[wordpress插件] climate change glossary气候变化词汇

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-25 12:00 624 0 全屏看文



With this plugin any SKOS thesaurus can be imported into your WordPress blog (via ARC2 into an RDF triple store).


A renewable energy and climate change thesaurus is pre-installed.


On two pages (automatically generated) the whole thesaurus can be displayed and used as a glossary on your blog.


One page is the main page of the glossary which displays all concepts with their preferred labels and their alternative labels (synonyms).


The list of concepts is displayed in an alphabetical order and can be filtered by their first letters.


The second page represents the detail view of each concept.


All kinds of labels and relations (prefLabel, altLabel, hiddenLabel, definition, scopNote, broader, narrower und related) of a given term (concept) can be loaded and displayed.


Each post is analysed automatically to find words and phrases maching labels of a concept (prefLabel, altLabel or hiddenLabel) in the thesaurus.


The first hit will automatically be highlighted.


A mousover tooltip shows the short description of the term/phrase and the link points to the more detailed description on the glossary page.




    • [ccg-abcindex]: displays an abc filter for filtering the concepts alphabetically.
    • [ccg-abcindex]:显示一个abc过滤器,用于按字母顺序过滤概念。

    • [ccg-itemlist]: displays a list of concepts (filterd by its first letter).
    • [ccg-itemlist]:显示概念列表(按首字母过滤)。

    • [ccg-itemdetails]: displays the detail page of a selected concept.
    • [ccg-itemdetails]:显示所选概念的详细信息页面。

    • [ccg-noparse] … [/ccg-noparse]: the content between of the shortcode is excluded from autmatic linking.
    • [ccg-noparse]…[/ ccg-noparse]:短码之间的内容从自动链接中排除。

    • [ccg-searchform title=”…” width=”…[ px |

    • [ccg-searchform title =”…” width =” ... [px |

      % ]”]: displays a search form with a autocomplete field to find a concept.

    • %]”]:显示带有自动完成字段的搜索表单以查找概念。

    What’s new?


      • The Plugin works now with the user-friendly multilingual dynamic content management qTranslate X for a multilingual WordPress

      • 该插件现已与用户友好的多语言动态内容管理 qTranslate X 结合使用,可用于多语言WordPress



      • The URL to the detail page of a concept is now SEO optimized
      • 概念的详细信息页面的URL现在已进行SEO优化

      • The search algorithm behind the search link on top of the concept detail page is extended (searches now for prefered and alternative labels)
      • 扩展了概念详细信息页面顶部搜索链接后面的搜索算法(现在搜索首选标签和替代标签)

      • Implemented new shortcode with which you can add a simple glossary search form between content.

      • 实施了新的简码,您可以使用它们在内容之间添加简单的词汇表搜索形式。

        The shortcode is called [ccg-searchform] and has two optional parameters: title (The title over the textfield. Leave blank if you don’t want a title) and width (The width of the textfield).


        An example: [ccg-searchform title=”Glossary search” width=”50%”]

      • 例如:[ccg-searchform title =“词汇表搜索” width =“ 50%”]



        • It is possible to include a list of glossary terms in the settings which will then be excluded from automated linking.
        • 可以在设置中包含词汇表术语列表,然后将其从自动链接中排除。

        • There is a sidebar-widget which incorporates a search field including autocomplete.

        • 有一个侧边栏小部件,其中包含一个包含自动完成功能的搜索字段。

          This autocomplete service suggests terms from the glossary.


          Once such a term is chosen, one is automatically connected to the webpage describing the term.


          The widget can be pulled into any sidebar (depending on the theme) from the sub-section of Appearance/Widgets.

        • 可以从外观/窗口小部件的子部分将窗口小部件拉入任何侧边栏(取决于主题)。

        • There is a shortcode with which specific parts of the content can be excluded from automatically being linked.

