[wordpress插件] Contact Page with Click to Call by MightyCall单击“通过MightyCall呼叫”的联系页面

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 17:10 695 0 全屏看文



Possibly the best “Contact Us” experience for your small business.


The MightyCall Contact page enables you to connect your web visitors & their requests directly to all of your business, not just to an email account.


Centralize, delegate & ensure follow-up of your customer requests with MightyCall.


Available in the US and Canada markets.


MightyCall Contact Page At-a-glance


    • Adopts the look and feel of your theme and looks very natural in your design
    • 采用主题的外观,并且在设计中看起来非常自然

    • Includes your business name, address, phone numbers, emails and business hours
    • 包括您的公司名称,地址,电话号码,电子邮件和营业时间

    • Generates a Google map of your office’s location
    • 生成办公室位置的 Google地图

    • Optimized for mobile devices
    • 针对移动设备 进行了优化

    • Builds directions for those who are on the way to your office so they can estimate the time of arrival, taking the traffic into consideration
    • 为前往您办公室的人提供指导,以便他们可以在考虑到交通的情况下估算到达时间

    • Allows you to show images of your building, location, parking, etc. in a photo carousel
    • 允许您在照片转盘中显示建筑物,位置,停车场等的图像

    • Includes Social Media buttons to make it easy to find you on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn
    • 包括社交媒体按钮,可轻松在Twitter,Facebook,Google +或LinkedIn上找到您

    • Downloadable vCard allows visitors to easily add your business to their contacts
    • 可下载的 vCard ,访问者可以轻松地将您的业务添加到他们的联系人中

    • No programming!

    • 无需编程!

      Simply add it as a contact page or use a shortcode or widget on existing pages

    • 只需将其添加为联系页面,或在现有页面上使用简码小工具

    Plus more:


      • Integrated click-to-call lets visitors instantly call your business from their computer at no charge to them (30 minutes included)
      • 集成的点击通话,访问者可以从他们的计算机上立即免费拨打您的公司电话(包括30分钟)

      • Contact form makes it easier for your clients to request a callback or email reply
      • 联系表格使您的客户更容易请求回叫或通过电子邮件回复

      • Centralized Activity Queue collects all client requests, tasks and interactions in one feed
      • 集中式活动队列在一个供稿中收集所有客户请求,任务和交互

      MightyCall Contact Page is managed through account on MightyCall.com.


      To get an account, register with MightyCall.


      After registration you can get all benefits from MightyCall’s business phone service with local, toll-free or international business numbers and texting capabilities.


      Configure Your Contact Form Easily in a Visual Editor


      Configure your MightyCall Contact Page in just a few clicks.


      With the free MightyCall visual editor, you can turn on and off blocks on your contact page, specify your company name, business hours, address, contact information and upload images to show them on your contact page in a carousel.


      All changes you make in the visual editor are immediately available wherever your contact page is displayed, including your WordPress website.


      Add Email, Callback, Social Media And Even Direct Calls Support


      Allow your website visitors to contact your business with no friction!


      MightyCall Contact Page brings together a selection of the most popular communication channels including email, callback and email request, social media links, and voice calls available directly from your website.


      Your clients can pick the most convenient channel for the moment whether they are in the office, at home or even walking down the street.


      Add Business Phone and Text Capabilities!


      Whether your customers are all over the US and Canada, or closer to home, MightyCall has your number.


      We offer toll-free numbers (1-800/1-888) with any of our paid plans and have local US and Canadian numbers for any area code.

      我们提供任何付费计划的免费电话号码(1-800 / 1-888),并且任何区号都有美国和加拿大的本地电话号码。

      To make your number more memorable for clients, how about a vanity or custom number featuring your business name, a catchphrase, or just something easy to remember?


      We have thousands of numbers that will work for you and your business.


      Also MightyCall lets you send vital, short information via SMS/text message from your smartphone or PC.


      The Business SMS feature (text messaging, texting) allows you to send and receive text messages from and to your MightyCall local (non toll-free) business number.


      Recipients can reply via their native SMS.


      Business phone and Text features require MightyCall subscription to a “Standard” or “Ultimate” plan.


      MightyCall Activity Queue


      MightyCall allows you to track different types of activities.


      These include (based on your plan): missed calls, callback and email requests, to do items, missed calls, voicemails, Twitter and Facebook mentions and SMS (text messages).


      You would be able to see all of these Activities at the MightyCall Activities section, and MightyCall will take care of how long should it take to react to each of them.

      您可以在“ MightyCall活动”部分看到所有这些活动,MightyCall会考虑对每个活动做出反应需要多长时间。

      You can add notes, assign follow-up to your team members and make sure that every request is followed through.


      For more information, visit the Plug-in page for the MightyCall Contact Page, email us at support@mightycall.com or give us a call on +1 (888) 256-8312, +1 (888) 550-7272

      有关更多信息,请访问MightyCall联系人页面的插件页面,通过support@mightycall.com向我们发送电子邮件,或致电+1(888)256-8312,+ 1(888)550-7272



Plugin Installation for WordPress


    1. Go to your WP Admin Panel -> Plugins -> Add New
    2. 转到您的WP管理面板->插件->添加新

    3. Under Search, type in “MightyCall”, click search
    4. 在“搜索”下,键入“ MightyCall”,然后单击搜索

    5. In the search results locate the listing for “Contact Page with Click to Call by MightyCall” then click “Install Now” to install the plugin.
    6. 在搜索结果中找到“单击以通过MightyCall进行呼叫的联系页”列表,然后单击“立即安装”以安装插件。

    7. After the plugin installation has completed, click “Activate”.
    8. 插件安装完成后,单击“激活”。

    9. To setup the plugin, click on the “MightyCall” tab that is now available on your left side bar
    10. 要设置插件,请单击左侧栏上现在可用的“ MightyCall”标签

    How do I create a Contact form?


      1. The Contact form is created using the Visual Page Editor on the mightycall.com website.

      2. “联系方式”表单是使用mayycall.com网站上的可视页面编辑器创建的。

        You link the form to the plugin via the provided MightyCall ID.

        您通过提供的MightyCall ID将表单链接到插件。

      3. To get your MightyCall ID signup for Standard or Ultimate toll-plans at https://secure.mightycall.com/.
      4. 在https://secure.mightycall.com/上获得标准或最终收费计划的MightyCall ID注册。

      5. Log into your MightyCall account and complete basic configuration of the Contact form found by clicking on the “Web” menu item.

      6. 登录到您的MightyCall帐户,并通过单击“ Web”菜单项完成找到的“联系”表单的基本配置。

      7. Click on the “Get Widget Code” button on the top of the screen Contact Us Page editor screen.

      8. 单击“联系我们”页面编辑器屏幕顶部的“获取小部件代码”按钮。

        Click on the tab for “Wordpress Code” to reveal the ID.

        单击“ Wordpress代码”选项卡以显示ID。

        Click on the “Copy to Clipboard” button.


      9. Return to your WP admin panel and click on the MightyCall tab.

      10. 返回到WP管理面板,然后单击MightyCall选项卡。

        Within the MightyCall plugin settings, specify the ID and click “Save Changes”.


      How do I use the sidebar widgets?


        1. To install a sidebar widget to the website open the Appearance, Widgets section of the your WordPress Admin Panel
        2. 要将侧栏小部件安装到网站,请打开WordPress管理面板的“外观,小部件”部分。

        3. Select the type of the widget you would like to use and drag and drop it to the sidebar panel
        4. 选择您要使用的小部件的类型,并将其拖放到侧边栏面板中

        5. Click “Save” button to apply the changes
        6. 点击“保存”按钮以应用更改





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