[wordpress插件] CodeDragon SmartCacheCodeDragon SmartCache

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 21:10 515 0 全屏看文



One of the most important aspects of owning a website is having it rank well with search engines.


After all, no one creates a site intending for it to be buried on page 20 of a Google search.


CodeDragon SmartCache was designed as a powerful performance and caching system for WordPress websites yet easy enough for the non-technical site owner to understand.

CodeDragon SmartCache是​​为WordPress网站设计的功能强大的性能和缓存系统,但对于非技术性网站所有者而言,它足够容易理解。

Employing several “layered” capabilities such as minifying, combining, page and browser caching and CDN support, SmartCache is able to:


    1. Condense served resources to improve network bandwidth
    2. 压缩服务资源以改善网络带宽

    3. Improve user experience by reducing the time it takes to offer your site content
    4. 通过减少提供网站内容所需的时间来改善用户体验

    5. Focus on the key aspects that search indexing sites like Google regard when ranking the site
    6. 重点关注像Google这样的搜索索引网站在对网站进行排名时所考虑的关键方面

    After installing SmartCache it will automatically activate the most optimal settings for your site.


    If you would like to further customize these settings, this introduction will walk you through some of the key steps.


    A more detailed instruction is available in our Startup Document.


    Ultimately, we have built SmartCache so that getting up and running does not require making manual changes to the wp-config.php, .htaccess, or other site files.




    At the lowest level, SmartCache will minify Javascript, CSS stylesheets, fonts, and HTML content.


    As well, it can automatically minimizes render-blocking files, and remove query strings.




    By combining files, SmartCache helps to reduce the number of requests for files from the server, thus shortening the amount of time required to load a page.


    Page Caching


    Page caching goes further by implementing GZip Compression, preparing a separate HTTPS cache and serving a “flattened” HTML version of your site’s pages.

    页面缓存通过实现GZip压缩,准备单独的HTTPS缓存并提供站点页面的“扁平化” HTML版本来进一步发展。

    With GZIp Compression and static HTML content pages are provided with less processing from the server.


    Browser Caching


    At this point SmartCache instructs your server with the preferred expiry periods for several file types, so client browsers can comfortably reuse cached files until they expire.


    SmartCache Features


      • Plugin is ready to go, with the most optimal setup, after activation
      • 激活后,插件即可使用最佳设置进行准备

      • Easy to configure without using techical jargon or confusing settings
      • 易于配置,而无需使用技术术语或令人困惑的设置

      • Minify Javascript and CSS stylesheet files
      • 缩小Javascript和CSS样式表文件

      • Control whether logged-in users see minified content
      • 控制登录用户是否看到缩小的内容

      • Removal of query (or GET) strings from static requests
      • 从静态请求中删除查询(或GET)字符串

      • Limit removal of only ‘ver=nnn’ query strings
      • 仅限制删除“ ver = nnn”查询字符串

      • Defer loading of render-blocking Javascript script files
      • 推迟加载阻止渲染的Javascript脚本文件

      • Asynchronous loading of Javascript script files
      • 异步加载Javascript脚本文件

      • Asynchronous loading of CSS stylesheets
      • 异步加载CSS样式表

      • Combine script and stylesheet files
      • 合并脚本和样式表文件

      • Control whether scripts and stylesheets are combined for logged-in users
      • 控制是否为登录用户组合脚本和样式表

      • Full page caching
      • 全页缓存

      • Turn page caching on/off for logged-in users
      • 打开/关闭登录用户的页面缓存

      • GZip compression
      • GZip压缩

      • Enable/disable frontpage caching
      • 启用/禁用首页缓存

      • Provide a separate cache for mobile devices
      • 为移动设备提供单独的缓存

      • Browser caching
      • 浏览器缓存

      • Performance test links to GTMetrix, Pingdom and Pagespeed
      • 性能测试链接到GTMetrix,Pingdom和Pagespeed

      • Performance reports
      • 效果报告

      • All this for free!
      • 所有这些都是免费的!

      SmartCache Premium adds the following:

      SmartCache Premium添加了以下内容:

        • Minify HTML content
        • 缩小HTML内容

        • Serve static versions of HTML pages
        • 提供HTML页面的静态版本

        • Include WordPress core files in minification
        • 在缩小中包含WordPress核心文件

        • Use Google(R) Closure as the minifier
        • 使用Google(R)Closure作为缩小器

        • Prevent loading of jQuery Migrate
        • 防止加载jQuery Migrate

        • Script and Stylesheet File Tuning.

