[wordpress插件] ClickerVolt – Affiliate Link & Click Tracking for Performance MarketersClickerVolt –效果营销商的会员链接和点击跟踪

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-25 02:50 1539 0 全屏看文



All ClickerVolt features are available in the FREE version.


Support is only available as a paid option.


ClickerVolt is a tool used by affiliates who want to know everything about their visitors and their affiliate marketing campaigns performance.

ClickerVolt 是供会员使用的工具,他们想了解有关其访客及其会员营销活动效果的所有信息。

It is the perfect link tracking plugin for anyone running paid traffic campaigns, be it solo ads, pay-per-click, native, push, pop, you name it!


It is also an amazing tool to track who clicks your affiliate links, in your blog posts, in your Facebook groups, Twitter feeds, Instagram, emails or any other medium.


Whenever a visitor clicks one of your links, you are immediately able to find out:


    • His location (country tier, country, region, city, zip code, timezone)
    • 他的位置(国家/地区,国家/地区,城市,邮政编码,时区)

    • His language
    • 他的语言

    • His ISP
    • 他的ISP

    • His IP address
    • 他的IP地址

    • His device type, device brand, device name, browser, OS
    • 他的设备类型,设备品牌,设备名称,浏览器,操作系统

    • Which site he is coming from
    • 他来自哪个站点

    • As well as any custom variable you may have added to your link
    • 以及您可能已添加到链接中的所有自定义变量

    It also allows you to track your conversionsevenue, either by placing a conversion pixel on your thank you pages, or by giving a custom s2s (server-to-server) postback URL to your affiliate networks.


    For those of you running paid traffic, you can also track your cost and ROI.


    Not only that, you are also able to route your traffic to different pages based on rules you setup.


    For example, you could send all Spanish-speaking visitors to a page, all Chinese-speaking ones to another page, and the rest to a fallback page.


    You can setup rules based on:


      • Your visitor’s location (country, region, city)
      • 您的访客的位置(国家,地区,城市)

      • Your visitor’s language
      • 您访问者的语言

      • Your visitor’s ISP
      • 您的访客的ISP

      • Your visitor’s IP address
      • 您访客的IP地址

      • His browser’s user agent
      • 他的浏览器的用户代理

      • Device type, device brand, device name
      • 设备类型,设备品牌,设备名称

      • Browser or OS
      • 浏览器或操作系统

      • or based on the current date, day of the week, hour of the day
      • 或基于当前日期,星期几,一天中的小时

      • based on specific words in the URL, or values of specific query parameters
      • 基于URL中的特定单词或特定查询参数的值

      • or based on which site referred the visitor
      • 或基于哪个网站推荐了访问者

      • and more…
      • 还有更多……

      You can split-test URLs (with weighted rotators) to find the best performing ones, you can cloak your links, you can track the click-through-rate of your offer links from your landing pages, you can track complex flows


      and non-linear affiliate and sales funnels, you can trigger your retargeting pixels whenever someone clicks one of your links and so much more!


      To analyze your stats, ClickerVolt gives you access to:


        • A feature-rich drilldown reporting system, allowing you to dissect and analyze your traffic in a tree table
        • 功能丰富的深入报告系统,可让您在树状表中剖析和分析流量

        • A live clicks-log to see all traffic coming in real time
        • 实时点击日志,可实时查看所有流量

        • Integration with Google’s AI to detect bots, fraud and suspicious traffic
        • 与Google的AI集成以检测漫游器,欺诈和可疑流量

        ClickerVolt is a dream-come-true tracker for affiliates.


        It is a premium link tracking software which we decided to release for free.


        Check the video tour on our website


        Similar Affiliate Software


        ClickerVolt is similar to popular tracking software like CPV Lab PRO, ClickMagick, Voluum (Codewise’s Voluum Tracking), Bemob, RedTrack, ClickMeter, FunnelFlux, Kintura, Adsbridge or Binom.

        ClickerVolt与CPV Lab PRO,ClickMagick,Voluum(Codewise的Voluum跟踪),Bemob,RedTrack,ClickMeter,FunnelFlux,Kintura,Adsbridge或Binom等流行的跟踪软件相似。

        All these other software come with recurring subscriptions and expensive pricing.


        We initially wanted to sell ClickerVolt too (and we actually did sell it to a small base of affiliates) – but we then decided to go with another model:


        Make the product 100% free, with all the features one would expect from a premium paid tracking solution, and sell platinum addons for advanced use cases.


