[wordpress插件] Contact Form Email联系表格电子邮件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 14:10 19139 0 全屏看文



Contact Form to Email features:


► Email delivery & notifications


► Saves messages into database


► Export to Excel / CSV

►导出到Excel / CSV

► Printable list of messages


► Visual drag and drop form builder


► Anti-spam captcha


► Field validation


► Printable reports


► One-click contact form


► Classic and ajax submission available


► Automatic email reports


► Supports GDPR compliant forms


► ... and more features (see below)


The Contact Form to Email is a powerful and easy WordPress plugin to create contact forms and send their data email addresses.




Contact Form to Email also saves the contact form data into a database, provides printable reports and the option to export selected


data to CSV/Excel files.

数据保存到CSV / Excel 文件。

Contact Form to Email Main Features:


    • Email delivery / notifications: The contact form data is sent by email to one or more email addresses.

    • 电子邮件传递/通知::联系表数据通过电子邮件发送到一个或多个电子邮件地址。

      It also supports the configuration of auto-replies to the user who filled the contact form.

    • 它还支持配置自动填写联系人表格的用户。

    • Form data saved into the database: Avoid losing submissions and keep a record of the received contact form messages.
    • 已将表单数据保存到数据库中:避免丢失提交并保留接收到的联系表单消息的记录。

    • Printable list of messages: Get the list of contacts received from the contact form within a selected date range and print it.
    • 可打印的邮件列表:获取在选定日期范围内从联系人表单收到的联系人列表,并打印出来。

    • Export data to CSV/Excel: Export the contact form data to a standard format that can be used by other applications.

    • 将数据导出到CSV / Excel::将联系人表单数据导出为其他应用程序可以使用的标准格式。

      Export the email addresses and other contact form data using date and text search filters.

    • 使用日期和文本搜索过滤器导出电子邮件地址和其他联系表数据。

    • Automatic reports: Provide automatic reports of the contact form usage and data entered into the form.

    • 自动报告::提供有关联系表单使用情况和输入到表单中的数据的自动报告。

      Report of daily submissions and accumulative hourly report.


      Printable reports for specific fields into the contact form.


      Helps you to understand your data.

    • 帮助您了解数据。

    • Automatic email reports: Automatic reports sent to the indicated email addresses on a regular period.
    • 自动电子邮件报告:定期将自动报告发送到指定的电子邮件地址。

    • Form Validation: Set validation rules for each contact form field.

    • 表单验证:为每个联系人表单字段设置验证规则。

      Keep your data clean.

    • 保持数据干净。

    • Anti-spam protection: Built-it captcha anti-spam protection.

    • 反垃圾邮件防护:内置的验证码反垃圾邮件防护。

      No need to rely on external services for the contact form anti-spam protection.

    • 无需依赖外部服务即可获得联系表单的反垃圾邮件保护。

    • Drag and drop contact form builder: A basic and easy to use contact form builder for customizing the form fields and form validation.
    • 拖放联系人表单生成器:基本且易于使用的联系人表单生成器,用于自定义表单字段和表单验证。

    • Customizable email messages: Specify the text of the contact form email notifications.

    • 可自定义的电子邮件:指定联系人表单电子邮件通知的文本。

      Supports both plain text emails and HTML formatted emails.

    • 同时支持纯文本电子邮件和HTML格式的电子邮件。

    • Multi language support: The contact form builder allows to enter the field labels and validations in any language.

    • 多语言支持:联系表单构建器允许以任何语言输入字段标签和验证。

      It supports special characters.

    • 它支持特殊字符。

    • Classic and Ajax submission: After clicking the submit button the user can be redirected to a “thank you” page or a “thank you” message can be displayed in the same form page without having to

    • 经典和Ajax提交::单击提交按钮后,可以将用户重定向到“谢谢”页面,或者可以在同一表单页面中显示“谢谢”消息,而无需

      refresh it.


      This can be configured in the settings.

    • 可以在设置中进行配置。

    • Enable/Disable notifications: Both email notifications to administrators and email confirmation to users can be optionally enabled or disabled form the settings area.
    • 启用/禁用通知:可以在设置区域中选择启用或禁用发给管理员的电子邮件通知和发给用户的电子邮件确认。

    Contact Form to Email – More features


    There are also commercial versions of the Contact Form to Email with other features not listed here that can be get at https://form2email.dwbooster.com/download

    也有商业版的“联系表格以电子邮件发送”功能,此处未列出其他功能,可从https://form2email.dwbooster.com/download 获取。

    Commercial version can be converted in a payment form / booking form with integration with mulitple payment gateways: PayPal Standard, PayPal Pro, Stripe, Authorize.net, Skrill, Mollie / iDeal, TargetPay / iDeal, SagePay, RedSys TPV and Sage

    商业版本可以转换为付款方式/预订方式,并与多种付款网关集成:PayPal Standard,PayPal Pro,Stripe,Authorize.net,Skrill,Mollie / iDeal,TargetPay / iDeal,SagePay,RedSys TPV和Sage



    Payments are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) – Directive (EU).

