[wordpress插件] Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge联系表格7 – Elavon Converge

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-31 01:10 1273 0 全屏看文



Shortly after integrating a Authorize.Net payment gateway with Contact Form 7, ZealousWeb Technologies has now come up with a elavon payment gateway, which can also be successfully integrated with Contact Form 7.

在将Authorize.Net付款网关与联系表7集成后不久,ZealousWeb Technologies现在提出了elavon付款网关,该网关也可以与联系表7成功集成。

Considering the fact that Contact Form 7 is a highly common and authentic WordPress Plugin, the new addon “Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge” created by ZealousWeb Technologies, can prove to be extremely helpful for users when it comes to receiving payments.

考虑到Contact Form 7是一个非常普遍且可靠的WordPress插件,由ZealousWeb Technologies创建的新插件“ Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge”可以证明对用户在接收付款方面非常有用。

There is no denying the fact that, users of WordPress websites confront a lot of payment related issues on a day-to-day basis, and in that case Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge can bring a great relief to them.<

无可否认,WordPress网站的用户每天都会遇到很多与支付相关的问题,在这种情况下,联系表7 – Elavon Converge可以为他们带来很大的帮助。


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With the assistance of Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge, you can receive credit card payments directly from your customers, thus preventing them from landing up on a third party payment page.

借助联系表7 – Elavon Converge的帮助,您可以直接从客户那里收到信用卡付款,从而防止他们进入第三方付款页面。

Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge has the potential to receive payments safely from any Contact Form 7 form, which is hosted on any page or post for that matter.

联系表7 – Elavon Converge可以从任何联系表7表单安全地接收付款,该表单托管在任何页面或帖子上。

Once the contact form is submitted by the users, the payment checkout form is then displayed before them.


The Elavon payment checkout form is used for quick and secure transactions.


This simply indicates that Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge can really help your websites to generate the revenue quickly.

这仅表明联系表7 – Elavon Converge确实可以帮助您的网站快速产生收入。

What you need to understand about this plugin is it doesn’t rely on the action handler ‘on_set_ok’, which resides on the ‘Additional Settings’ tab of the CF7.

您需要了解此插件,因为它不依赖于动作处理程序“ on_set_ok”,该处理程序位于CF7的“其他设置”标签上。

Instead of that users can find a new tab ‘Elavon’ wherein they can configure all the crucial fields needed to configure this plugin.

取而代之的是,用户可以找到一个新的标签“ Elavon”,他们可以在其中配置配置此插件所需的所有关键字段。

For using this plugin, it is important for you to activate your Contact Form 7.


If you need any sort of technical assistance in terms of integrating Elavon to your Contact Form 7, don’t hesitate to contact ZealousWeb Technologies, a leading web development company and the developers of this plugin.

如果您需要将Elavon集成到联系表7中的任何技术帮助,请随时与领先的Web开发公司ZealousWeb Technologies和该插件的开发人员联系。

Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge Features

联系表7 – Elavon融合功能

    • It gives you the potential to create multiple payment forms using Contact Form 7.
    • 它使您可以使用联系表7创建多个付款表。

    • In addition to that, it also supports multiple forms on a single post or page.
    • 除此之外,它还支持单个帖子或页面上的多种形式。

    • When it comes to receiving values from input fields such as drop-down menu, textbox, hidden field, radio buttons, etc., Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge is really good at it.
    • 当涉及从下拉菜单,文本框,隐藏字段,单选按钮等输入字段接收值时,Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge确实很擅长。

    • The value for parameters like item company, amount, country, state, city and zip code is always accepted by it from the frontend.
    • 始终从前端接受项目公司,金额,国家,州,城市和邮政编码等参数的值。

    • When it comes to identifying whether the plugin is functioning properly or not, users can use Test API Mode.
    • 在确定插件是否正常运行时,用户可以使用测试API模式。

    • The payment data associated to Contact Form 7 can be easily saved into the database.
    • 与联系表7相关的付款数据可以轻松保存到数据库中。

    • Once a Elavon payment is made successfully by the customers, the plugin sends individual emails to both the customer and the admin.
    • 一旦客户成功完成Elavon付款,该插件就会向客户和管理员发送单独的电子邮件。

    • You can personalize email content for this plugin, Email(1) of Contact Form 7 is send to payee after successful transaction and Email(2) is send to admin after successful or unsuccessful transaction.
    • 您可以个性化此插件的电子邮件内容,成功交易后,将联系表7的Email(1)发送给收款人,交易成功或失败后将Email(2)发送给管理员。

    • [elavon] tag added to email content gets replaced by elavon payment response in email.
    • 添加到电子邮件内容中的

    • [elavon]标签被电子邮件中的elavon付款响应所取代。

    • It allows you to set payment success return url and custom message.
    • 它允许您设置付款成功返回URL和自定义消息。

    Contact Form 7 – Elavon Converge PRO

    联系表7 – Elavon Converge PRO

      • Elavon payment response details stored at admin side.
      • Elavon付款响应详细信息存储在管理员端。

      • Its quite easy to export Contact Form 7 payment data to PDF and CSV.
      • 将Contact Form 7付款数据导出为PDF和CSV非常容易。

      • All filters and search facility available at admin side.
      • 管理员可以使用所有过滤器和搜索工具。

      • With its assistance admin can easily edit or delete Contact Form 7 payment data.
      • 在管理员的协助下,管理员可以轻松地编辑或删除Contact Form 7付款数据。

      Get more information of Pro version here


    Plugin Requirement


    PHP version : Compatible Up to 5.4


    WordPress : WordPress 3.0 and latest

    WordPress:WordPress 3.0和最新版本


    1. There are two ways you can install this WordPress Plugin.

    2. 有两种安装此WordPress插件的方法。

      Either Open https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7-elavon-converge/, which is the official WordPress Plugins’ directory page, or upload all files manually to your site’s server;


      click on the download button the page.

    3. 点击页面上的下载按钮。

    4. Now login to your WordPress site and activate the plugin.

    5. 现在登录到WordPress网站并激活插件。

      Then, select ‘edit’ option in ‘Contact Forms’.

    6. 然后,在“联系表格”中选择“编辑”选项。

    7. You will find a new tab after “Additional Settings” tab.

    8. 您将在“其他设置”标签之后找到一个新标签。

    9. Fill in all the required fields to set up a Elavon payment gateway.
    10. 填写所有必填字段以设置Elavon付款网关。





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