[wordpress插件] Custom Contact Form For Any Themes自定义联系人表格的任何主题

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 11:30 692 0 全屏看文



Next level easy-to-use contact form tools to get feedback from website visitors.


Perfect for any WordPress themes, show up animation, 20 pre-design themes, over 30 design settings, 3 tool type (center popup, floating corner popup and side bookmark which open popup)


Why so important use the contact form on the website?


    • one more way to be in touch with your audience
    • 与观众保持联系的另一种方式

    • way to get feedback from new visitors, to ask the questions and make your website better
    • 从新访客那里获得反馈,提出问题并改善您的网站的方式

    • one more way to turn one time visitors to the loyal customers
    • 将一次访客吸引到忠实客户的另一种方式

    Use cases


      • most often way to setting up popup to show a side fixed bookmark Contact Us on every page which by click open contact form popup
      • 设置弹出窗口以在每个页面上显示侧面固定书签的最常用方法,方法是单击打开的联系表单弹出窗口

      • by exit intent you could show center popup with call to action text for example Already leav us?

      • 通过退出意图,您可以显示中心弹出窗口,其中包含号召性文字,例如,已经离开我们了吗?

        Write to us and we could help to you.


        There is a last chance to get some information from new visitors

      • 最后一次机会是从新访客那里获取一些信息

      • in the multi screen pages often use corner floating popup by scrolling event to try to help their customers get some special information.


      • 通常使用滚动事件通过转角浮动弹出窗口来尝试帮助其客户获得一些特殊信息。

        For example If you have any question, please write us and we help to you right now.

      • 例如,如果您有任何疑问,请写信给我们,我们会立即为您提供帮助。

      • after some delay, which visitor could get some information from your page, you could show up a popup and ask to leave a review
      • 一段时间后,访问者可以从您的页面上获取一些信息,您可以显示一个弹出窗口并要求发表评论

      Most important to use different contact form type in the different pages at the right time and try to do it more carefully, because everyone do not like when websites begin to be intrusive


      Why Profitquery?


        • 15+ years experience of developing high technology projects (SaaS, E-commerce, ERP, websites)
        • 15年以上开发高科技项目(SaaS,电子商务,ERP,网站)的经验

        • 5+ years we have developed many marketing tools using self-creating a framework like JQuery which could generate hundred tool compilation.

        • 5年多来,我们已经通过自我创建像JQuery这样的框架开发了许多营销工具,该框架可以生成数百种工具。

          For WordPress community we prepare a most popular tool to demonstrate a small part of Profitquery capabilities.


          And it is a first step, we want to create a platform to solve many marketing tasks of millions websites automatically.


        • unlimited Free.

        • 无限免费。

          Many other same tools said that they have free tools, but this version has some limitations.


          Some of them have traffic limitations, some of them have tool show up limitations.


          And after some time you will get system message that say that if you want to continue using the tools you need to buy the pro version.


          Profitquery tools you could use without any limitations.

        • 您可以无限制使用的Profitquery工具。

        • best offer for 5000+/per month visitors’ website.

        • 每月至少5000个访问者网站的最佳报价。

          Save 300$+ per year using Profitquery PRO tools.

          使用Profitquery PRO工具每年可节省300+美元。

          No traffic limit.


          No add-ons which have additional price.


          No plans.

        • 没有计划。

        • Over 300+ pre-designed tools for many WordPress themes
        • 针对许多Wo​​rdPress主题的300多种预先设计的工具

        • 23 tools & 23 thank popup & 2 send mail popup & tons settings for any tasks in one place
        • 23个工具和23个感谢弹出窗口以及2个发送邮件的弹出窗口和吨设置,可在一处完成任何任务

        • affiliate program, pro for free program
        • 会员计划,免费专业版

        • great support for all customers
        • 对所有客户的大力支持

        How does it works?


        Profitquery is a SaaS (software as a service) which enables the embedding of 24 growth tools on your website.


        All tools can be customized for your admin area.


        In the free version, all tools have a ‘powered by’ link, but you can disable it using the upgraded Whitelabel options.


        Profitquery files are served by the very fast Akamai CDN (Content Delivery Network).

        Profitquery文件由非常快的Akamai CDN(内容交付网络)提供服务。

        To start using Profitquery tools:


          • Activate and accept Profitquery terms of service
          • 激活并接受Profitquery服务条款

          • Get the Profitquery Api Key from profitquery website.

          • 从profitquery网站获取Profitquery Api密钥。

          • Click Sign In button
          • 单击“登录”按钮

          • Fill out the form
          • 填写表格

          • Generate the api key
          • 生成api密钥

          • Profit with the Profitquery tools.
          • 使用Profitquery工具盈利。

          Plugin Translators



For an automatic installation through WordPress:


    • Go to the ‘Add New’ plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
    • 转到WordPress管理区域中的“添加新插件”屏幕

    • Search for ‘aio profitquery’
    • 搜索“ aioprofitquery”

    • Click ‘Install Now’ and activate the plugin
    • 点击“立即安装”并激活插件

    For a manual installation via FTP:


      • Upload the profitquery image folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
      • 将profitquery图像文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

      • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in your WordPress admin area
      • 通过WordPress管理区域中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

      To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:


        • Upload the downloaded zip file on the ‘Add New’ plugins screen (see the ‘Upload’ tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate.
        • 在WordPress管理区域的“添加新”插件屏幕(请参见“上传”标签)上上传下载的zip文件并激活。





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