    付款支持SCA就绪(强大的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)–指令(EU)兼容。

    Commercial version also features a ultra-powerful visual form builder, file upload fields, conditional logic, multi-page forms, WooCommerce integration, Mailchimp integration, Clickatell and Twilio SMS integration, iCal attachments, signature fields to sign with the mouse or

    商业版还具有超强大的可视表单生成器,文件上传字段,条件逻辑,多页面表单,WooCommerce集成,Mailchimp集成,Clickatell和Twilio SMS集成,iCal附件,签名字段,可使用鼠标或

    directly in the touchscreens, etc…


    Contact Form to Email Messages List


    The messages list helps to check the past contact form submissions and print or export them.


    Includes a search/filter form with the following options:


      • Search for: Search for a text into the contact form messages.
      • 搜索:在联系人表单消息中搜索文本。

      • From … to: Date interval to be included in the listeports.
      • 从…到:要包含在列表/报告中的日期间隔。

      • Item: You can have more than one contact form.

      • 项目:您可以有多个联系表格。

        Select here if you want to get the results of a specific contact form or from all contact forms.

      • 如果要获取特定联系表或所有联系表的结果,请选择此处。

      • Filter: Shows the list according to the selected filters/options.
      • 过滤器:根据所选过滤器/选项显示列表。

      • Export to CSV: Export the CSV data according to the selected filters/options.
      • 导出为CSV:根据选定的过滤器/选项导出CSV数据。

      The CSV file will contain a first row with the field names and the next rows will contain one contact form submission per row, with one for field on each column.


      This way you can easily import the data from other applications or just select the columns/fields that you need (example: select only the emails).


      A CSV file can be opened and managed using Excel.


      The list of contact form messages is shown below the search area.


      A print button below the list provides the messages list in a printable format.


      The Contact Form Reports


      The reports section lets you analyze the use of the contact forms and the data entered into them.


      The first section of the reports is a filter section similar to the one that appears in the messages list page.


      Below the filters section there are three graphical reports:


        • Submissions per day: The report will display in point-lines graphic how many contact form submissions have been received each day in the selected date range.


          This report can be used to evaluate the contact form peaks and measure the impact of marketing actions.


        • Submissions per hour: The report will display in a point-lines graphic how many contact form messages are received on each hour of the date;


          this is for the total messages in the selected date range.


          This report can be used for checking peak hours and focus the support service on those hours.


        • Report of values for a selected field: Select any of the contact form fields and other information fields (like date, IP address, hours) to get a report of how many times each value have been


          entered or selected.


          This is very useful if you form is used as a poll to get feedback from users, it makes easy to generate a report on selectable contact form fields.


          This report can be used also to study the most common data entered in the contact form and get a better idea of your customer’s profile and needs.


        A print button at the end of the page can be used to print the report of the values for the selected contact form field in a printer-friendly format.


        Automatic Email Reports


        The Contact Form to Email plugin allows the setup of two types of automatic (periodical) Email reports:

        Contact Form to Email插件允许设置两种类型的自动(定期)电子邮件报告:

          • Global Email Reports: Can be setup below the list of forms.


            This report sends a report with the new submissions of all forms every the specified number of days.


          • Form Email Reports: Can be setup on the settings page of each form.


            This report sends a report with the new submissions of the related form every the specified number of days.


          The reports are attached in a CSV / Excel file into the emails.

          将报告以CSV / Excel文件形式附加到电子邮件中。

          In both cases the destination email addresses, email subject, email text and the report’s interval can be specified.


          More info available in the section “Other Notes”.


          Language Support


          The Contact Form to Email plugin is compatible with all charsets.

          Contact Form to Email插件与所有字符集兼容。

          The troubleshoot area contains options to change the encoding of the plugin database tables if needed.


          Translations are supported through PO/MO files located in the Contact Form to Email plugin folder “languages”.