        At this time, only two add-ons are available:


        1: Support – which is given by experienced and successful affiliates, who speak the language and understand the needs of performance marketers.


        2: Voltify Takeover – a way to completely take over remote pages and change any data on the fly (

        2:Voltify Takeover –一种完全接管远程页面并即时更改任何数据的方法(

        rel="nofollow">examples here).

        rel =“ nofollow”>此处的示例)。

        Example of add-ons we plan to release:


          • Traffic source integrations – allowing you to create paid traffic campaigns from your ClickerVolt dashboard, pause placements or change bids automatically based on your own optimization rules.
          • 流量源集成–允许您根据自己的优化规则从ClickerVolt仪表板创建付费流量广告系列,暂停展示位置或自动更改出价。

          • Auto replacement of blog links with “ghost” tracking links (invisible affiliate links – very important for Amazon affiliates as Amazon forbid the use of redirect links)
          • 用“幽灵”跟踪链接自动替换博客链接(无形的会员链接–对亚马逊会员而言非常重要,因为亚马逊禁止使用重定向链接)

          Paid users are also prioritized when it comes to feature requests.


          Affiliate Networks


          ClickerVolt helps you promote offers from popular CPA or traditional affiliate networks, like MaxBounty, Peerfly, A4D, C2M, CPAWay, Clickbank etc. All these networks allow you to append a unique tracking ID to your affiliate links.


          ClickerVolt automates this by the use of its clickid [cid] token.

          ClickerVolt通过使用其clickid [cid]令牌来自动执行此操作。

          You can then give your ClickerVolt postback URL to these networks to receive conversion notifications in realtime.


          Traffic Sources


          ClickerVolt works with all major traffic sources:


            • Facebook Ads
            • Facebook广告

            • Google Ads (previously known as Google Adwords)
            • Google Ads(以前称为Google Adwords)

            • Bing Ads
            • Bing Ads

            • ZeroPark
            • ZeroPark

            • AdMaven
            • AdMaven

            • MegaPush
            • MegaPush

            • PopAds
            • PopAds

            • Content.Ad
            • Content.Ad

            • MGID
            • MGID

            • Taboola
            • Taboola

            • Outbrain
            • Outbrain

            • etc…
            • 等...

            ClickerVolt works with the new Google Ads parallel tracking out of the box.

            ClickerVolt可与新的Google Ads并行跟踪一起使用。

            It is actually one of the only trackers working with Google Ads parallel tracking.

            实际上,它是使用Google Ads并行跟踪的仅有的跟踪器之一。

            AIDA Metrics: Our Unique Selling Point


            FREE is never enough.


            In addition to all the features above, we have a feature that no other tracker has.


            A feature mainly for affiliates paying for their traffic, but not only.


            A feature that will save you both time and money.


            Before telling you what this feature is, let me start by telling you what the problem is – let’s illustrate it with the following example:


            You are running a PPC campaign and you are bidding on 3 different keywords:


              • keyword 1
              • 关键字1

              • keyword 2
              • 关键字2

              • keyword 3
              • 关键字3

              Your are advertising a product making you $30 per sale.

              您正在宣传的产品使您每笔交易赚取$ 30。

              You do not know yet if any of these 3 keywords will be profitable or not, so you need to test each of them.


              After spending $40 (and not one single sale yet), you look at your PPC dashboard, and you see this:


                • keyword 1 – spent $15
                • 关键字1 –花费了$ 15

                • keyword 2 – spent $10
                • 关键字2 –花费了$ 10

                • keyword 3 – spent $15
                • 关键字3 –花费了$ 15

                At this point, any of these keywords still remains a good candidate.


                You don’t know, maybe after spending five more dollars on keyword 3, you will get your first sale.


                That would make a spend of $20 for keyword 3 and a revenue of $30 – netting you $10.


                Likewise, you could still make a sale from keywords 1 and 2 before spending $30 on each of them, making them all profitable.


                But the point is: this testing phase, that we usually call the optimization phase, is extremely expensive.


                If you had 100 keywords (and it’s easy to reach), you would have to spend at least $30 (your offer payout) on each single one of them before deciding wether to cut it or to keep it.


                100 * $30 = $3,000 for the optimization phase.

