[wordpress插件] Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin象牙搜索– WordPress搜索插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-31 04:00 848 0 全屏看文






Ivory Search is a simple to use advanced WordPress search plugin.


It enhances the default WordPress search and also allows you to create new custom search forms.


With Ivory Search, you can create an unlimited number of search forms and configure each search form individually to customize WordPress search and perform different types of searches on site content.


Display the custom search forms on site header, footer, sidebar or widget area, navigation or menu, on pages, posts, custom post types or anywhere on the site using its shortcodes.


Note: The styling of the search form highly depends on how your theme styles it.


If your theme does not style search form correctly then to style it get free support from Ivory Search Support.




Have any doubt or question?


Feel free to ask it using Contact Form.




    Key Features


      • Search WooCommerce products.
      • 搜索WooCommerce产品。

      • Search images, files and attachments.
      • 搜索图像,文件和附件。

      • Customize search form using customizer.
      • 使用定制程序定制搜索表单。

      • Search using AJAX search.
      • 使用AJAX搜索进行搜索。

      • Create unlimited number of search forms.
      • 创建无限数量的搜索表单。

      • Configure each search forms separately.
      • 分别配置每个搜索表单。

      • Configure search form to search specific content.
      • 配置搜索表单以搜索特定内容。

      • Exclude specific content from search results.
      • 从搜索结果中排除特定内容。

      • Display Search Forms anywhere on your site.
      • 在您网站的任何位置显示搜索表单。

      • Supports multilingual search.
      • 支持多语言搜索。

      • Integrates with popular plugins such as WooCommerce, Polylang, bbPress, WPML etc.
      • 与流行的插件集成,例如WooCommerce,Polylang,bbPress,WPML等。

      AJAX Search or Live Search


        • Convert any search form including default search form to AJAX search form.
        • 将任何搜索表单(包括默认搜索表单)转换为AJAX搜索表单。

        • Search posts, pages, WooCommerce products, images, files or any custom post type using AJAX search.
        • 使用AJAX搜索来搜索帖子,页面,WooCommerce产品,图像,文件或任何自定义帖子类型。

        • Exclude any specific content from AJAX search.
        • 从AJAX搜索中排除任何特定内容。

        Search Form Customizer


          • Use customizer to change search form colors and its text.
          • 使用定制程序来更改搜索表单的颜色及其文本。

          • Choose any search form style from various search forms.
          • 从各种搜索表单中选择任何搜索表单样式。

          Search Specific Content


            • Search specific post types such as post, page, product, attachment, forum etc.
            • 搜索特定的帖子类型,例如帖子,页面,产品,附件,论坛等。

            • Search in post title.
            • 搜索帖子标题。

            • Search in post content.
            • 搜索帖子内容。

            • Search in post excerpt.
            • 搜索文章摘录。

            • Search posts having specific category or taxonomy terms.
            • 搜索具有特定类别或分类术语的帖子。

            • Search in category or taxonomy terms title.
            • 搜索类别或分类术语标题。

            • Search in category or taxonomy terms description.
            • 搜索类别或分类术语描述。

            • Search posts having specific custom fields or metadata.
            • 搜索具有特定自定义字段或元数据的帖子。

            • Search WooCommerce products SKU.

            • 搜索WooCommerce产品SKU。


            • [高级]

            • Search WooCommerce products variation.

            • 搜索WooCommerce产品变体。


            • [高级]

            • Search posts created by specific authors.

            • 搜索由特定作者创建的帖子。


            • [高级]

            • Search in author Display name and display the posts created by that author.
            • 搜索作者显示名称并显示该作者创建的帖子。

            • Search posts having specific statuses.

            • 搜索具有特定状态的帖子。


            • [高级]

            • Search posts having specific number of comments.

            • 搜索具有特定评论数的帖子。


            • [高级]

            • Search in approved comments content.
            • 搜索批准的评论内容。

            • Search posts created in specific date.
            • 搜索在特定日期创建的帖子。

            • Search only password protected posts.
            • 仅搜索受密码保护的帖子。

            • Search only posts without passwords.
            • 仅搜索没有密码的帖子。

            • Search all posts with and without passwords.
            • 搜索所有带密码或不带密码的帖子。

            • Search specific files, MIME type or media attachments such as images, audio, videos, PDF, documents etc. [Premium]
            • 搜索特定文件,MIME类型或媒体附件,例如图像,音频,视频,PDF,文档等。[Premium]

            • Search in the title, caption and description of images, attachments and media.
            • 搜索图像,附件和媒体的标题,标题和描述。