        • 脚本和样式表文件调整。

          Control the minification of each file separetely

        • 分别控制每个文件的缩小

        • Specify which script files to defer and/or load asynchronously
        • 指定要异步延迟和/或加载的脚本文件

        • Specify which stylesheets to load asynchronously
        • 指定要异步加载的样式表

        • Combine font requests in stylesheets
        • 在样式表中合并字体请求

        • @import expansion in stylesheets
        • @import扩展样式表

        • Select which page or pages are not to be cached
        • 选择不缓存的页面

        • Select which post types are not to be cached
        • 选择不缓存的帖子类型

        • Clear cache when specific post types are saved
        • 保存特定帖子类型时清除缓存

        • Specify which cookies, that if set in the browser, will cause page to not be cached
        • 指定如果在浏览器中设置的cookie,将导致页面不被缓存

        • Page caching for HTTPS pages
        • HTTPS页面的页面缓存

        • Select which user-agents will not receive cached files
        • 选择哪些用户代理将不接收缓存的文件

        • Control the Last-Modified Header
        • 控制最后修改的标题

        • Control Javascript/XML file Expiry Max Age
        • 控制Javascript / XML文件的最大有效期限

        • Control CSS stylesheet Expiry Max Age
        • 控制CSS样式表的有效期限上限

        • Control JPEG, GIF, and PNG image file Expiry Max Age
        • 控制JPEG,GIF和PNG图像文件的最大有效期限

        • Control PDF file Expiry Max Age
        • 控制PDF文件的最大有效期限

        • Control the Vary: Accept Encoding Header
        • 控制变化:接受编码标题

        • Control the Entity Tag (ETag) Header
        • 控制实体标签(ETag)标头

        • Amazon CloudFront CDN support
        • Amazon CloudFront CDN支持

        • Determine which theme files to include in CDN fileset
        • 确定要包含在CDN文件集中的主题文件

        • Determine which minified Javascript/CSS files to include in in CDN fileset
        • 确定要在CDN文件集中包含哪些缩小的Javascript / CSS文件

        • Specify files to exclude from the CDN fileset
        • 指定要从CDN文件集中排除的文件

        • Clear revision records
        • 清除修订记录

        • Clear transient data
        • 清除瞬态数据

        • Clear auto-drafts
        • 清除自动草稿

        • Clear trashed posts
        • 清除垃圾邮件

        • Clear SPAM and trashed comments
        • 清除垃圾邮件并删除评论

        • Clear OPCache and Varnish cache
        • 清除OPCache和Varnish缓存

        • Woocommerce compatibility
        • Woocommerce兼容性

        • Developer friendly with hooks and filters
        • 对开发人员友好,具有钩子和过滤器

        • Export and import plugin settings
        • 导出和导入插件设置

        • Customize the location of the cache folder
        • 自定义缓存文件夹的位置

        • Activate the plugin’s debug mode and see what is processed on each page
        • 激活插件的调试模式,并查看每个页面上处理的内容

        • Available addons
        • 可用的插件

        • Premium support
        • 高级支持

        • Send debug info from a specific site URL with your support tickets
        • 发送带有支持票的特定网站URL的调试信息

        • Choose what post-deactivation tasks are performed: clear caches and/or delete settings
        • 选择要执行的停用后任务:清除缓存和/或删除设置

        • Participate in our Premium Community forum
        • 参加我们的高级社区论坛


We’ve made getting started with SmartCache simple.


Once installed and activated, the optimal settings are enabled by default.


There are a couple of ways to install SmartCache:


From within your site


    1. Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    2. 转到WordPress中的“插件”菜单

    3. Click on ‘Add New’
    4. 点击“添加新项”

    5. Enter ‘SmartCache’ in the search box
    6. 在搜索框中输入“ SmartCache”

    7. Install and activate the plugin
    8. 安装并激活插件



      1. Download SmartCache or purchase SmartCache Premium at www.codedragon.ca<

      2. www.codedragon.ca 上下载SmartCache或购买SmartCache Premium。


        / li>

      3. Upload smart-cache to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
      4. smart-cache 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

      5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
      6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

      7. Go to the SmartCache admin menu to customize your setup
      8. 转到SmartCache管理菜单以自定义设置

      NGINX Notes


      After activation, SmartCache will create a configuration file called ‘smartcacheopt.conf’ in the site’s document root (folder where wp-config.php is located).

      激活后,SmartCache将在站点的文档根目录(wp-config.php所在的文件夹)中创建一个名为“ smartcacheopt.conf”的配置文件。

      This file contains several optimizations to help NGINX serve your site faster.


      This configuration fille will need to be linked to the site’s main system file, normally found in the /etcginx/sites-available folder.

      该配置填充文件需要链接到网站的主系统文件,该文件通常位于/ etc / nginx / sites-available文件夹中。

      The following command will need to be added to this system file:


      include /var/www/examplesite.com/htdocs/smartcacheopt.conf;

        include /var/www/examplesite.com/htdocs/smartcacheopt.conf;



        1. Go to the ‘Tools’ tab in SmartCache and choose whether to clear the caches and/or delete settings when the plugin is deactivated
        2. 转到SmartCache中的“工具”标签,然后选择停用插件后是否清除缓存和/或删除设置

        3. Deactivate the plugin on the ‘Plugins’ page in WordPress
        4. 在WordPress的“插件”页面上停用插件

        5. Delete the plugin
        6. 删除插件

        7. Optionally remove the optimizations between the # BEGIN SmartCache Optimization and # END SmartCache Optimization tags in the .htaccess file
        8. (可选)删除.htaccess文件中#BEGIN SmartCache Optimization标签和#END SmartCache Optimization标签之间的优化

        9. Delete the /wp-content/uploads/sc_vault and /wp-content/uploads/sc_vault_mobile folders
        10. 删除/ wp-content / uploads / sc_vault和/ wp-content / uploads / sc_vault_mobile文件夹





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