[wordpress插件] Comic Easel漫画画架

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-28 04:00 1060 0 全屏看文



Comic Easel Website: Comic Easel

Comic Easel网站: Comic Easel

Comic Easel allows you to incorporate a WebComic using the WordPress Media Library functionality with Navigation into almost any WordPress theme.

Comic Easel允许您使用WordPress媒体库功能和导航将WebComic整合到几乎所有WordPress主题中。

With just a few modifications of adding injection action locations into a theme, you can have the theme of your choice display a comic.

只需对主题中添加 injection 动作位置进行一些修改,就可以让您选择的主题显示漫画。

The core reason to use Comic Easel above other WordPress theme’s is that you are not limited to the basic ComicPress & Other themes that are specifically designed for WebComics that utilize structures that you do not require or want to make use of.

在其他WordPress主题之上使用Comic Easel的主要原因是,您不仅限于为WebComics设计的基本ComicPress和其他主题,这些主题利用了您不需要或不想使用的结构。

There are a plentiful amount of themes in the WordPress repository that you can now take advantage of that give you tons of options you otherwise wouldn’t have had.


With Comic Easel’s extra taxonomies to control Character and Locations, you can provide your end readers with a plethora of information that wouldn’t have had before that is auto-generated.

借助Comic Easel的额外分类法来控制角色和位置,您可以为最终读者提供大量自动生成的信息。

The Cast Page itself shows how many times a character was in a comic as well as the first comic they were seen in.


Comic Easel is not an upgrade to ComicPress, it is a different CMS that has a migration path available from ComicPress to Comic Easel.

Comic Easel是不是升级到ComicPress,它是另一种CMS,具有从ComicPress到Comic Easel的迁移路径。

The ComicPress theme has functionality that the theme you choose might not.


To Convert your existing ComicPress theme comics to Comic Easel’s post type there is a plugin available called CP2CE.

要将现有的ComicPress主题漫画转换为Comic Easel的帖子类型,有一个名为CP2CE的插件。



    • Custom Post Type control of posts.
    • 帖子的自定义帖子类型控制。

    • Media Library handling of comics.
    • 媒体库中的漫画处理。

    • As many chapters/stories as you would like.
    • 所需的章节/故事。

    • Individual navigation per chapter or all.
    • 每个章节或全部的单独导航。

    • Character and Location settings per Comic
    • 每个漫画的字符和位置设置

    • As many comic posts you can do in a day as you want.
    • 一天之内可以完成许多漫画文章。

    • Hovertext on the comic
    • 漫画上的悬浮文本

    • Using translate plugins, every comic and post can be multilanguage
    • 使用翻译插件,每个漫画和帖子都可以使用多语言

    • Navigation widget that mimics ComicPress’s navigation widget including custom graphic sets that can be pulled from themes
    • 用于模拟ComicPress导航小部件的导航小部件,包括可从主题中提取的自定义图形集

    • chapter navigation in a variety of different methods
    • 各种方法中的章节导航

    • can create a gallery of comics for a post
    • 可以为帖子创建漫画画廊

    • transcripts
    • 成绩单

    • And more!
    • 还有更多!



      • Chapter Dropdown, brings you to the first comic in the chapter (story)
      • 章节下拉菜单,将您带到该章(故事)中的第一部漫画

      • Calendar display, show’s you what days comic posts were made on, can add images and links to backgrounds.
      • 日历显示,向您显示漫画发布的日期,可以添加图像和背景链接。

      • Recent Comics, a list of comics that have been posted as of late.
      • 最近的漫画,是最近发布的漫画的列表。

      • Thumbnail, display a thumbnail of a random comic, or first/latest comic in a chapter (or all)
      • 缩略图,显示随机漫画的缩略图,或显示一章(或全部)中第一/最新漫画的缩略图



        • /?latest or /?latest= in the url will automatically take the end user to the latest comic, or latest of a specific chapter


        • /?latest /?latest = 将自动将最终用户带到最新的漫画或特定章节的最新漫画

        • /?random in the url will redirect to a random comic out of all the comics.
        • 网址中的

        • /?random 将重定向到所有漫画中的随机漫画。

        Short Codes


        Shortcodes are simple embed statements that you can put into pages/post that display information.


