[wordpress插件] Complianz | GDPR Cookie ConsentComplianz | GDPR Cookie同意

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-29 23:50 875 0 全屏看文



Complianz is a GDPR Cookie Consent plugin that supports GDPR, DSGVO, CCPA and more with a conditional Cookie Notice and customized Cookie Policy based on the results of the built-in Cookie Scan.

Complianz是一个GDPR Cookie同意插件,该插件支持GDPR,DSGVO,CCPA等,并带有条件Cookie通知和基于内置Cookie扫描结果的自定义Cookie策略。



    • Configure for your specific region: European Union, United Kingdom or United States.
    • 针对您的特定区域进行配置:欧盟,英国或美国。

    • Configure specific cookie consent per subregion, for example: European Union + DSGVO or USA + CCPA
    • 在每个子区域配置特定的Cookie同意,例如:欧盟+ DSGVO或美国+ CCPA

    • Cookie Consent and Conditional Cookie Notice with Custom CSS and Customizable Templates.
    • 具有自定义CSS和可自定义模板的Cookie同意和条件Cookie通知。

    • Banner Templates include: GDPR-friendly Cookie Wall – Accept/Dismiss – Category Based Consent.
    • 横幅模板包括:GDPR友好型Cookie墙–接受/拒绝–基于类别的同意。

    • Banner Templates US also include;

    • 横幅模板美国还包括;

      Dismiss on scroll, time on page or both.

    • 按滚动,按页面停留时间或同时按这两种方式退出。

    • Categorize your Cookies with Tag Manager or our own Script Center, if needed.
    • 如果需要,可以使用标签管理器或我们自己的脚本中心对Cookie进行分类。

    • Automatically detects if you need a Cookie Notice (also called a Cookie Banner or Pop-Up).
    • 自动检测您是否需要Cookie通知(也称为Cookie标语或弹出窗口)。

    • A Cookie Policy;

    • Cookie政策;

      Generated by you with an easy wizard, drafted by an IT Law Firm.

    • 由您通过IT律师事务所起草的简单向导生成。

    • (Optional) Cookiedatabase.org API – Connected with the open-source, community-driven database with clear and transparent cookie descriptions.
    • (可选)Cookiedatabase.org API –与具有清晰,透明cookie描述的开源社区驱动型数据库连接。

    • Do Not Sell My Personal Information: DNSMPI Page for CCPA – if required.
    • 请勿出售我的个人信息:CCPA的DNSMPI页-如有需要。

    • Periodical Cookie Scan for changes in Cookies, Plugins and 3rd Party services.
    • 定期Cookie扫描以了解Cookie,插件和第三方服务的更改。

    • Proof of Consent;

    • 同意书;

      user consent registration that respects the data minimization guideline.

    • 遵守数据最小化指南的用户同意书注册。

    • Implementation of Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Matomo etc.
    • 实施Google跟踪代码管理器,Google Analytics(分析)和Matomo等。

    • Automatically anonymizes IP-addresses for Google Analytics if needed.
    • 必要时自动为Google Analytics(分析)的IP地址匿名。

    • Blocks 3rd party cookies like Google Maps, Facebook, Instagram, AdSense, Recaptcha, Twitter and more.
    • 阻止第3方Cookie,例如Google Maps,Facebook,Instagram,AdSense,Recaptcha,Twitter等。

    • Blocks iFrames, like YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion embedded videos and Social iFrames.
    • 阻止iFrame,例如YouTube,Vimeo,Dailymotion嵌入式视频和Social iFrame。

    • Placeholders for blocked iFrames.

    • 被阻止的iFrame的占位符。

      Stills from videos and individual placeholders per service.

    • 视频和每个服务的单个占位符的静止图像。

    • Detected Cookie Data is prefilled from the shipped Cookie Database, which is continuously updated.
    • 从出厂的Cookie数据库中预先填充检测到的Cookie数据,该数据库会不断更新。

    • Integrates seamlessly with Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi, Forminator, WPBakery, Monsterinsights, GADWP, Beehive, WPForms, Gravity Forms, Happy Forms, Contact Form 7 (CF7), Woocommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, WP Google Maps, Google Maps Widget

    • 与Gutenberg,Elementor,Divi,Forminator,WPBakery,Monsterinsights,GADWP,Beehive,WPForms,Gravity Forms,Happy Forms,Contact Form 7(CF7),Woocommerce,Easy Digital Downloads,WP Google Maps,Google Maps Widget无缝集成

      , CAOS |

      ,CAOS |

      Host Google Analytics Locally and other popular plugins.

    • 在本地托管Google Analytics(分析)和其他流行的插件。

    • Tested with popular themes en page builders.
    • 通过流行的主题页面构建器进行了测试。

    • Integrated with WordPress Privacy features.

    • 与WordPress隐私功能集成。

      Export and erase personal data from our dashboard.

