[wordpress插件] Consent Manager for WooCommerceWooCommerce的同意经理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 16:40 487 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows you to manage customer consent and associated personal data.


It is especially useful for organisations that need to obtain consent from parents and adults.


Currently it allows for managing medical information, contact information and permissions to use customer photos and other media.


Consent Manager is also used for managing GDPR compliance.

Consent Manager也用于管理GDPR合规性。

It provides a single point where the organisations policies with regards to storing and managing customer information can be managed.


Test Product Installation and Walkthrough


Process One:


The following process outlines inclusion of users in orders placed through WooCommerce.


The process outcome will see usersí data being included in emails sent to the website admin as well as the customer placing the order.


    1. Follow the steps above to ensure that the Consent Manager plugin is installed correctly.
    2. 按照上述步骤操作,以确保正确安装Consent Manager插件。

    3. Using the file attached named ‘consent-manager-woocommerce-test-product’, upload a new product to WooCommerce using their import feature.
    4. 使用附件为“ consent-manager-woocommerce-test-product”的文件,使用其导入功能将新产品上传到WooCommerce。

    5. Navigate to the shop page of your website where your newly added product (Consent Manager Test Product) should appear.
    6. 导航到您网站的商店页面,新添加的产品(Consent Manager测试产品)应在其中显示。

    7. Add the newly uploaded Consent Manager Test Product to your cart and proceed to checkout
    8. 将新上传的Consent Manager测试产品添加到购物车,然后继续结帐

    9. Once at checkout, a new section will appear asking about the number of children or adults included in the booking.

    10. 结帐后,将出现一个新部分,询问预订中包括的儿童或成人数量。

      Provide their details.

    11. 提供他们的详细信息。

    12. The information that is provided in the checkout process will be included in both the emails generated to be sent to the admin and the user checking out.
    13. 结帐过程中提供的信息将同时包含在生成要发送给管理员和用户结帐的电子邮件中。

    Process Two:


    The following process outlines how users will interact with the Consent Manager plugin, how their details will be captured and where best to access them in your Admin Dashboard.

    以下过程概述了用户如何与Consent Manager插件进行交互,如何捕获其详细信息以及在管理仪表板中最好地访问它们的位置。

      1. Follow the steps above to ensure that the Consent Manager plugin is installed correctly.
      2. 按照上述步骤操作,以确保正确安装Consent Manager插件。

      3. Ensure that you are signed into your account on the website and visit the ‘My Account’ section of the website (Often websiteurl.com/my-account).
      4. 确保您已登录网站上的帐户,并访问网站的“我的帐户”部分(通常为websiteurl.com/my-account)。

      5. A new tab will have been added to the left hand menu, this tab will be labelled as ‘Adult Details’.

      6. 左侧菜单中将添加一个新标签,该标签将标记为“成人详细信息”。

        This area is where users of your website will capture their details and information about consent.

      7. 您的网站用户将在此区域捕获他们的详细信息以及有关同意的信息。

      8. Complete the three sections, adding all of your details and confirming your different areas of consent.
      9. 完成这三个部分,添加您的所有详细信息,并确认您同意的不同领域。

      10. Go back to the Admin Dashboard of your website and navigate to the Consent Manager label on the menu.

      11. 返回网站的管理控制台,然后导航到菜单上的“同意管理器”标签。

        Hover over it and select ‘Search and Report’

      12. 将鼠标悬停在它上面,然后选择“搜索和报告”

      13. Your information will have been captured in the table that is presented.

      14. 您的信息将在显示的表格中捕获。

        If you click on your name you will see an expansive view of your details.

      15. 如果单击您的姓名,您将看到详细信息。


    1. Upload ‘consent-manager-for-woocommerce’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将“ consent-manager-for-woocommerce”文件夹上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Visit the ‘Settings’ tab located under ‘Consent Manager’ in the left hand menu of the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
    6. 访问WordPress管理员信息中心左侧菜单中“同意管理器”下方的“设置”标签。

    7. Include any information under the ‘Policy Pages’ tab that is pertinent or relevant to your organisation.
    8. 在“政策页面”标签下添加与您的组织相关或相关的所有信息。

    9. Should you wish to include users information and consent for certain orders, the products in those orders need to be tagged with the ‘Adult’ tag in WooCommerce.

    10. 如果您希望包含用户信息并同意某些订单,则这些订单中的产品需要在WooCommerce中用“成人”标签进行标记。

      This will ensure that they are able to include themselves in the order at checkout.

    11. 这样可以确保他们能够在结帐时将自己包括在订单中。





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