[wordpress插件] CCPA Opt-Out by CookieProCookiePro退出CCPA

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-02 11:00 519 0 全屏看文



Customize and add a Do Not Sell button to your website to provide a transparent mechanism for website visitors to opt out of the sale of their personal data and exercise their consumer rights.




Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and Nevada Privacy Law, website visitors have the right to opt out of the sale of their personal information.


The CookiePro Do Not Sell Plugin provides an easy way for website owners to meet the Do Not Sell requirement through a user-friendly, customizable interface that doesn’t require any coding experience.


With two implementation options, it’s easy to add a floating action button or link anywhere on your website.


Once published, website visitors can click on the button to view key information such as your privacy notice, contact information, and data subject request form as well as the ability to opt-out of personalized advertisements.




    • Customize a Do Not Sell floating action button with real-time preview updates
    • 使用实时预览更新自定义“不出售”浮动操作按钮

    • Add key contact information to floating action button
    • 将主要联系人信息添加到浮动操作按钮

    • Include a consumer rights request form from CookiePro

    • 包括来自CookiePro的消费者权利要求表

        • Optional: Sign up for a CookiePro account to create a Consumer Rights form that can be linked from your Do Not Sell action button.

        • 可选:注册一个CookiePro帐户以创建一个“消费者权益”表格,该表格可以通过“不出售”操作按钮进行链接。

          Visit CookiePro.com to get started.

        • 访问 CookiePro.com 开始。

      • Allow users to opt-out of personalized advertisements
      • 允许用户选择退出个性化广告

      Getting Started


        1. Install and activate the CookiePro Do Not Sell plugin on your WordPress website.

        2. 在WordPress网站上安装并激活CookiePro请勿出售插件。

            • Once activated, the CookiePro CCPA plugin will appear in the left-hand navigation of your dashboard.
            • 激活后,CookiePro CCPA插件将出现在仪表板的左侧导航中。

          • Customize your Do Not Sell button and modal.

          • 自定义“不出售”按钮和模式。

              • Optional: Copy and paste the CookiePro Consumer Rights form link into the CookiePro CCPA plugin.
              • 可选:将CookiePro消费者权益表单链接复制并粘贴到CookiePro CCPA插件中。

            • Click save, press publish, and the icon and modal will be added to your website.
            • 单击“保存”,然后按“发布”,图标和模式将被添加到您的网站中。

        About CookiePro


        CookiePro is the most mature and trusted cookie consent tool that is purpose-built for compliance with CCPA, GDPR, ePrivacy, and IAB framework.


        CookiePro offers an advanced consent solution with products for cookie compliance, mobile app compliance and consumer & subject rights requests.


        These products can be used together or individually to power your consent solution.


        Main features include:


          • Automatically scan and categorize cookies on your website
          • 自动扫描和分类您网站上的cookie

          • Customize your cookie banner and preview before publishing
          • 自定义您的Cookie标语并在发布前进行预览

          • Configure consent models by geolocation (Show only in EU)
          • 按地理位置配置同意模型(仅在欧盟显示)

          • Respect prior consent and Do Not Track browser settings
          • 尊重事先同意,不要追踪浏览器设置

          • Granular preferences center and ability to withdraw consent
          • 粒度偏好中心和撤消同意的能力

          • Complete records of consent to demonstrate compliance
          • 完整的同意记录以证明其合规性

          • Generate and maintain an always up-to-date cookie policy
          • 生成并维护始终最新的Cookie政策

          • Audit website for changes through scheduled website scans
          • 审核网站以通过计划的网站扫描进行更改

          • View previously published versions saved in a script archive
          • 查看保存在脚本档案中的先前发布的版本

          • Leverage built-in templates with multilingual support (50+ languages)
          • 利用具有多语言支持的内置模板(50多种语言)

          How to sign up for a cookiepro account




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