          通过联系表中的PO / MO文件支持翻译到电子邮件插件文件夹“语言”。

          The following translations are already included in the plugin:


            • English
            • 英语

            • Italian
            • 意大利语

            • Portuguese
            • 葡萄牙语

            • Portuguese(Brasil)
            • 葡萄牙语(巴西)

            • Russian
            • 俄语

            • Polish
            • 波兰语

            • Turkish
            • 土耳其语

            • Afrikaans (af)
            • 南非语(af)

            • Arabic (ar)
            • 阿拉伯语(ar)

            • Armenian (hy_AM)
            • 亚美尼亚语(hy_AM)

            • Azerbaijani(az)
            • 阿塞拜疆(az)

            • Basque (eu)
            • 巴斯克语(欧盟)

            • Belarusian (be_BY)
            • 白俄罗斯语(be_BY)

            • Bosnian (bs_BA)
            • 波斯尼亚语(bs_BA)

            • Bulgarian (bg_BG)
            • 保加利亚语(bg_BG)

            • Catalan (ca)
            • 加泰罗尼亚语(ca)

            • Central Kurdish (ckb)
            • 库尔德中央(ckb)

            • Chinese (China zh_CN)
            • 中文(中国zh_CN)

            • Chinese (Taiwan zh_TW)
            • 中文(台湾zh_TW)

            • Croatian (hr)
            • 克罗地亚语(hr)

            • Czech (cs_CZ)
            • 捷克(cs_CZ)

            • Danish (da_DK)
            • 丹麦语(da_DK)

            • Dutch (nl_NL)
            • 荷兰(nl_NL)

            • Esperanto (eo_EO)
            • 世界语(eo_EO)

            • Estonian (et)
            • 爱沙尼亚语(et)

            • Finnish (fi)
            • 芬兰语(fi)

            • French (fr_FR)
            • 法语(fr_FR)

            • Galician (gl_ES)
            • 加利西亚语(gl_ES)

            • Georgian (ka_GE)
            • 乔治亚(ka_GE)

            • German (de_DE)
            • 德语(de_DE)

            • Greek (el)
            • 希腊语(el)

            • Hebrew (he_IL)
            • 希伯来语(he_IL)

            • Hindi (hi_IN)
            • 印地语(hi_IN)

            • Hungarian (hu_HU)
            • 匈牙利语(hu_HU)

            • Indian Bengali (bn_IN)
            • 印度孟加拉(bn_IN)

            • Indonesian (id_ID)
            • 印度尼西亚语(id_ID)

            • Irish (ga_IE)
            • 爱尔兰语(ga_IE)

            • Japanese (ja)
            • 日语(ja)

            • Korean (ko_KR)
            • 韩语(ko_KR)

            • Latvian (lv)
            • 拉脱维亚语(lv)

            • Lithuanian (lt_LT)
            • 立陶宛语(lt_LT)

            • Macedonian (mk_MK)
            • 马其顿语(mk_MK)

            • Malay (ms_MY)
            • 马来语(ms_MY)

            • Malayalam (ml_IN)
            • 马拉雅拉姆语(ml_IN)

            • Maltese (mt_MT)
            • 马耳他语(mt_MT)

            • Norwegian (nb_NO)
            • 挪威语(nb_NO)

            • Persian (fa_IR)
            • 波斯语(fa_IR)

            • Punjabi (pa_IN)
            • 旁遮普语(pa_IN)

            • Romanian (ro_RO)
            • 罗马尼亚语(ro_RO)

            • Serbian (sr_RS)
            • 塞尔维亚语(sr_RS)

            • Slovak (sk_SK)
            • 斯洛伐克语(sk_SK)

            • Slovene (sl_SI)
            • 斯洛文尼亚(sl_SI)

            • Spanish (es_ES)
            • 西班牙语(es_ES)

            • Swedish (sv_SE)
            • 瑞典语(sv_SE)

            • Tagalog (tl)
            • 他加禄语(tl)

            • Tamil (ta)
            • 泰米尔语(ta)

            • Thai (th)
            • 泰国(th)

            • Ukrainian (uk)
            • 乌克兰语(li)

            Contact Form to Email Updates


            New features has been published in the current Contact Form to Email version 1.2.7 based on the feedback received and we would like to thank you all the people that have supported the development, provided feedback and feature requests.


            The plugin is currently over the 630,000 downloads/installations and a new set of updates is already being prepared, any feature requests will be welcome.


            Thank you!


            New: Form Builder


            In the latest update a form builder was included to visually add/modify/delete text fields, text-areas and emails with their respective validations.


            Opening the contact form messages in Excel: Go either to the “Reports” or “Messages” section.


            There is a button labeled “Export to CSV”.


            CSV files can be opened in Excel, just double-click the downloaded CSV file, it will contain the selected contact form submissions, one per line.


            Deleting a contact form message: Go to the “Messages” section and use the button labeled “Delete” for the contact form message you want to delete.


