[wordpress plugin] Social Buttons by LinksAlpha

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-20 13:19 640 0 全屏看文






Get more pageviews and visitors to your website by installing LinksAlpha Social Buttons plugin.


LinksAlpha plugin enables sharing of your posts and pages of your WordPress site on the most popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and more.


You can easily select where you want to display share buttons on your website including homepage, category page, archive page, and other specific WordPress pages and posts.


LinksAlpha Social Buttons is the most versatile sharing platform that comes with the following features:


Social Buttons


    1. Position: Show social buttons above or below your content of your website pages or posts.
    2. 位置:在网站页面或帖子的内容上方或下方显示社交按钮。

    3. Styles: Choose between several button styles and sizes.
    4. 样式:在几种按钮样式和大小之间选择。

    5. Share Count: Choose to show share counts that encourages your visitors to share content from your website.
    6. 共享计数:选择显示共享计数,以鼓励访问者共享您网站上的内容。

    7. Personalize: Select the sharing services that appear on your website.
    8. 个性化:选择显示在您网站上的共享服务。

    9. SVG Icons/Retina Ready: Automatically show lightweight and pixel-perfect social icons.
    10. SVG图标/视网膜就绪:自动显示轻巧且像素完美的社交图标。

    11. Original Buttons: Choose to show original sharing buttons provided by the social networks, which includes Facebook Like, Facebook Share and more.
    12. 原始按钮:选择显示社交网络提供的原始共享按钮,包括Facebook Like,Facebook Share等。

    13. Jumbo Social Counters: Show share count and share buttons in large font and size for better visibility and increased sharing
    14. 巨型社交计数器:以大字体和大尺寸显示共享计数和共享按钮,以提高可见度并增加共享次数

    Social Sidebar


      1. Floating: Show floating share buttons in a social sidebar on your website.
      2. 浮动:在您网站的社交工具栏中显示浮动共享按钮。

      3. Position: Choose to show the social sidebar on left or right hand side of the website pages.
      4. 位置:选择在网站页面的左侧或右侧显示社交侧边栏。

      5. Buttons: Select the social buttons that you want to show in the social sidebar.
      6. 按钮:选择要在社交侧边栏中显示的社交按钮。

      Mobile Toolbar


        1. Share Button: Show social sharing button as a toolbar in mobile view of your website.
        2. 共享按钮:在网站的移动视图中将社交共享按钮显示为工具栏。

        3. Responsive: Mobile toolbar automatically shows in mobile view.
        4. 自适应:移动工具栏会自动显示在移动视图中。

        5. Position: Choose to show mobile toolbar on top or bottom on the website pages.
        6. 位置:选择在网站页面的顶部或底部显示移动工具栏。

        Mobile Sharing Toolbar


          1. Share Icons: Show social sharing icons from Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and more as a toolbar in mobile view of your website.
          2. 共享图标:将Facebook,Twitter,WhatsApp,LinkedIn等社交共享图标显示为网站移动视图中的工具栏。

          3. Responsive: Mobile sharing toolbar automatically shows in mobile view.
          4. 自适应:移动共享工具栏会自动显示在移动视图中。

          5. Position: Choose to show mobile toolbar on top or bottom on the website pages.
          6. 位置:选择在网站页面的顶部或底部显示移动工具栏。

          Analytics Integration


            1. Google Analytics: Automatic Google Analytics integration for social sharing analytics
            2. Google Analytics(分析):用于社交共享分析的自动Google Analytics(分析)集成

            Made for WordPress


              1. Asynchronous Loading: Plugin content loads asynchronously, which makes sure that your website pages load fast.
              2. 异步加载:插件内容异步加载,以确保您的网站页面快速加载。

              3. HTML5: Plugin utilizes latest and the best web programming features.
              4. HTML5 :该插件利用了最新和最好的Web编程功能。

              5. No Signup: No login, signup required.
              6. 无需注册:无需登录,需要注册。

              Social Publishing


                1. Automatic Publishing: Automatically publish content from your website to your social profiles including Facebook Pages, Profile, and Twitter.
                2. 自动发布:自动将网站中的内容发布到您的社交个人资料,包括Facebook页面,个人资料和Twitter。

                3. Note: This feature requires you to signup on LinksAlpha.com to configure the publishing.

                4. 注意:此功能要求您在LinksAlpha.com上进行注册以配置发布。

                  Also, this feature is offered free for first 14 days after which you need to upgrade to the Pro version priced at $8.99 per month.

                5. 此外,此功能在前14天免费提供,之后您需要升级到Pro版本,价格为每月8.99美元。


    1. Upload la-click-and-share.zip to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory and unzip it.
    2. 将la-click-and-share.zip上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录并解压缩。

    3. Activate the Plugin from “Manage Plugins” window
    4. 从“管理插件”窗口激活插件








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