[wordpress插件] Contact Form联系表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 13:00 627 0 全屏看文



Contact Form ready is the easiest plugin for creating and editing different types of contact forms for your WordPress website.


Contact Form Ready plugin is free and allows you to create as many contact forms as you like.

Contact Form Ready插件是免费的,您可以根据需要创建任意数量的Contact Form。

Contact Form Ready has a lot of useful and great features, along with a handy drag and drop editor.

Contact Form Ready具有许多有用和出色的功能,以及方便的拖放编辑器。

Features of Contact Form Ready plugin

Contact Form Ready插件的功能

    • Easy to install and use
    • 易于安装和使用

    • Fully Responsive contact form builder
    • 快速响应联系表单生成器

    • Drag and drop contact form builder
    • 拖放联系表单生成器

    • Add unlimited form fields for your contact form
    • 为您的联系表添加无限的表单字段

    • Antispam with Google reCAPTCHA
    • 使用Google reCAPTCHA进行反垃圾邮件

    • Required option for any form field
    • 任何表单字段的必需选项

    • Easily move form fields positions
    • 轻松移动表单字段的位置

    • Redirect feature after form submit
    • 提交表单后重定向功能

    • Send contact form via AJAX or POST
    • 通过AJAX或POST发送联系表单

    • Auto responder functionality
    • 自动响应器功能

    • Contact form views – counter
    • 联系表单视图–柜台

    • Contact form submissions – counter
    • 联系表格提交–柜台

    • Insert Text fields
    • 插入文本字段

    • Insert Email field
    • 插入电子邮件字段

    • Insert URL field
    • 插入网址字段

    • Insert Date/Calendar field
    • 插入日期/日历字段

    • Insert Text Area field
    • 插入文本区域字段

    • Insert Radio Button field
    • 插入单选按钮字段

    • Insert Check Box field
    • 插入复选框字段

    • Insert Dropdown List field
    • 插入下拉列表字段

    • Insert Heading field
    • 插入标题字段

    • Insert Paragraph field
    • 插入段落字段

    • Insert Separator/Divider field
    • 插入分隔符/分隔符字段

    • Set the reply-to address to the user’s email address
    • 将回复地址设置为用户的电子邮件地址

    • Integration with support desks (Zendesk and Nifty Desk)
    • 与支持中心(Zendesk和Nifty Desk)集成

    • Works perfectly with all versions of WordPress
    • 与所有版本的WordPress完美配合

    • World-class support from the developer should you need it!
    • 您是否需要开发人员提供的世界一流的支持!

    The features of Contact Form Ready Pro (Coming Soon!)

    Contact Form Ready Pro的功能(即将推出!)

      • Contact form themes
      • 联系表格主题

      • Different Font styles
      • 不同的字体样式

      • Ability to insert Upload File field
      • 能够插入“上传文件”字段

      • Ability to insert Google Map field
      • 能够插入Google Map字段

      • Fully Import/Export Contact Forms
      • 完全导入/导出联系表

      • Ability to Export Contact Form submissions to CSV
      • 能够将联系表单提交的内容导出为CSV

      • Forms duplication
      • 表格重复

      • Conditional logic contact forms
      • 条件逻辑联系表

      • Store message data and reply within WordPress
      • 在WordPress中存储消息数据并进行回复

      • CRM handling
      • 客户关系管理处理

      The best part about our contact form plugin is the user friendly, drag and drop interface.


      You can create simple or complex contact forms in a few minutes.


      Predefined contact forms


        • Simple contact form
        • 简单的联系表

        • Hotel check in form
        • 酒店入住表格

        • Restaurant booking form
        • 餐厅预订表

        • Support request contact form
        • 支持请求联系表

        • How did you hear about us
        • 您如何得知我们的?

        • NPS Score
        • NPS得分

        Contact Forms Drag and Drop


        We’ve used a simple and easy to use drag and drop library to create contact forms.


        Simply drag the elements you want into your contact form.


        Contact Form Submissions Export to CSV


        Coming soon.


        Export your contact form submissions to a CSV file.