            • Search in multiple languages as the plugin supports multilingual plugins such as Polylang, WPML etc.
            • 多种语言搜索,因为该插件支持多语言插件,例如Polylang,WPML等。

            Exclude Specific Content From Search


              • Exclude specific post types from search.
              • 从搜索中排除特定的帖子类型。

              • Exclude specific posts, pages, WooCommerce Products, Media Attachments, forums or any custom post type from search.
              • 从搜索中排除特定的帖子,页面,WooCommerce产品,媒体附件,论坛或任何自定义帖子类型。

              • Do not search in the post title.
              • 不要搜索帖子标题。

              • Configure to not search in post content.
              • 配置为不搜索帖子内容。

              • Configure to not search in post excerpt.
              • 配置为不在摘要中搜索。

              • Exclude posts from search having specific category or taxonomy terms.
              • 从搜索中排除具有特定类别或分类术语的帖子。

              • Exclude posts from search having specific custom fields or metadata.

              • 从搜索中排除具有特定自定义字段或元数据的帖子。


              • [高级]

              • Exclude ‘out of stock’ WooCommerce products from search.

              • 从搜索中排除“缺货” WooCommerce产品。


              • [高级]

              • Exclude posts from search created by specific authors.

              • 从特定作者创建的搜索中排除帖子。


              • [高级]

              • Exclude posts from search having specific statuses.

              • 从搜索中排除具有特定状态的帖子。


              • [高级]

              • Exclude sticky posts from search.
              • 从搜索中排除粘性帖子。

              • Exclude posts from search having specific number of comments.
              • 从搜索中排除具有特定评论数的帖子。

              • Exclude posts from search created before or after specific dates.
              • 从特定日期之前或之后创建的搜索中排除帖子。

              • Exclude password protected posts from search.
              • 从搜索中排除受密码保护的帖子。

              • Exclude posts from search without passwords.
              • 从搜索中排除没有密码的帖子。

              • Exclude images, audios, videos, PDF, documents, attachments, files, media, file type or MIME type from search.

              • 从搜索中排除图像,音频,视频,PDF,文档,附件,文件,媒体,文件类型或MIME类型。


              • [高级]

              Control and Extend Search


                • Display search form in navigation menu and configure its functionality.
                • 在导航菜单中显示搜索表单并配置其功能。

                • Configure the number of posts to display in search results.
                • 配置要显示在搜索结果中的帖子数。

                • Highlight search terms on the search results page.
                • 在搜索结果页面上突出显示搜索词。

                • Order posts in ascending or descending order of date, relevance, id, author, title, type, name, comment count, menu order or entirely random.

                • 按照日期,相关性,ID,作者,标题,类型,名称,评论数,菜单顺序或完全随机的升序或降序排列帖子。


                • [高级]

                • Display or hide sticky posts at the top of the search results page.
                • 在搜索结果页面顶部显示或隐藏即时贴。

                • Display an error page or list all posts for empty search queries.
                • 显示错误页面或列出所有空搜索查询的帖子。

                • Display search forms only to site administrators while testing, before going live.
                • 在上线之前,仅在测试时向站点管理员显示搜索表单。

                • Disable an individual search form or disable searching site wide.
                • 禁用单个搜索表单或禁用整个站点的搜索。

                • Configure stop words which are excluded from search.
                • 配置从搜索中排除的停用词。

                • Option to add word synonyms to provide more relevant search results.
                • 添加单词同义词以提供更多相关搜索结果的选项。

                • Display post_type argument in the search query URL and restrict search to it.
                • 在搜索查询URL中显示post_type参数,并将搜索限制为它。

                • Search posts having all or any of the selected category or taxonomy terms.
                • 搜索具有所有或任何选定类别或分类法术语的帖子。

                • Display content having any or all the searched terms.
                • 显示具有任何或所有搜索词的内容。

                • Fuzzy Matching – Search posts that include the whole search term or search words in the posts that begins or ends with the search term.
                • 模糊匹配–在整个搜索词中包含搜索词或以搜索词开头或结尾的词中的搜索词。

                • Keyword Stemming – Also searches base word of searched keyword.

                • 关键字阻止–还搜索所搜索关键字的基本单词。


                • [高级]

                Note: some of the features are Premium marked as [Premium].


                To have access to those features you will need Ivory Search Premium.

                要使用这些功能,您需要Ivory Search Premium。

                You can get Ivory Search Premium here!


                We enhanced and re-wrote old Add Search To Menu plugin from the ground up and Add Search To Menu has renamed to Ivory Search.




                Need Help?


                Get Ivory Search support.




                Any suggestions or comments are welcome.


                Feel free to contact us using this Contact form.









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