            Each row in that list is a contact form submission.


            Get the contact form email from the user: The email used as from is a fixed email specified on the contact form settings, this helps to prevent be classified as spam, however when you hit “reply


            ” over the received email, the user's email address will appear allow you to easily reply the contact form messages.


            The header “Reply-to” is used for this purpose.

            标题“ Reply-to”用于此目的。

            Customizing the captcha image: The captcha image used in the contact form is 100% implemented into the plugin, this way you don’t need to rely on third party services/servers.


            In addition to the settings for customizing the captcha design you can also replace the font files located into the folder “contact-form-to-email/captcha/”.

            除了自定义验证码设计的设置之外,您还可以替换位于“ contact-form-to-e-mail / captcha /”文件夹中的字体文件。

            The fonts are used as base for rendering the captcha on the contact form.


            Contact form email format: The notifications emails sent from the contact form can be either plain-text emails or HTML emails.


            Plain text emails are preferred in most cases since are easier to edit and pass the anti-spam filters with more probability.


            Contact form Clone button: The clone button duplicates a complete contact form with its settings.


            The contact form messages / emails and statistics aren’t duplicated.


            Custom contact form submit button


            There is a settings section info each form that allows to specify the label of the submit button.


            The class=”pbSubmit” can be used to modify the button styles.

            class =“ pbSubmit”可用于修改按钮样式。

            The styles can be applied into any of the CSS files of your theme or add the needed styles into the “Contact Form to Email plugin >> Customization area >> Add Custom Styles” (at the bottom of the page that contains the


            list of forms)


            For further modifications the submit button is located at the end of the file “cp-public-int.inc.php”.

            要进行进一步的修改,提交按钮位于文件“ cp-public-int.inc.php”的末尾。

            For general CSS styles modifications to the form and samples check this FAQ entry: https://form2email.dwbooster.com/faq#q82


            Customizing the automatic email reports


            The settings for the email reports (both the global and per form reports) include the following configuration fields:


              • Enable Reports?: Option for enabling / disabling the reports.
              • 启用报告?:用于启用/禁用报告的选项。

              • Send report every: Indicate every how many days the reports will be sent.
              • 每次发送报告:指明每隔几天发送报告。

              • Send after this hour (server time): Approximate time at which the reports will be sent.

              • 在此时间后发送(服务器时间):发送报告的大概时间。

                This time is based on the server time.


                Some activity is needed on the website for sending the reports.


                You can setup a cron for a more exact delivery time.

              • 您可以设置cron以获得更准确的交货时间。

              • Send email from: The “from” email used for the reports.

              • 从发送电子邮件:用于报告的“从”电子邮件。

                Avoid @aol.com and @hotmail.com “from” addresses to skip the anti-spam filters.

              • 避免使用@ aol.com和@ hotmail.com“发件人”地址来跳过反垃圾邮件过滤器。

              • Send to email(s): The list of emails (comma separated) that will receive the reports.
              • 发送到电子邮件::将接收报告的电子邮件列表(以逗号分隔)。

              • Email subject: Subject of the email that will be sent with the Contact Form to Email reports.
              • 电子邮件主题:将与联系表一起发送到电子邮件报告的电子邮件主题。

              • Email format?: Format of the email that will be sent with the Contact Form to Email reports.

              • 电子邮件格式?:将与联系表一起发送到电子邮件报告的电子邮件格式。

                Can be HTML or Plain Text.


                In most cases plain text is easier to setup and has less problems with anti-spam services.

              • 在大多数情况下,纯文本更易于设置,反垃圾邮件服务的问题也较少。

              • Email Text (CSV file will be attached): Content of the email that will contain the Contact Form to Email reports.

              • 电子邮件文本(将附加CSV文件):电子邮件的内容,其中包含“电子邮件联系表”报告。

                The reports will be attached in CSV format into the email.

              • 这些报告将以CSV格式附加到电子邮件中。

              The contact form database


              The messages received via the contact form are stored into the WordPress contact form database table “wp_cftemail_messages”.

              通过联系表收到的消息存储在WordPress联系表数据库表“ wp_cftemail_messages”中。

              You can export that data in form of automatic email reports or in CSV/Excel format from the messages list area.

              您可以从邮件列表区域以自动电子邮件报告的形式或CSV / Excel格式导出该数据。

              If needed you can also query that table directly for further processing of the contact form data.


              Importing messages


              There is an option to import messages into the Contact Form to Email plugin.


              That option is located below the messages list and is labeled “Import CSV”.


              The messages can be imported in a comma separated CSV file.


              One record per line, one field per column.


