[wordpress插件] Conductrics Web Actions行为者网络行为

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-30 07:20 478 0 全屏看文



Includes Conductrics Web Actions scripts in your pages, which makes it easy to test changes to your pages, track their success, and do dynamic targeting.

在页面中包含Conductrics Web Actions脚本,可以轻松测试页面更改,跟踪其成功以及进行动态定位。

    • Go Beyond A/B Testing – Because Conductrics automatically learns and optimizes your content in real-time, you can spend your valuable time focusing on making your WordPress blog or site awesome.
    • 超越A / B测试 –因为Conductrics会自动实时地学习和优化您的内容,因此您可以将宝贵的时间集中在使WordPress博客或网站很棒上。

    • Targeting Your Audience – There often isn’t one best option for everyone – content can resonate with one group more than another.

    • 定位目标受众 –通常,没有一个最佳选择适合所有人-内容可以在一个群体中引起更多的共鸣。

      Conductrics will learn and display the best performing option for each.

    • 售票员将学习并显示每种情况下表现最佳的选项。


To get started:


    1. Initial Installation.

    2. 初始安装

      If you found the plugin by searching the plugin directory via the WordPress admin, just click Install Now.


      If you downloaded the plugin as a .zip file, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload, then use the Browse button to select the .zip file and click Install Now.

    3. 如果您以.zip文件的形式下载插件,请转至插件>新增>上载,然后使用浏览按钮选择.zip文件,然后单击立即安装。

    4. Activate Plugin.

    5. 激活插件

      The “Conductrics Web Actions” plugin should now be listed under Plugins > Installed Plugins in your WordPress admin.

      现在,应该在WordPress管理员的“插件”>“已安装的插件”下列出“ Conductrics Web Actions”插件。

      Click the Activate link to enable it.

    6. 单击激活链接将其启用。

    7. Provide Conductrics Account Keys.

    8. 提供导体帐户密钥

      Click the “Settings” link for the Conductrics Web Actions plugin in the list of Installed Plugins.

      单击已安装插件列表中的Conductrics Web Actions插件的“设置”链接。

      Alternatively, you can also get to the setttings page via Settings > Conductrics Actions in the WordPress admin.


      Click on the Conductrics Account tab, then copy and paste your API keys from the Account > Keys and Password page from the Conductrics Console.

      单击 Conductrics帐户标签,然后从Conductrics控制台的“帐户”>“密钥和密码”页面复制并粘贴您的API密钥。

      Make sure to save your changes when done.


      If you don’t have a Conductrics account yet, just go to http://www.conductrics.com to get a free account to play around with.

    9. 如果您还没有Conductrics帐户,只需访问http://www.conductrics.com即可获得一个免费帐户。

    10. Enable Web Actions.

    11. 启用Web操作

      Still in the settings page for the plugin, click the Global Web Actions tab, check the Enable Web Actions checkbox, and save your changes.

    12. 仍在插件的设置页面中,单击“全局Web操作”选项卡,选中启用Web操作复选框,然后保存更改。

    The plugin is very simple.


    Its purpose is to make it easy to use the Web Actions feature provided by the Conductrics service.

    其目的是简化使用Conductrics服务提供的Web Actions功能。

    Rather than having to paste code snippets into your pages and posts, you just use the simple UI provided by the plugin, right from the WordPress admin.


    Setting up a A/B Test in a Page or Post:

    在页面或帖子中设置A / B测试:

      1. Go to the “Edit” page for the page or post as you would normally.
      2. 像往常一样转到页面的“编辑”页面或发布。

      3. You should see a Conductrics Web Actions area in the right sidebar.

      4. 您应该在右侧栏中看到一个Conductrics Web Actions区域。

        It might be toward the bottom of the page.


        If you want, you can grab the area by its title bar and drag it up under the Publish area, but that’s up to you.

      5. 如果需要,可以通过其标题栏抓住该区域并将其向上拖动到“发布”区域下,但这取决于您。

      6. From the “Add” dropdown, choose “add new agent”.

      7. 从“添加”下拉列表中,选择“添加新代理”。

        (You may be prompted to log into your Conductrics Account at this point, which you should only have to do once.)

      8. (此时,系统可能会提示您登录您的“普通客户”帐户,只需执行一次即可。)

      9. Click the Create Agent button to create your new Conductrics Agent (“agent” is just our term for an A/B testing project).
      10. 单击“创建代理”按钮以创建新的Conductrics代理(“代理”仅是A / B测试项目的术语)。

      11. Now you can set up what you want your test to actually change (perhaps showing or hiding an aspect of your page or theme).
      12. 现在,您可以设置要实际更改的测试(也许显示或隐藏页面或主题的某个方面)。

      You can learn more about what you can do with Web Actions at http://console.conductrics.com/docs/demo/web-actions

      您可以在http://console.conductrics.com/docs/demo/web-actions 上详细了解如何使用Web Actions。





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