[wordpress插件] Contact Form Entries联系表格条目

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 11:20 1002 0 全屏看文



Contact Form 7 Entries Plugin automatically saves form submissions from Contact Form 7, CRM Perks Forms and many other popular contact form plugins to wordpress database when anyone submits a form.

Contact Form 7 Entries插件会在任何人提交表单时自动将Contact Form 7,CRM Perks Forms和许多其他流行的Contact Form插件中的表单提交保存到Wordpress数据库中。

Learn more our forms builder and entries at crmperks.com

“> crmperks.com

Supported Contact Forms


    Contact form 7 entries features


      • You can view all contact form entries in default wordpress table form.
      • 您可以使用默认的wordpress表格形式查看所有联系表格条目。

      • Search contact form entries by all or specific field.
      • 通过全部或特定字段搜索联系表单条目。

      • Filter contact form entries by Date.
      • 按日期过滤联系表单条目。

      • You can mark contact form entries as read or un-read.
      • 您可以将联系表单条目标记为已读或未读。

      • You can star or un-star contact form entries.
      • 您可以加注或取消加注联系表单条目。

      • Print all or selected contact form entries.

      • 打印所有或选定的联系表条目。

        You can also print notes related to each contact form entry.

      • 您还可以打印与每个联系表单条目相关的注释。

      • Select entries table columns from “Screen Options”.
      • 从“屏幕选项”中选择条目表列。

      • File field of an entry supports multiple files.
      • 条目的文件字段支持多个文件。

      • Add, edit notes to any contact form entry.
      • 添加,编辑任何联系表单条目的注释。

      • Display contact form entries on any wordpress page in sortable table form.
      • 以可排序表格形式在任何wordpress页面上显示联系表格条目。

      • Export contact form entries in csv format.
      • 以csv格式导出联系人表单条目。

      Why we built this plugin


      Contact Form 7 is free contact form builder.


      This free Contact Form 7 Entries plugin adds entries management and all premium features to free wordpress contact forms including contact form 7. You can send entries data to your CRM or mailing lists.

      这个免费的Contact Form 7 Entries插件将条目管理和所有高级功能添加到免费的wordpress联系表中,包括Contact Form7。您可以将条目数据发送到CRM或邮件列表。

      Contact Form 7 Entries Stats


      This plugin displays contact form 7 submissions summary by contact form on dashboard.


      You can see all read/un-read entries of all contact forms at one place.


      Contact Form Entry Notes


      You can add notes to any contact form entry and you can edit old notes.


      Also you can select note color to mark it as important or normal.


      "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

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