这意味着您可以使用Cool Timeline Pro提供的高级自定义颜色功能轻松创建多色时间线。        

          • Multiple Timelines:-

          • 多个时间轴:-

            You can create multiple timelines in one website based on different categories by using Cool Timeline Pro WordPress plugin.

            您可以使用Cool Timeline Pro WordPress插件在一个网站上根据不同类别创建多个时间轴。

            You can display these timelines in any layout(vertical / horizontal) or design.        


          • Easily Add Shortcode Using Smart Generator:-

          • 使用Smart Generator轻松添加简码:-

            If you are using classic code editor inside WordPress while adding new page or post then you can easily add shortcode inside any page by using smart shortcode generator tool inside your code editor.    


          • Gutenberg / Elementor / WPBakery:-

          • Gutenberg / Elementor / WPBakery:-

            First publish stories one by one then you can show these stories in a timeline layout easily inside any page builder :- Gutenberg blocks, Elementor or WPBakery.        


          • Show Custom Label Instead Of Date:-

          • 显示自定义标签而不是日期:-

            Cool Timeline Pro provides a features to show custom text in-place of date/time in timeline.

            Cool Timeline Pro提供了一项功能,可以在时间轴中的日期/时间位置显示自定义文本。

            You can add custom text and custom story order easily via simple settings while adding a timeline story.        


          • Timeline In Any Order ASC / DESC:-

          • 按任意顺序排列的时间轴ASC / DESC:-

            Timeline shortcode provides an option to show timeline in any order, you can show either ascending or descending order according to your needs.        


          • Show Filters In Timeline:-

          • 在时间轴中显示过滤器:-

            You can show category based filters above a timeline and user can see different category based timelines on one page by selecting a filter/category.        


          • Blog Posts Timeline:-

          • 博客帖子时间轴:-

            You can show your website blog posts on any page in a timeline layout using Cool Timeline Pro.

            您可以使用Cool Timeline Pro在时间轴布局中的任何页面上显示网站博客文章。

            Also you can represent any post-type in timeline layout by simply adding post-type slug in timeline shortcode.        

            您也可以通过在时间线简码中简单地添加post-type slug来表示时间轴布局中的任何post-type。        

          • Ajax Load More And Pagination Support:-

          • Ajax加载更多和分页支持:-

            Cool Timeline Pro provides both features – pagination and load more.

            Cool Timeline Pro提供了两项功能–分页和加载更多功能。

            If you have a lot of stories inside your timeline then you can add pagination or load more button after a particular number of stories in your timeline.        


          • Scrolling Navigation:-

          • 滚动导航:-

            You can show a small scrolling navigation in your timeline page for quick timeline navigation.


            A user can quickly and easily reach to a particular year story by this small timeline navigation.        


          • FontAwesome or Custom Image Icons:-

          • FontAwesome或自定义图像图标:-

            You can show fontawesome or custom image icon along with every story inside your timeline.        


          • Show HTML or Read More Inside Timeline:-

          • 在时间轴内显示HTML或阅读更多内容:-

            You can show links, bold text or any custom HTML tag inside timeline stories or you can also show a read more link to full story page or any custom url.        


          • Add Any Date Format Inside Timeline:-

          • 在时间轴内添加任何日期格式:-

            You can represent timeline dates inside any date format, just add a date format inside your shortcode and it will show date/year in your desired format.


            Check this url:- https://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time        

            检查此网址:- https://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time         

          • 15+ Animation Effects:-

          • 15种以上的动画效果:-

            Cool Timeline Pro provides 15+ cool animation effects for a premium timeline design experience.        

            Cool Timeline Pro提供15种以上的超酷动画效果,可提供出色的时间轴设计体验。        

          • Premium Support For Pro Users:-

          • 面向Pro用户的高级支持:-

            We provide premium support service to our Pro users.


            If you face any issue while creating your dream timeline inside your website, just drop us a mail at here – contact@coolplugins.net

            如果您在网站内创建梦想时间表时遇到任何问题,只需在此处给我们发送邮件- contact@coolplugins.net

            and we will provide a solution in 24 hours.        


          Where can you use Cool Timeline plugin?

          您在哪里可以使用Cool Timeline插件?

          You can show history/future stories, events, appointments and many other cool things using our Cool Timeline plugin.