                100 * $ 30 =优化阶段的$ 3,000。

                There must be a better way…


                And yes, there is!


                It’s called AIDA tracking.


                ClickerVolt is the only affiliate tracking software integrating AIDA in all its reports, making the optimization phase much faster, and way less expensive.


                Check the AIDA case study on our website




                You should care about speed.


                Speed matters.


                Amazon, Google and others tell you that faster page loads directly correlate to increased ROI.


                This is why you should never use a slow link tracking software.


                ClickerVolt is faster than the next best tracker, and we have benchmarks to prove it.


                Check the benchmarks on our website


                Alternative Link Tracking Plugins


                If you only need basic shortlink management, the following URL shorteners may be a better fit for you:


                  Integration with the following traffic sources


                    • Google Ads (Adwords) – including Parallel Tracking
                    • Google Ads(AdWords)–包括并行跟踪

                    • Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads)
                    • Microsoft Ads(Bing Ads)

                    • Facebook Ads
                    • Facebook广告

                    • MegaPush
                    • MegaPush

                    • RichPush
                    • RichPush

                    • Pushground
                    • 游乐场

                    • Zeropark
                    • 零公园

                    • Widget Media
                    • 小工具媒体

                    • Traffic Stars
                    • 交通之星

                    • Taboola
                    • Taboola

                    • Self Advertiser
                    • 自我广告商

                    • RevContent
                    • RevContent

                    • PropellerAds
                    • PropellerAds

                    • PopCash
                    • PopCash

                    • PopAds
                    • PopAds

                    • Outbrain
                    • Outbrain

                    • MGID
                    • MGID

                    • Avazu
                    • Avazu

                    • AdCash
                    • AdCash

                    • AdMaven
                    • AdMaven

                    Integration with the following affiliate networks


                      • A4D
                      • A4D

                      • ActionAds
                      • ActionAds

                      • AdCombo
                      • AdCombo

                      • Addiliate
                      • 加入

                      • Adsimilis
                      • Adsimilis

                      • AdsUp
                      • AdsUp

                      • Affiliaxe
                      • Affiliaxe

                      • Affise
                      • 关系

                      • AIVIX
                      • AIVIX

                      • BeeOption
                      • BeeOption

                      • BillyMob
                      • BillyMob

                      • BitterStrawberry
                      • 苦草莓

                      • BlackFox
                      • BlackFox

                      • C2M
                      • C2M

                      • Cash Network
                      • 现金网络

                      • CJ
                      • CJ

                      • Clickbank
                      • Clickbank

                      • Clickbooth
                      • Clickbooth

                      • Clickdealer
                      • Clickdealer

                      • CPAWay
                      • CPAWay

                      • CrackRevenue
                      • CrackRevenue

                      • Dr.Cash
                      • 现金博士

                      • Everad
                      • 所有人

                      • Everflow
                      • Everflow

                      • ExpertMobi
                      • ExpertMobi

                      • Generic – Cake
                      • Generic – Cake

                      • Generic – HasOffers
                      • Generic – HasOffers

                      • GiddyUp
                      • GiddyUp

                      • Global Wide Media
                      • 全球通用媒体

                      • JVZoo
                      • JVZoo

                      • LeadBit
                      • LeadBit

                      • LetsCPA
                      • LetsCPA

                      • Los Pollos
                      • 洛斯·波洛斯

                      • LuckyOnline
                      • LuckyOnline

                      • M4trix.digital
                      • M4trix.digital

                      • Magic Hygeia
                      • Magic Hygeia

                      • MaxBounty
                      • MaxBounty

                      • Mobidea
                      • Mobidea

                      • Mobidealer
                      • Mobidealer

                      • MobVista
                      • MobVista

                      • Peerfly
                      • Peerfly

                      • Shareasale
                      • Shareasale

                      • Tapgerine
                      • Tapgerine

                      • ToroAdvertising
                      • ToroAdvertising

                      • Verve Direct (DFO)
                      • Verve Direct(DFO)

                      • W4
                      • W4

                      • WapEmpire
                      • WapEmpire

                      • Yep Ads
                      • 是的广告

                      • Zorka.Mobi
                      • Zorka.Mobi


Upload and activate!


Note that ClickerVolt is extremely light on resources – it can run on shared hosting without any issue if you do not plan to send more than a few thousand visitors to your campaigns every day.


For high traffic campaigns, we recommend using a VPS or dedicated server.






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