[wordpress插件] 千易网盘(新版)Qianyi Network Disk (New Version)

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-20 13:30 837 0 全屏看文






= 相? ?网站 =

= Phase?? Website =

* 歪世界

* Crooked World

* 插件主页

* plugin homepage

* 千易官网主页

* Qianyi official website homepage

* 千易API开发? 页面

* Qianyi API Development? Page


New version features

    • 在可视化编辑器中新增快速上传按钮
    • Add quick upload button in visual editor

    • 在HTML代码编辑器中新增快速上传按钮
    • Add quick upload button in HTML code editor


    New version fix

      • 对3721UP更新为千易对API的更改做了相应更改
      • Updated 3721UP to Qianyi and made corresponding changes to the API


      Important note

        • There should be a permission for you to use this plugin's api. You can goto register an account on page http:/

          There should be a permission for you to use this plugin's api. You can goto register an account on page http: /



          Then add you domain to the authority list.

          Then add you domain to the authority list.

        • (在使用该插件之前,你需要去千易的官方网站注册一个账号,并添加你的网站域名到? ?许列表中.3721up会给你一个随即txt文件让你上传到你的网站

          (Before using this plugin, you need to go to Qianyi's official website to register an account and add your website domain name to the?? list. 3721up will give you a txt file for you to upload to your website

          根目录以验证你是网站的所有? .)

          Root directory to verify that you are the owner of the site?.)


    1. Download and install it.
    2. Download and install it.

    (下载此插件并安? 到wordpress中.)

    (Download this plugin and install it into wordpress.)

      1. Register an account form the page (http://1000eb.net/Reg.aspx) for

      2. Register an account form the page ( http://1000eb.net/Reg.aspx ) for

        the permission the 3721up for you.

      3. the permission the 3721up for you.


      (You need to register an account on this page to have access to the plugin API.)

        1. login on this page http://1000eb.net/ and add your domain to the authority list
        2. login on this page http://1000eb.net/ and add your domain to the authority list

        (到http://1000eb.net/ 登录并添加你的网站域名到? ?许列表中

        (Go to http://1000eb.net/ Log in and add your website domain name to the?? list



          1. paste the code in the 3721up plugin setting page
          2. paste the code in the 3721up plugin setting page


          (Add your API code to the 3721up background settings panel)

            1. Now you can use this plugin!
            2. Now you can use this plugin!


            (At this point you can use this plugin normally.)








钻级赞助商 我要加入



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