          Here are all areas where you can use this plugin:-


            • Represent your company story.
            • 代表您的公司故事。

            • Showcase tutorial/process steps in timeline format.
            • 以时间轴格式展示教程/过程步骤。

            • Create a program timeline.
            • 创建一个计划时间表

            • Timeline is best way to represent history.
            • 时间轴是代表历史的最佳方式。

            • Create events / appointments timeline.
            • 创建事件/约会时间表。

            • Job stories / achievements timeline.
            • 工作故事/成就时间表。

            • Personal story timeline.
            • 个人故事时间表

            We have tried our best to create an awesome timeline plugin but still if you face any installation, coding or design error, you can


            ="nofollow">contact us anytime.

            =“ nofollow”>随时与我们联系。

            Also remember to try our Cool Timeline Pro version for extra cool features and design options.

            另外,请记住尝试使用我们的Cool Timeline Pro版本以获得更多出色的功能和设计选项。

            Buy Cool Timeline Pro |

            plugin%2F17046256“ rel =” nofollow“>购买Cool Timeline Pro |

            Check Timeline Pro Documentation

            查看Timeline Pro文档


3 Ways To Install Cool Timeline


    1. Automatically install our plugin via WordPress admin panel:- Open your WordPress website admin panel and go to Plugins > Click Add New & search 'Cool Timeline' at here >

    2. 通过WordPress管理面板自动安装我们的插件:-打开WordPress网站管理面板,然后转到“插件”>单击“添加新内容并在此处搜索“ 酷时间表” ”>

      Here you will find our plugin > Now click on install button > After this you will see a activate button > Just activate it to use Cool Timeline inside your website.

    3. 在这里,您会找到我们的插件>现在单击安装按钮>之后,您将看到一个激活按钮>只需激活它即可在您的网站内使用Cool Timeline。

    4. Install via Zip file:- In this method first you need to download our plugin from wordpress plugins directory.

    5. 通过Zip文件安装:--首先,您需要从wordpress插件目录下载我们的插件。

      Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/cool-timeline/ & Download Cool Timeline.

      转到https://wordpress.org/plugins/cool-timeline/和下载Cool Timeline

      After this inside your WP-admin panel, click on Plugins > Add New > Upload Button.

      之后,在WP-admin面板中,单击Plugins> Add New> Upload Button。

      Now choose the plugin zip file that you just downloaded from wordpress plugins directory & activate it.

    6. 现在,选择刚刚从wordpress插件目录下载的插件zip文件并激活它。

    7. Install plugin via FTP:- In this method you also first need to download plugin zip file from wordpress plugins directory.

    8. 通过FTP安装插件:-使用这种方法,您还首先需要从wordpress插件目录下载插件zip文件。

      After this open your FTP manager and Go to > wp-content/plugins folder.

      之后,打开您的FTP管理器,然后转到> wp-content / plugins文件夹。

      Here you need to upload extracted version of Cool Timeline (please remember don’t upload zip file directly at here).


      After this you can activate plugin from wp-admin panel plugins page.

    9. 之后,您可以从wp-admin面板插件页面激活插件。

    Create Timeline


      • After installation and plugin activation, you will find 2 extra tabs in Wp-admin panel sidebar – Timeline Stories and Cool Timeline.
      • 安装和激活插件后,您将在Wp-admin面板侧栏中找到2个其他选项卡-时间轴故事酷时间轴

      • Under “Cool Timeline” tab, you can select different colors, fonts and other design options of timeline according to your website style.
      • 在“ 酷的时间轴”标签下,您可以根据自己的网站样式选择不同的颜色,字体和时间轴的其他设计选项。

      • Under “Timeline Stories” tab, You can add all of your stories by selecting appropriate date and year.
      • 在“ 时间轴故事”标签下,您可以通过选择适当的日期和年份来添加所有故事。

      • After adding all of your stories, Go to Pages > Add New, Here you can create a timeline by using our in-build short-code generator or simply place this short-code – [cool-timeline].

      • 添加所有故事后,转到页面>添加新内容,您可以在此处使用我们的内置短代码生成器来创建时间线,也可以直接放置此短代码– [cool-timeline]。



      Final Words!


      If you are facing any difficulty in Cool Timeline plugin installation then you can contact our support at here – contact@coolplugins.net

      如果您在安装 Cool Timeline 插件时遇到任何困难,则可以在此处与我们的支持联系– contact@coolplugins.net





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