        Widget Contact Forms


        Coming soon.


        Drag and drop your contact form as a widget.


        Unlimited Contact Forms and Fields


        There are no limits in contact form ready.


        Create as many forms as you like and as many fields as you like.


        If you find any bug or have a question contact us.


        WordPress Contact Form step by step guide


        Our Contact Form plugin has user friendly interface, so it should be relatively easy to use for most users.


        Our contact form plugin comes with a drag and drop editor that allows you to paste any field into your contact form.


        You can create as many forms as you need.


        Also you can use as many fields in your contact form as you need, there are no limitations!


        How to create Contact Form


        First of all login into your WordPress website admin panel and install our plugin.


        After activating it, you will see “Contact Forms” in the left admin menu.


        Click on that link and you will see the Contact Form list page.


        Click on the “Create a new form” button and add your first contact form.


        On this page you can add or remove contact form fields and change the contact form main settings.


        Here are the field types that you can use in Contact Form


          • Text field
          • 文本字段

          • Date field
          • 日期字段

          • Password field
          • 密码字段

          • Color field
          • 颜色字段

          • Text Area field
          • 文本区域字段

          • Radio Button field
          • 单选按钮字段

          • Check Box field
          • 复选框字段

          • Dropdown List field
          • 下拉列表字段

          • Shortcode field
          • 短代码字段

          • Header field
          • 标题字段

          • Paragraph field
          • 段落字段

          • Hidden field
          • 隐藏字段

          For each field that you add, there are settings for required, label, placeholder, value, etc.


          After adding all the fields for Contact Form, make sure that you have set up your settings correctly.


          You can set the receipient’s email address and the redirect URL once the form has been submitted.


          You may also change the contact form submit button text.


          After you have set all the settings for Contact Form, save the form by pressing “submit”.


          Copy and paste the shortcode into your post or page and save your page.


          Then view that page on the front end and you contact form will appear.


          Contact Form Global Settings


            • Contact Form Success Message – Set the thank you message once a contact form has been sent
            • 联系表成功消息–发送联系表后,设置感谢消息

            • Contact Form Email Subject (Admin) – Set the email subject for the email that gets sent to the admin
            • 联系表电子邮件主题(管理员)–设置发送给管理员的电子邮件的电子邮件主题

            • Contact Form Email Subject (User) – Set the email subject for the confirmation email that gets sent to the user
            • 联系表电子邮件主题(用户)–设置发送给用户的确认电子邮件的电子邮件主题

            • Contact Form Email Body (Admin) – Set the email body for the email that gets sent to the admin
            • 联系表电子邮件正文(管理员)–设置要发送给管理员的电子邮件的电子邮件正文

            • Contact Form Email Body (User) – Set the email body for the confirmation email that gets sent to the user
            • 联系表电子邮件正文(用户)–设置要发送给用户的确认电子邮件的电子邮件正文

            • Contact Form Confirmation Email – Decide whether or not to send a confirmation email to the user once they submit a contact form
            • 联系表单确认电子邮件–确定用户提交联系表单后是否向其发送确认电子邮件

            • Contact Form Antispam with reCAPTCHA – Enable Google reCAPTCHA to stop spam messages from coming through your contact forms
            • 与reCAPTCHA联络的表单反垃圾邮件–启用Google reCAPTCHA阻止垃圾邮件通过您的联络表单


Download the Contact Form Ready plugin ZIP file.


Installing the plugin


    1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.

    2. 登录到WordPress管理面板。

    3. Go to WordPress Plugins page and click on Add New button, then Upload the .zip file that you downloaded.
    4. 转到WordPress插件页面,然后单击“添加新按钮”,然后上传您下载的.zip文件。

    5. Then click “Install Now”, after that activate the Contact Form Ready plugin.

    6. 然后单击“立即安装”,然后激活“联系表单就绪”插件。

    7. From the left panel of Dashboard, click on the Contact Forms menu link
    8. 在信息中心的左侧面板中,单击“联系表格”菜单链接

    That’s it!


    You can now create contact forms for your website.






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