    • 从我们的信息中心导出和删除个人数据。

    • Gutenberg Blocks enabled.
    • 启用了Gutenberg块。


    • We closely follow the latest developments in the ePrivacy legislation and other legislation world-wide.
    • 我们密切关注全球电子隐私法规和其他法规的最新发展。

    Complianz is on GitHub as well!

    Complianz也在 GitHub 上!



    Complianz |

    Complianz |

    GDPR Cookie Consent can help you meet compliance requirements, but the user must ensure that all requirements are met.

    GDPR Cookie同意书可以帮助您满足合规性要求,但用户必须确保满足所有要求。

    Cookiedatabase.org API Privacy & Terms

    Cookiedatabase.org API隐私和条款

    Complianz connects with Cookiedatabase.org to collect and synchronize the most recent descriptions for cookies and related services.


    After consent in Complianz |


    GDPR Cookie Consent, Cookiedatabase.org will collect your domain, cookies (descriptions) and used plugins for the sole purpose of researching and moderating cookies and related services.

    GDPR Cookie同意,Cookiedatabase.org将收集您的域,Cookie(描述)和使用的插件,其唯一目的是研究和审核Cookie和相关服务。

    For more information, please check our privacy statement.


    Cookiedatabase.org is an open-source, community-driven cookie database founded by Complianz.io.


    Terms of Use CC BY-SA 4.0

    使用条款CC BY-SA 4.0

    Love Complianz?


    If you enjoy this plugin and you want your site to have the best compliancy features, consider purchasing the premium version


    , also available for multisite users.


    Premium features


      • Select both USA, UK and EU as target regions with conditional Consent and Cookie Banners.
      • 通过条件同意和Cookie标语选择美国,英国和欧盟作为目标区域。

      • Consent Statistics: see how many visitors accept, decline, or don’t need a cookie notice at all.
      • 同意的统计信息:查看有多少访客接受,拒绝或根本不需要Cookie通知。

      • Improve conversion with A/B Testing: which cookie banner has the best consent ratio?

      • 通过A / B测试提高转化率:哪个Cookie标语的同意率最高?

        Run tests and measure what works best for your site.

      • 运行测试并衡量最适合您的网站的内容。

      • All Legal Documents: Customized and legally validated privacy statements (EU, UK & US), cookie policy (EU, UK & US), disclaimer, processing agreements (EU, UK & US) , dataleak reporting tools, created and updated

      • 所有法律文件:定制和经过法律验证的隐私声明(欧盟,英国和美国),cookie政策(欧盟,英国和美国),免责声明,处理协议(欧盟,英国和美国),数据泄漏报告工具,已创建和更新

        by a dedicated law firm

      • 由专门的律师事务所

      • Geo IP Cookie Consent: Cookie Consent is different everywhere.

      • Geo IP Cookie同意:Cookie同意在每个地方都是不同的。

        Show the correct Cookie Notice based on IP location, but only if a banner is needed.

      • 根据IP位置显示正确的Cookie通知,但仅在需要横幅时才显示。

      • CCPA Consent and Legal documents.
      • CCPA同意书和法律文件。

      • COPPA ready with Children’s Privacy Policy
      • COPPA已准备好遵守儿童隐私政策

      • UK-GDPR / PECR and ICO Guidelines – Privacy Policy and other legal documents.
      • UK-GDPR / PECR和ICO指南–隐私政策和其他法律文件。

      • Respects Do Not Track settings in users browsers.
      • 尊重用户浏览器中的设置。

      • Multilanguage support for the cookie notice and legal documents.
      • Cookie通知和法律文档的多语言支持。

      • 6 Default languages.

      • 6种默认语言。

        English, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and German

      • 英语,荷兰语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语和德语

      • Premium Support from our amazing team.
      • 我们出色的团队提供的优质支持。

      • Premium Updates, new languages, features, regions and more to create the Ultimate Privacy Suite for WordPress.
      • 高级更新,新语言,功能,地区以及更多内容,以创建适用于WordPress的Ultimate Privacy Suite。

      Check out other plugins developed by Really Simple Plugins as well: Really Simple SSL,

      还可以查看由Really Simple Plugins开发的其他插件:真正简单的SSL

      "https://wordpress.org/plugins/zip-recipes/">Zip Recipes and WP Search Insights

      “ https://wordpress.org/plugins/zip-recipes/”>邮编 WP搜索见解

      Contact us if you have any questions, issues, or suggestions.



      Complianz |

      Complianz |

      GDPR Cookie Consent is developed by [Complianz BV] (https://complianz.io).

      GDPR Cookie同意书由[Complianz BV](https://complianz.io)开发。



        • Go to “plugins” in your WordPress Dashboard, and click “add new”.
        • 转到WordPress信息中心中的“插件”,然后单击“添加新”。

        • Click “upload”, and select the downloaded zip file.
        • 单击“上传”,然后选择下载的zip文件。

        • Activate.
        • 激活。

        • Navigate to “Complianz”, and follow the instructions.
        • 导航到“ Complianz”,然后按照说明进行操作。





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