[wordpress插件] Ultimate WooCommerce Filters终极WooCommerce过滤器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-27 15:50 735 0 全屏看文



Ultimate WooCommerce Filters is a plugin that allows you to filter WooCommerce products by color, size, attribute, category or tag.


Easy to set up and implement with a simple WooCommerce filter widget and WooCommerce filter shortcode.


Key WooCommerce Filter Features


    • Filter WooCommerce products by color, with the actual colors displayed in the widget on your shop page
    • 按颜色过滤WooCommerce产品,并在商店页面的小部件中显示实际颜色

    • Filter WooCommerce products by size
    • 按大小过滤WooCommerce产品

    • Filter products by any attribute that you have set up in WooCommerce
    • 按您在WooCommerce中设置的任何属性过滤产品

    • Filter products by WooCommerce categories and tags
    • 按WooCommerce类别和标签过滤产品

    • Include a smart product search in the WooCommerce filtering widget
    • 在WooCommerce过滤小部件中包括智能产品搜索

    New Gutenberg block included for displaying your WooCommerce filters!


    It’s very simple and quick to set up your WooCommerce filters.


    Use an intuitive color picker to select the colors for your shop and then, for each product, just check the ones that apply.


    It works the same way for the sizes.


    For the categories and tags, it’s even easier!


    Ultimate WooCommerce Filters automatically recognizes the categories and tags that you already have set up in WooCommerce.

    Ultimate WooCommerce过滤器会自动识别您已经在WooCommerce中设置的类别和标签。

    It’s as simple as enabling the filtering in our options.


    You will then automatically have all your WooCommerce categories and WooCommerce tags available as filters on your shop page.


    Create a powerful, effective and practical product browsing experience for your customers with the ability to filter your products by WooCommerce attributes.


    This is the attributes functionality that is built into WooCommerce and that you already use to provide specific information about your products.


    In our WooCommerce filtering options, just enable which attributes you’d like to add to the filtering widget and they’ll automatically display as filters on your WooCommerce shop page.


    No extra setup required.


    This is an incredibly useful feature that brings the WooCommerce shopping experience to a whole new level for your customers!




    It could not be easier to display your WooCommerce filters to your shop page.


    Just add our widget to your theme’s page sidebar.


    That’s it.


    The WooCommerce filter widget is already configured to only show on the WooCommerce shop page, and not your other pages.


    Alternatively, you can place the WooCommerce filters anywhere you want on a page using the intuitive shortcode shown just above.


    In addition to the available filters, Ultimate WooCommerce Filters also includes a dynamic and fast product search that you can add to the WooCommerce filter widget.

    除了可用的过滤器外,Ultimate WooCommerce过滤器还包括动态且快速的产品搜索,您可以将其添加到WooCommerce过滤器小部件中。

    With features like auto-complete, your customers can quickly find the exact products they’re looking for.


    Premium WooCommerce Filtering Features


    Ultimate WooCommerce Filters comes with a host of advanced features in the premium version that you let you futher customize the filtering experience.


    With separate layout options and functions for each type of filter, an option to display WooCommerce filter attributes under the thumbnails on your shop page, and more, there are many ways to configure your WooCommerce filters just how you need.


    Ultimate WooCommerce Filters premium features include:


      • Display WooCommerce filter attributes under shop page thumbnails (e.g. adjacent to the rating stars).

      • 在商店页面缩略图下显示WooCommerce过滤器属性(例如,在评分星标旁边)。

        Gives your customers a visual indication of what’s a available for each product without having to go to the product page.

      • 无需转到产品页面即可直观地指示客户每种产品都有哪些可用产品。

      • Specific layout options for each type of WooCommerce filter (color, size, attributes, categories and tags).
      • 每种WooCommerce过滤器(颜色,大小,属性,类别和标签)的特定布局选项。

      • Advanced options that allow you to customize the filtering functionality and experience.
      • 允许您自定义过滤功能和体验的高级选项。

      • Labelling options that allow you to quickly change the wording of specific labels.
      • 标签选项,可让您快速更改特定标签的文字。

      Ultimate WooCommerce Filters is great for WooCommerce shops that want to show available product colors, such as clothing stores, sports equipment, electronics, music shops, collectibles and more.


      By having all your filters and your search in one place, it will save a lot of time for your WooCommerce store visitors and enhance their shopping experience.


      Ultimate WooCommerce Filters is fully compatible with WPML and, as such, if you are running a WooCommerce shop in multiple languages, you can use it without any doubts.



