[wordpress插件] Consolto VideoChatVideoChat Consolto

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 18:00 542 0 全屏看文



The #1 Video-chat Plugin, heavily used 1-stop-shop solution for consultants/advisers.


Enables Video-calls, payment collection via paypal, in-app chat, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, scheduling appointments and more…

启用视频通话,通过Paypal进行收款,应用程序内聊天,Whatsapp,Facebook Messenger,安排约会等…

– Do you pay too much for marketing and find it hard to convert visitors in your website to customers?


– Familiar with the feeling that you send your customers your skype account and they get confused and mixed up?


– Do you find it hard to collect money from your clients for online sessions?


– Are you frustrated that people visit your website and leave no trace?


– Would you like to provide online-video-call sessions to your clients in a professional manner?


– Were you looking for a tool to share your screen with site-visitors easily from within your website?


If you answered yes to one of these questions, you’re at the right place.


Major features in Consolto VideoChat Widget include:

Consolto VideoChat Widget的主要功能包括:

    • Actively start engagement via chat/videochat/audio with people in your website.

    • 通过聊天/视频聊天/音频与您网站中的人积极互动。

      We made an extra effort for this to be as acceptable as possible by your site-visitors.


    • Video chat directly from within your website.

    • 直接在您的网站内进行视频聊天。

      Niether your customers nor you will need to install anything.

    • 不让您的客户失望,您也不需要安装任何东西。

    • In-site Audio and text chat included
    • 包括现场音频和文字聊天

    • Share your screen or view your clients screen as simple as clicking a button
    • 共享您的屏幕或查看客户屏幕,就像单击按钮一样简单

    • Social messaging: whatsapp and facebook messanger embedded in your website.

    • 社交消息:嵌入在您网站中的whatsapp和facebook messanger。

    • In-app messaging: your site visitors will send you messages that will reach your email
    • 应用内消息传递:您的网站访问者将向您发送消息,这些消息将到达您的电子邮件地址

    • Receive email, SMS and site notifications upon new chats and webcalls
    • 在新的聊天和网络通话中接收电子邮件,短信和站点通知

    • Soon – Scheduling module enables your site visitors schedule meetings with you in a simple manner.
    • 很快-计划模块使您的站点访问者可以轻松地与您安排会议。

    • Highly configurable widget!
    • 高度可配置的小部件!

    Give it a try.


    It’s a 2-minute installation



    1. Register via www.consolto.com.

    2. 通过www.consolto.com注册。

      You’ll get a script that is assigned only to you.


      Save it.


    3. Upload the plugin to your blog/website.

    4. 将插件上传到您的博客/网站。

    5. Activate the plugin.

    6. 激活插件。

    7. Go to the “Consolto Plugin” in your wordpress menu.

    8. 转到您的wordpress菜单中的“ Consolto插件”。

    9. Paste your script from step #1.

    10. 粘贴第1步中的脚本。

    11. Save Changes.
    12. 保存更改。

    You’re done!


    "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

    "); } } }) })