[wordpress插件] Contributors' Posts贡献者的帖子

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-01 18:50 505 0 全屏看文



This plugin is useful for those who want to add to your blog Columnists or other Characters without having to create new WordPress Users, you can associate these contributors also to pages and posts.


It can also be useful to writers who wish to create posts that relate to the characters in their stories, or as if they were the characters of their own stories to write them.


With this plugin you can add Contributors’ Posts, Contributors and, through shortcode, add content to posts, or through widgets, add to the sidebar lists or details of contributors and their posts.


Plugin localized with PoEdit.


Localization made: Italian (me).


Follow the updates of the plugin subscribing to http://simone.paolucci.name/wordpress/plugins/contributorsposts/contributorsposts.rss.php


ToDo Section


Nothing to do at the moment.


I accept your suggestions.



    1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/
    2. 上传到您的插件文件夹,通常为 wp-content / plugins /

    3. If you want, use the plugin ‘Taxonomy Images’ for show image for Contributors

    4. 如果需要,可以使用插件“ Taxonomy Images”作为贡献者的展示图片

      ( https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/taxonomy-images/ )

    5. (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/taxonomy-images/)

    6. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen
    7. 在插件屏幕上激活插件

    8. If necessary, regenerate permalinks in order to display the archive of the Contributors
    9. 如有必要,请重新生成永久链接以显示贡献者的档案

    10. As you want, copy the file style.css in custom-style.css (same directory) and set your rules of style
    11. 根据需要,将文件style.css复制到custom-style.css(相同目录)中,并设置样式规则

    12. As you want, create in your theme directory the single.php in single-contributorpost.php
    13. 根据需要,在主题目录中的single-contributorpost.php中创建single.php

    14. As you want, create in your theme directory the archive.php in archive-contributorpost.php
    15. 根据需要,在主题目录中创建archive-contributorpost.php中的archive.php

    16. Go to ‘Contributors Posts Settings’ -> ‘Generale Settings’ and configure HTML for your theme
    17. 转到“贡献者帖子设置”->“常规设置”并为您的主题配置HTML

    18. Go to ‘Contributors Posts Settings’ -> ‘Customize Contributor, Category and Tag Setting’ and configure which post_type associate contributors,

    19. 转到“贡献者帖子设置”->“自定义贡献者,类别和标签设置”,并配置哪些post_type关联贡献者,

      where show contributors posts, and if activate special plugin page for show contributor post and archive.

    20. 显示贡献者帖子的位置,以及是否激活显示贡献者帖子和存档的特殊插件页面。

    21. Use plugin ‘Widget Css Classes’ for set more class to div widget

    22. 使用插件“ Widget Css类”为div小部件设置更多类

      ( https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-css-classes/screenshots/ )

    23. (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-css-classes/screenshots/)

    24. Use plugin ‘Rich Text Tags’ for add html feature at taxonomy description (e.g.: to write a biography of contributor)

    25. 使用插件“富文本标签”在分类说明中添加html功能(例如:撰写贡献者的传记)

      ( https://wordpress.org/pluginsich-text-tags/screenshots/ )

    26. (https://wordpress.org/pluginsich-text-tags/screenshots/)