    1. Make sure you have the latest version of WooCommerce plugin installed and active
    2. 确保您已安装并激活了最新版本的WooCommerce插件

    3. Upload the ‘color-filters’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    4. 将“滤色器”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件


      1. Make sure you have the latest version of WooCommerce plugin installed and active
      2. 确保您已安装并激活了最新版本的WooCommerce插件

      3. Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress and click ‘Add New’
      4. 转到WordPress中的“插件”菜单,然后单击“添加新内容”

      5. Search for ‘Color Filters for WooCommerce’ and select ‘Install Now’
      6. 搜索“ WooCommerce的彩色滤光片”,然后选择“立即安装”

      7. Activate the plugin when prompted
      8. 在提示时激活插件

      Getting Started


        1. To add a new color filter:


            • Click on ‘WC Filters’ in the WordPress admin sidebar menu
            • 点击WordPress管理员侧边栏菜单中的“ WC过滤器”

            • Go to the ‘Colors’ tab.

            • 转到“颜色”标签。

              The ‘Add a New Color’ area will be on the left.

            • “添加新颜色”区域将在左侧。

            • Fill in the fields, use the color picker to select your exact color, and then click the ‘Add New Color’ button
            • 填写字段,使用颜色选择器选择您的确切颜色,然后单击“添加新颜色”按钮

          • To add a new size filter:


              • Click on ‘WC Filters’ in the WordPress admin sidebar menu
              • 点击WordPress管理员侧边栏菜单中的“ WC过滤器”

              • Go to the ‘Sizes’ tab.

              • 转到“尺寸”标签。

                The ‘Add a New Size’ area will be on the left.

              • “添加新尺寸”区域将在左侧。

              • Give your size a name (e.g. “Medium”), fill in the other fields, and then click the ‘Add New Size’ button
              • 为尺寸指定一个名称(例如“ Medium”),填写其他字段,然后单击“添加新尺寸”按钮

            • Choose color(s) and size(s) for your products:


                • Go to the WooCommerce ‘Products’ area of your WordPress admin and click on a specific product to edit it
                • 转到WordPress管理员的WooCommerce“产品”区域,然后单击特定产品进行编辑

                • On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a box called “Colors” and one called “Sizes”
                • 在屏幕右侧,您会看到一个名为“颜色”的框和一个名为“尺寸”的框

                • There you will be able to choose the colors and sizes that apply for a specific product
                • 您可以在其中选择适用于特定产品的颜色和尺寸

              • Enable filtering:


                  • Go to the ‘Options’ tab
                  • 转到“选项”标签

                  • There you will see options called “Enable Color Filtering”, “Enable Size Filtering”, “Enable Category Filtering” and “Enable Tag Filtering”.

                  • 您将在其中看到名为“启用颜色过滤”,“启用大小过滤”,“启用类别过滤”和“启用标签过滤”的选项。

                    You will also see options to enable filtering for every custom attribute that you have in your WooCommerce.


                    Set any of these to “Yes” to enable the filtering.

                  • 将其中任何一个设置为“是”以启用过滤。

                • Displaying the filters on your shop page:


                    • To add the WooCommerce filters widget to your shop page, go to the ‘Appearances > Widgets’ area of your WordPress admin
                    • 要将WooCommerce过滤器小部件添加到您的商店页面,请转到WordPress管理员的“外观>小部件”区域

                    • Drag our widget over to your the page sidebar area of your theme.

                    • 将我们的窗口小部件拖到主题的页面侧边栏区域。

                      (The widget is already configured to only show on the WooCommerce shop page, and not your other pages.)

                    • (该小部件已经配置为仅在WooCommerce商店页面上显示,而不在其他页面上显示。)

                    • You can also place the filters anywhere you want on a page using our intuitive [ultimate-woocommerce-filter] shortcode.

                    • 您还可以使用我们直观的[ultimate-woocommerce-filter]简码在页面上任何位置放置过滤器。

                  • Customize your WooCommerce filter experience by making use of the many available settings and options, including a smart product search, product count display, displaying filter attributes under shop page thumbnails (premium), layout and functionality options and more.




        For a list of specific features, see the Ultimate WooCommerce Filters description page here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/color-filters/.

        有关特定功能的列表,请参见此处的Ultimate WooCommerce过滤器说明页面:https://wordpress.org/plugins/color-filters/。

        For help and support, please see:


          • Our FAQ page, here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/color-filters/#faq
          • 我们的常见问题页面,在这里:https://wordpress.org/plugins/color-filters/#faq

          • The Ultimate WooCommerce Filters support forum, here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/color-filters
          • 终极WooCommerce过滤器支持论坛,位于:https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/color-filters





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