          • [comic-archive list=0/1/2 chapter=# thumbnail=0/1] Display a list of your comics by individual chapters or all.
          • [漫画档案列表= 0/1/2章节=#缩略图= 0/1] 按各个章节或全部显示漫画列表。

          • list=0 (default) – All chapters, not in parent->child relationship
          • list = 0(默认)–所有章节,不在父子关系中

          • chapter=# if list=0 and chapter=# (# = chapter ID number) do a singular view
          • 章节=#(如果list = 0和Chapter =#(#=章节ID号)执行单个视图

          • list=1 if list=1 do it for series that has parent->child book->chapter (chapter= will not work)
          • list = 1,如果list = 1对具有父级->子书->章章的系列(章章=无效)执行此操作

          • list=2 by year archive, will print a list of years the comic has been made in and show all comics for that year
          • list = 2按年份归档,将打印漫画制作年份的列表,并显示该年的所有漫画

          • thumbnail=1 display the thumbnail of the first post it finds
          • thumbnail = 1显示找到的第一条帖子的缩略图

          • [cast-page] Display a list of all of your characters, how many comics they were in and when they first appeared
          • [cast-page] 显示所有角色的列表,其中有多少漫画以及它们何时首次出现

          • [transcript] Display the transcript of the comic whereever you like within the post
          • [字幕] 在帖子中的任意位置显示漫画的字幕

          • display=(raw/br/styled*) styled = default [transcript display=raw] = no special output.
          • display =(raw / br / styled *)样式=默认[transcript display = raw] =没有特殊输出。

          • [randcomic] Display a random comic inside a blog post
          • [randcomic] 在博客文章中显示随机漫画

          • character=slugname name=postslug chapter=specific-chapter size=(thumbnail/large/full)
          • character = slugname name = postslug章节= specific-chapter size =(缩略图/大/全)

          Action Injection Locations


          A number of injection snippets that you add to your theme, mini navigation for the menubar, comic area and comic blost post area, including post-information is available to customize your theme out with auto generated information.



Setting up Thumbnail sizes before adding your comics


In the WP-ADMIN -> Settings -> Media, you can set the thumbnail widths that you would want to use on your site.


The “thumbnail size” default 150×150 cropped works just fine.


Some users of Comic Easel have noted that it doesn't look the greatest for all comics so they suggest unchecking the box for crop thumbnil and setting the width to 198 (barely less then the width of the sidebars) and then removing the contents of height


on thumbnail medium and large sizes.


This is all depends on your comic.


Further down the Media page is the [x] Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders, this is a must have since it will organize your comics into sep.


directories for you.


If you don’t like the size of your thumbnails you have set, there are several plugins available on the WordPress repository available to regenerate all of your thumbnails.


Modifying themes to use


    • Modify your theme adding

    • 添加 <?php do_action('comic-area');修改主题

      ?> in a position where to display the comic, generally it should be right above the #content and under the menu bar.

    • ?> 在显示漫画的位置,通常应该在#content上方和菜单栏下方。

    Generally the two files to edit is the index.php and the single.php, however some layouts are auto-generated with code and those you will need to seek advice out from their designers, the makers of those particular themes.<



    / p>

    There are other “action” area’s that you can put into your theme, not just the comic-area.




    - This is for the area you want your comic displayed on the home page and single pages.




    - This is for the blog portion of the comic for the home page only.




    - For menubar's to have mini navigation (prevext) in them.




    - For inside of the single/archive/search post pages posts, showing more comic info.




    - Inside the individual post loop, preferably at the bottom after the post div.


    Show's a list of related comics.




    - generally used under the_content() to display the transcript of the post, if you do not want to use the [transcript] shortcode, this will make it so that it always displays if there is a transcript


    Adding the Comic area sidebars


    Sidebars for Comic Easel are added automatically since 05/28/2012 They should appear above all of your other sidebars in the widget panel;

    自2012年5月28日起,将自动添加Comic Easel的侧边栏,它们应显示在小部件面板中所有其他侧边栏的上方;

    and can be toggled on and off in the config.






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