              Don’t use a header row with the field names.


              The first 3 columns into the CSV file are the time, IP address and email address, if you don’t have this information then leave the first three columns empty.


              After those initial columns the fields (columns) must appear in the same order than in the form.


              Sample format for the CSV file:


              2013-04-21 18:50:00,, john@sample.com, "john@sample.com", "sample subject", "sample message"

                2013-04-21 18:50:00,,john@sample.com,“ john@sample.com”,“示例主题”,“示例消息”

              2013-05-16 20:49:00,, jane.smith@sample.com, "jane.smith@sample.com", "other subject", "other message"

              2013-05-16 20:49:00、,jane.smith @ sample.com,“ jane.smith@sample.com”,“其他主题”,“其他消息”

              From address used for the emails


              Into the “Form Processing / Email Settings” section the first settings field is named “Send email “From” and has the following options:


                • From fixed email address indicated below – Recommended option: If you select “from fixed…” the customer email address will appear in the “to” address when you hit “reply”, this is the


                  recommended setting to avoid mail server restrictions.


                • From the email address indicated by the customer: If you select “from customer email” then the customer email will appear also visually when you receive the email, but this isn't supported by all hosting


                  services, so this option isn't recommended in most cases.


                The drag and drop contact form builder


                The Form Builder lets you to add/editemove fields into the contact form and also to specify the validation rules for your contact form (required fields, email fields, etc…).


                The following field types are currently available in the version published at this WordPress directory:


                  • Single Line Text: Classic one-line text input.
                  • 单行文本:经典的单行文本输入。

                  • Email: This field validates that the email address has a valid format.
                  • 电子邮件::此字段用于验证电子邮件地址具有有效的格式。

                  • Paragraph Text: Classic multi-line (textarea) text input.
                  • 段落文本:经典的多行(文本区域)文本输入。

                  In other versions of the plugin the following field are also available: Numeric field with specific validations, Date-picker, Checkboxes, Multiple Choice Radio buttons, Dropdown / Select, Upload file fields, Password, Phone with specific validations, static texts


                  , section breaks and page breaks for multi-page contact forms.


                  Other features in the contact form builder:


                    • Equal fields validation: Use it for example to confirm if the email or text typed in two different fields are the same.


                      This is valid for “Single Line Text” and “Email” fields.


                    • Dependent fields: Use this feature for show/hide fields (any field type) based in the selection made on other fields (checkboxes, radiobuttons or select/drop-down fields).


                      This feature isn’t fully available in this version since the related fields aren’t included.


                    Editing the field settings in the Contact Form Builder:


                    When you click a field already added into the contact form builder area, you can edit its details and validation rules.


                    The following properties are available:


                      • Field Label: Label for the field in the public contact form and into the email.
                      • 字段标签:在公共联系人表单中以及电子邮件中的字段标签。

                      • Field tag for the message: In addition to the general %INFORMATION% tag, you can use this tag to show the field value into a specific tag of the email.

                      • 邮件的字段标签:除了常规的%INFORMATION%标签外,您还可以使用此标签将字段值显示到电子邮件的特定标签中。

                        More info at the WordPress Contact Form to Email FAQ.

                      • 通过WordPress联络表发送电子邮件常见问题的更多信息。

                      • Specific settings: The settings depends of the field type.
                      • 特定设置:这些设置取决于字段类型。

                      • Validation rule: The validation rules depends of the field type, example: required, valid email, …
                      • 验证规则:验证规则取决于字段类型,例如:必填,有效电子邮件,...

                      • Predefined value: Pre-filled value for the field, if any.
                      • 预定义值:该字段的预填充值(如果有)。

                      • Instructions for user: This text will appear in a smaller form below the field.

                      • 用户说明:此文本将以较小的形式显示在字段下方。

                        It’s useful for giving instructions to the user.

                      • 这对于向用户提供说明很有用。

                      • Add CSS layout keywords: Customize the look & feel.

                      • 添加CSS布局关键字:自定义外观。

                        More info at the WordPress Contact Form to Email FAQ.

                      • 通过WordPress联络表发送电子邮件常见问题的更多信息。


To install Contact Form to Email, follow these steps:


    1. Download and unzip the Contact Form to Email plugin
    2. 下载联系表并将其解压缩到电子邮件插件

    3. Upload the entire contact-form-to-email/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个contact-form-to-email /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the Contact Form to Email plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活“联系表格到电子邮件”插件

    7. Configure the contact form settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> Contact Form to Email
    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>>通过电子邮件发送联系表中配置联系表设置

    9. To insert the contact form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将联系人表单插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标





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