[wordpress插件] Sell Tickets – WordPress Event Ticketing System – Coconut Tickets卖票– WordPress活动票务系统–椰子票

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-26 13:00 621 0 全屏看文



Flexible event ticketing for small businesses with large ambitions.


Create your events on the Coconut Tickets platform then use this plugin to sell tickets and vendor pitches within your WordPress website.

在Coconut Tickets平台上创建活动,然后使用此插件在WordPress网站中出售门票和摊位。

Customers will visit your website and see your marketing then when they make their ticket selections Coconut Tickets will process the sale.

客户将访问您的网站并查看您的营销,然后在他们选择票务时,Coconut Tickets将处理销售。

The customer will be sent their tickets and you will receive the ticket revenue in your PayPal or Stripe account (no waiting for the event to complete).


Visit the website


Coconut Tickets Benefits


    • Free trial (full product)
    • 免费试用(完整产品)

    • Predictable monthly costs.
    • 可预测的每月费用。

    • Affordable subscription plans to suit every event.
    • 经济实惠的订阅计划适合每个事件。

    • Sell tickets with no additional per ticket fees.
    • 出售机票,无需支付每张机票额外的费用。

    • Scan ticket QR code to validate entry to your event
    • 扫描票证QR码以验证您的活动条目

    • Customizable sales URL
    • 可自定义的销售网址

    • Customizable on page SEO
    • 可在SEO页上自定义

    • Publish your event as a Google data snippet for better search results
    • 将事件作为Google数据段发布,以获得更好的搜索结果

    • Real world usability.

    • 真实世界的可用性。

      For example, manually resend a ticket to a customer who has lost it.

    • 例如,手动将票重新发送给丢失票的客户。

    • Direct payment to your Stripe or PayPal account, no delays and no man in the middle
    • 直接付款到您的Stripe或PayPal帐户,没有延误,中间没有人

    Public ticket sales benefits


      • Choose between paid or free tickets for your event
      • 为活动选择收费票还是免费票

      • Single day tickets, complete event tickets, and tickets for a specific period (e.g. a weekend)
      • 单日票,完整活动票以及特定时期(例如周末)的票

      • Define tickets in whole days or time slots (e.g. 10am, 11am)
      • 在整天或所有时段(例如上午10点,上午11点)定义门票

      • Create as many ticket types as you need (with any subscription plan)
      • 根据需要(使用任何订阅计划)创建尽可能多的票证类型

      • Collect attendee details with Coconut Tickets booking form, including conditional questions
      • 通过Coconut Tickets预订表收集与会者的详细信息,包括条件问题

      • Download our free ticket scanning app to control entry to your event
      • 下载我们的免费票务扫描应用程序以控制事件的进入

      • Proven with events from 10 tickets to 10,000 tickets
      • 经过验证的事件从10张到10,000张

      Benefits selling to event vendors


        • Event vendor registration, documents and payments all online
        • 活动供应商的注册,文件和付款全部在线

        • Vendors pick the pitch they want, upload their documents, and pay online.
        • 供应商选择他们想要的音调,上传他们的文档,然后在线付款。

        • Vendors can pay a fixed cost or bid for your event pitches
        • 供应商可以支付固定费用或竞标您的活动场地

        • Collect all your vendor information with one online form
        • 通过一种在线表格收集所有供应商信息

        • Vendors upload their documents when they registers online
        • 供应商在线注册时上传他们的文件

        • Choose when vendors pay: when they register, online when you approve or manually when they receive an invoice
        • 选择供应商付款的时间:当他们注册时,在您批准时在线,或在他们收到发票时手动

        For event organizers in small to medium size businesses who need to sell tickets to their events, Coconut Tickets is a complete online, flexible, event ticketing solution.

        对于需要出售活动门票的中小型企业的活动组织者,Coconut Tickets是一个完整的在线,灵活的活动门票解决方案。

        No software to install, and no hidden fees.


        Events you sell tickets online with Coconut Tickets


          • Outdoor festival tickets (fireworks, military festivals, music festivals and open air concerts)
          • 室外节日门票(烟火,军事节日,音乐节和露天音乐会)

          • Indoor presentation tickets and show tickets with strict seating limits (e.g. musical recitals and indoor concerts)
          • 室内演出门票和具有严格座位限制的演出门票(例如音乐演奏会和室内音乐会)

          • Outdoor show tickets (country shows and fairs with specific day tickets and multi-day tickets)
          • 室外表演门票(具有特定日票和多日票的乡村表演和集市)

          • Short repeating event tickets (ice skating with hourly time slots and strict participation limits)
          • 短程重复活动门票(每小时打滑,并有严格的参加限制)

          • Vendor pitch tickets (concession stalls for food sales and merchandise at your events)
          • 供应商售票(活动中出售食品和商品的摊位)

          • Charity event tickets and fundraiser tickets
          • 慈善活动门票和筹款活动门票

          • Single day or multi-day events that repeat every year
          • 每年重复的单日或多日活动

          • Free ticket events (zero cost tickets where guest registration is required)
          • 免费门票活动(需要客人注册的零费用门票)

          Sign-up for an account



          See the terms and conditions for Coconut Tickets


          Coconut Tickets Terms & Conditions



This section describes how to install the event ticketing plugin and get it working.


    1. Unzip and Upload the folder ‘coconuttickets’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将文件夹“ coconuttickets”解压缩并上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. From your browser, login to Coconut Tickets website
    6. 在浏览器中,登录到椰子门票网站

    7. On the Coconut Tickets dashboard use the embedding tool to generate the code for WordPress embedding
    8. 在Coconut Tickets仪表板上,使用嵌入工具生成WordPress嵌入代码

    9. Paste your WordPress embedding code into your page or post where you wish the sales page to appear
    10. 将您的WordPress嵌入代码粘贴到您的页面中或张贴您希望销售页面出现的位置





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