[wordpress插件] ComparePress比较新闻

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-29 19:50 554 0 全屏看文



Use ComparePress to quickly add and manage a full SEO price comparison system on your existing blog or web site.


ComparePress currently has 1 module available that allows you to access our mobile phone database of over 1 million UK mobile phone deals which already powers some of the UK’s leading comparison sites.


The ComparePress plugin with the mobile phone module activated will allow you to easily add handset, manufacturer and specification specific pages to your site.


The plugin also comes with customisable widgets allowing your users the ability to search all the deals as well as show the best selling and latest released mobile phone handsets.


We also have a UK Video Games module due for release which compares the prices of UK Video games at the leading online retailers with plans to release UK computer, books and DVD price comparison modules soon and are keen to target other markets.<

我们还将发布一个UK Video Games模块,该模块将比较领先的在线零售商的UK Video游戏价格,并计划很快发布UK计算机,书籍和DVD价格比较模块,并热衷于瞄准其他市场。


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More ComparePress info


Check out http://ComparePress.com for the full overview.

查看 http://ComparePress.com 以获得完整概述。

Example ComparePress sites


    1. UK Mobile Phones – http://www.mobilechecker.co.uk/
    2. 英国手机– http://www.mobilechecker.co.uk/

    3. UK Video Games – http://gamesprices.co.uk/
    4. 英国视频游戏– http://gamesprices.co.uk/

    Further Reading


    For more info, check out the following:




        • Once the plugin has been activated, click on the new ComparePress menu that appears.
        • 激活插件后,单击出现的新的ComparePress菜单。

        • Enter the access details you have been sent after registering for free here ComparePress Sign Up – this is

        • 在此处免费注册后输入您已发送的访问详细信息 ComparePress注册

          your Token and ComparePress ID.

          您的令牌和ComparePress ID。

          NOTE: Without these access details you will not be able to get the full ComparePress experience.

        • 注意:如果没有这些访问详细信息,您将无法获得完整的ComparePress体验。

        • The next step is to activate the widgets that will allow the customer to search the deals and / or add the ComparePress shortcodes to display specific handsets which is detailed here: ComparePress Widgets
        • /knowledgebase.php?article=2“ rel =” nofollow“> ComparePress小部件

        • That’s all that is required to start using ComparePress on your site.

        • 这就是在您的网站上开始使用ComparePress所需要的。

          If you would like to customise ComparePress further please see here: ComparePress Customisation

          如果您想进一步自定义ComparePress,请参见: ComparePress自定义




Installation is easy:


    1. Download the plugin.
    2. 下载插件。

    3. Copy the folder to the plugins directory of your blog.
    4. 将文件夹复制到博客的plugins目录。

    5. In your WordPress Administration Area, go to the Plugins page and click Activate for ComparePress

    6. 在您的 WordPress管理区域中,转到插件页面,然后单击激活进行 ComparePress



    7. Sign up to the ComparePress affiliate programme to get access the full deals database.
    8. 注册到ComparePress 会员计划以访问完整的交易数据库。

    Updating from a ComparePress version that is before version 2.0?


      1. Deactivate your current ComparePress plugin
      2. 停用当前的ComparePress插件

      3. Delete the ComparePress plugin from the plugins directory of your blog either via your WordPress admin area of manually via FTP
      4. 通过您的WordPress管理区域或通过FTP手动从博客的plugins目录中删除ComparePress插件

      5. Download version 2.0 or greater of the ComparePress plugin from WordPress.org
      6. 从WordPress.org下载版本2.0或更高版本的ComparePress插件

      7. In your WordPress Administration Area, go to the Plugins page and click Activate for ComparePress

      8. 在您的 WordPress管理区域中,转到插件页面,然后单击激活进行 ComparePress



      9. Sign up to the ComparePress affiliate programme to get access the full deals database.
      10. 注册到ComparePress 会员计划以访问完整的交易数据库。





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