
小程序 文章 2022-03-08 09:40 748 0 全屏看文


微信小商店商品频繁被投诉,我们资质齐全,从标题到主图都按标准做的,备案都有上传,怎么就总是被投诉呢?Wechat small store products are frequently complained. We have complete qualifications. From the title to the main image, everything is done according to the standard, and the record is uploaded. Why is it always complained?



I'm a small store merchant. I've upgraded from a personal store to an enterprise store. All kinds of qualifications have been uploaded, brand authorization has been applied for and passed, and each commodity on the shelf is our own commodity. We have selected the corresponding brand and uploaded the corresponding record, but we will still be maliciously complained. Our own products have brand qualification and commodity record If you have a business license and a production license, how can you be complained about involving other people's brands? I really don't understand. If our business is so easy to be complained and reported by others, it will be taken off the shelves by the official. What's the sense of security? What business stores do you want us to open? What brand qualification do you want? What brand are you applying for? What record should I put on the shelves? All submitted, as like as two peas, were time consuming and laborious, and the result was directly complains by colleagues. The title of our products and the same record were all said that we were involved in the infringement of others' brands. That means that the state approved and the record were useless.? This is a very serious industry insider problem. Businesses don't have any sense of security at all. Everything is ready and useless. Just wait for malicious complaints! In order to solve this problem, several stores have been changed. They all have the same problem. Don't the officials think it's time to stand up and give an explanation? I believe that most businesses have encountered this problem. Originally, we could report to the group for warmth, compete with each other in friendship, do our business well, do wechat small stores well, and do video numbers well. Now there is a wave of businesses with malicious complaints. They have too little professional ethics. This is called that it is easy to hide a gun, it is difficult to defend a hidden arrow, and villains hide in the dark. We don't know how to deal with it, Because everything that should be done will still be frequently complained or taken off the shelves by the authorities, and the main reason for taking off the shelves is [Hello, the following desertification products in small stores have been taken off the shelves due to user complaints and reviewed by the platform] Details of violation [the topsoil or picture of the commodity involves other people's brands and violates the wechat small store operation specifications and relevant rules. Please add and select the corresponding brand or remove the brand information of others in the commodity]. Then, what I want to say is that without any advance notice, and without saying that we are a private brand, how can we "involve other people's brands"???? Even if it involves, should we remind you first instead of directly getting off the shelf? What's more funny is that you can receive up to a dozen such punishment messages a day, and almost all the stores get off the shelf. What immortal operation is this??? You don't officially check it? In that case, why let our businesses apply for brand categories when opening enterprise stores? After applying for the brand category and qualification, they will still be spoofed in the end. This is obviously the malicious complaint and report of their peers. I am curious that their own brand is equivalent to their own children. If the trafficker steals it, he will say it is him. You agree. Isn't this a big joke? This is not only disrespect for our merchants, but also contempt for the authority of relevant state departments. The business license is handled by the Administration for Industry and commerce, the trademark registration certificate is handled by the State Trademark Office, the product filing is handled by the State Food and drug administration, the goods are produced by our own company, the main pictures are the pictures taken by our own photographers and our own art works, From the inside to the outside, absolutely. What qualifications do you want for our own products? What qualifications have we submitted, and finally say that my product title picture involves other brands? Recently, this problem is really a headache for us. I hope the official can give a reasonable statement that we can't be slaughtered. It's not easy for us to work hard to run a shop. Even if it's normal, it's OK. This time I caught up with the March 8th goddess Festival and directly banned my shelf function. Isn't it harmful? There's no basis at all. It's too cruel to us because of frequent reports and complaints from peers. If this problem is not solved, I believe that even if more businesses enter, as long as such peers without professional ethics keep doing things, it will affect the ecological environment of the whole platform. We should formulate a policy, Just like the anti fraud app advocated by the state, people with positive energy work together to drive out those who think about spoofing their peers all day. The platform's tacit acceptance of their malicious complaints is virtually fuelling their bad habits. Even if it is inconvenient for us to let the complained party know the information of the complainant, At least, it gives us the opportunity to refute the other party's malicious complaint, rather than unrealistically throwing us a so-called [complaint mailbox], which is a decoration. It's useless. We've complained n times, and we haven't even replied to the letter, let alone solve the substantive problems. We've written so much, and I believe we've also written the aspirations of many businesses that have been subject to such malicious complaints, I hope the government can pay attention to this issue!













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