        • 有一个短代码,可用来将内容的特定部分排除在自动链接之外。

          The shortcode is called ccg-noparse, and it is opened with [ccg-noparse] and closed with [/ccg-noparse].

          该短代码称为ccg-noparse,用 [ccg-noparse] 打开,用 [/ ccg-noparse] 关闭。

          Automated linking is disabled for any text between the code.

        • 代码之间的任何文本均禁用了自动链接。

        Thanks to Benjamin Nowack: The thesaurus is imported into the system and is queried via ARC2 (https://github.com/semsol/arc2).

        感谢本杰明·诺瓦克(Benjamin Nowack):同义词库已导入系统,并通过ARC2(https://github.com/semsol/arc2)进行查询。

        Thanks to rduffy (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profileduffy).


        His Glossary Plugin (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/automatic-glossary) inspired me, and I was able to develop this plugin on top of his ideas.

        他的 Glossary 插件(https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/automatic-glossary)启发了我,我得以根据他的想法开发此插件。

        Works with PHP 5, MySQL 5 und ARC2

        可与PHP 5,MySQL 5和ARC2一起使用


Install using WordPress


    1. Log in and go to Plugins and click on Add New.
    2. 登录并转到插件,然后单击添加新

    3. Search for climate change glossary and hit the Install Now link in the results.

    4. 搜索气候变化词汇表,然后点击结果中的立即安装链接。

      WordPress will install it.

    5. WordPress将安装它。

    6. From the Plugin Management page in WordPress, activate the Climate change glossary plugin.
    7. 从WordPress的“插件管理”页面中,激活气候变化词汇表插件。

    8. Go to Settings -> Climate change glossary in WordPress and click on Import/Update Thesaurus.

    9. 在WordPress中转到设置-> 气候变化词汇表,然后单击导入/更新同义词库

      Uploading the thesaurus can take a few minutes (4-5 minutes).


      Please remain patient and don*t interrupt the procedure.

    10. 请保持耐心,不要*中断程序。

    Install manually


      1. Download the plugin zip file and unzip it.
      2. 下载插件zip文件并解压缩。

      3. Upload the plugin contents into your WordPress installations plugin directory on the server.

      4. 将插件内容上传到服务器上WordPress安装的插件目录中。

        The plugins .php files, readme.txt and subfolders should be installed in the wp-content/plugins/climate-change-glossary/ directory.

      5. 插件的.php文件,readme.txt和子文件夹应安装在 wp-content / plugins / climate-change-glossary / 目录中。

      6. Download ARC2 from https://github.com/semsol/arc2 and unzip it.
      7. 从https://github.com/semsol/arc2下载ARC2并将其解压缩。

      8. Open the unziped folder and upload the entire contents into the /wp-content/plugins/climate-change-glossary/arc/ directory.
      9. 打开解压缩的文件夹,然后将全部内容上载到 / wp-content / plugins / climate-change-glossary / arc / 目录。

      10. From the Plugin Management page in WordPress, activate the Climate change glossary plugin.
      11. 从WordPress的“插件管理”页面中,激活气候变化词汇表插件。

      12. Go to Settings -> Climate change glossary in WordPress and click on Import/Update Thesaurus.

      13. 在WordPress中转到设置-> 气候变化词汇表,然后单击导入/更新同义词库

        Uploading the thesaurus can take a few minutes (4-5 minutes).


        Please remain patient and don*t interrupt the procedure.

      14. 请保持耐心,不要*中断程序。

      Install ARC2 manually (if automatic install has failed)


        1. Download ARC2 from https://github.com/semsol/arc2 and unzip it.
        2. 从https://github.com/semsol/arc2下载ARC2并将其解压缩。

        3. Open the unziped folder and upload the entire contents into the /wp-content/plugins/poolparty-thesaurus/arc/ directory.
        4. 打开解压缩的文件夹,然后将所有内容上载到 / wp-content / plugins / poolparty-thesaurus / arc / 目录。





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