[wordpress插件] Connections Business Directory Languages连接业务目录语言

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 14:10 521 0 全屏看文



This is an extension plugin for the Connections Business Directory Plugin please be sure to install and active it before adding this plugin.

这是 Connections Business Directory插件的扩展插件,请确保在添加此插件之前先安装并激活它。

What does this plugin do?


It adds the ability to add the languages spoken to entries.


The default choices are the most spoken languages in the world.


A filter has been provided to allow the choices of languages to be adjusted to suit your needs.


The languages of an entry can optionally be shown as a content block within a template or with the supplied widget.


Checkout the screenshots.


Here are some other great free extensions (with more on the way) that enhance your experience with with Connections Business Directory:

还有其他一些很棒的免费扩展(即将推出),这些扩展了您使用Connections Business Directory的体验:



    • Toolbar :: Provide quick links to the admin pages from the admin bar.
    • 工具栏 ::从管理栏中提供指向管理页面的快速链接。

    • Login :: Provides a simple to use login shortcode and widget.
    • 登录 ::提供简单易用的登录简码和窗口小部件。

    Custom Fields




        • Face Detect :: Applies face detection before cropping an image.
        • 人脸检测 ::在裁剪图像之前应用人脸检测。

        Premium Extensions


          • Authored :: Displays a list of blog posts written by the entry on their

          • 已授权 ::显示由该条目在其博客上撰写的博客文章列表

            profile page.

          • 个人资料页面。

          • Contact :: Displays a contact form on the entry's profile page to allow your

          • 联系人 ::在条目的个人资料页面上显示联系人表格,以允许您

            visitors to contact the entry without revealing their email address.

          • 访问者无需透露电子邮件地址即可联系条目。

          • CSV Import :: Bulk import your data in to your directory.

          • CSV导入 ::将数据批量导入目录中。

          • Custom Category Order :: Order your categories exactly as you

          • 自定义类别顺序 ::完全按照您的顺序订购类别

            need them.

          • 需要他们。

          • Form :: Allow site visitor to submit entries to your directory.

          • 表单 ::允许网站访问者向您的目录提交条目。

            Also provides frontend editing support.

          • 还提供了前端编辑支持。

          • Link :: Links a WordPress user to an entry so that user can maintain

          • 链接 ::将WordPress用户链接到条目,以便用户可以维护

            their entry with or without moderation.

          • 他们的参加(有或没有主持)。

          • ROT13 Encryption :: Protect email addresses from being harvested from

          • ROT13加密 ::保护电子邮件地址不被窃取

            your business directory by spam bots.

          • 垃圾邮件漫游器显示您的企业目录。

          • SiteShot :: Show a screen capture of the entry's website.

          • SiteShot ::显示该条目网站的屏幕截图。



          • Widget Pack :: A set of feature rich, versatile and highly

          • 窗口小部件包 ::一组功能丰富,通用且高度集成的功能

            configurable widgets that can be used to enhance your directory.

          • 可配置的小部件,可用于增强目录。


Using the WordPress Plugin Search


    1. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
    2. 导航到“插件”管理页面下的“ 添加新”子页面。

    3. Search for connections business directory languages.
    4. 搜索连接业务目录语言

    5. The plugin should be listed first in the search results.
    6. 该插件应在搜索结果中首先列出。

    7. Click the Install Now link.
    8. 点击立即安装链接。

    9. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
    10. 最后单击激活插件链接以激活插件。

    Uploading in WordPress Admin


      1. Download the plugin zip file and save it to your computer.
      2. 下载插件zip文件并将其保存到计算机中。

      3. Navigate to the Add New sub-page under the Plugins admin page.
      4. 导航到“插件”管理页面下的“ 添加新”子页面。

      5. Click the Upload link.
      6. 点击上传链接。

      7. Select Connections Business Directory Languages zip file from where you saved the zip file on your computer.
      8. 从其中将zip文件保存到计算机上的位置选择Connections Business Directory语言zip文件。

      9. Click the Install Now button.
      10. 点击立即安装按钮。

      11. Lastly click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
      12. 最后单击激活插件链接以激活插件。

      Using FTP


        1. Download the plugin zip file and save it to your computer.
        2. 下载插件zip文件并将其保存到您的计算机中。

        3. Extract the Connections Business Directory Languages zip file.
        4. 提取Connections业务目录语言zip文件。

        5. Create a new directory named connections-business-directory-languages directory in the ../wp-content/plugins/ directory.
        6. ../ wp-content / plugins / 目录中创建一个名为 connections-business-directory-languages 目录的新目录。

        7. Upload the files from the folder extracted in Step 2.
        8. 从步骤2中提取的文件夹中上传文件。

        9. Activate the plugin on the Plugins admin page.
        10. 在“插件管理”页面上激活插件。





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