[wordpress插件] CiviEvent WidgetCiviEvent小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-24 01:20 603 0 全屏看文



You can use the CiviEvent widget to add two types of widgets for upcoming public events from CiviCRM.


There’s no limit to the number of widgets you can add of either type.


You can include the widgets in the sidebar like normal, or you can include them via shortcodes in the body of your posts.


CiviEvent List Widget


This widget is a basic, flexible listing of upcoming events that are marked as public.


You have options to customize the appearance and number of events.


There is the option to add the event’s city, state, and/or country to the listing if “Show location” is enabled on the event.


Single CiviEvent Widget


This widget displays a single public event from CiviCRM.


By default, it will display the first event from the current day or the future, or you can set an offset to skip one or more and display the second or third upcoming event.


You may display the location if “Show location” is enabled on the event.




Both widgets are available to be inserted into the body of a post using a shortcode.


Use the [civievent_widget] shortcode for the events listing and the [civievent_single_widget] shortcode for the single next (or offset) event.

[civievent_widget] 短代码用于事件列表,将 [civievent_single_widget] 短代码用于单个下一个(或偏移)事件。

The available parameters for the shortcodes are as follows:


    • title="Your Title" The widget title (default: “Upcoming Events” for the list widget, or the event's title for the single widget).

    • title =“您的标题” 窗口小部件标题(默认:列表窗口小部件的“即将发生的事件”,或单个窗口小部件的事件的标题)。



    • summary=1 Display the event summary.

    • summary = 1 显示事件摘要。

      Omit the parameter or set it to 0 to hide the summary.


      (List widget only.)

    • (仅列出窗口小部件。)

    • limit=5 Display the specified number of events (default: 5).

    • limit = 5 显示指定的事件数(默认值:5)。

      (List widget only.)

    • (仅列出窗口小部件。)

    • alllink=1 Display “view all” with a link to the page with a full list of public events.

    • alllink = 1 显示“查看全部”,并带有指向该页面的链接,其中包含公共事件的完整列表。

      Omit the parameter or set it to 0 to hide the link.


      (List widget only.)

    • (仅列出窗口小部件。)

    • wtheme="mytheme" The widget theme (a class added to the widget div).

    • wtheme =“ mytheme” 小部件主题(添加到小部件div中的类)。

      Set a new one and handle it in your theme’s CSS.


      (Default for list widget: “stripe”, with “divider” as an alternative. Default for single widget: “standard”.)

    • (列表小部件的默认值:“ stripe”,另选“ divider”。单个小部件的默认值:“ standard”。)

    • divider=" | " The location field delimiter (default: comma followed by a space).
    • divider =“ |” 位置字段定界符(默认值:逗号后跟一个空格)。

    • city=1 Display the event’s city.

    • city = 1 显示活动的城市。

      Omit the parameter or set it to 0 to hide the city.

    • 忽略该参数或将其设置为0即可隐藏城市。

    • state="abbreviate" Display the event’s state/province.

    • state =“缩写” 显示事件的州/省。

      Default is “none”, which will display nothing about the state or province.


      Display options are “abbreviate” for the state/province abbreviation or “full” for the full name.

    • 显示选项是州/省缩写的“缩写”或全名的“ full”。

    • country=1 Display the event’s country.

    • country = 1 显示活动的国家/地区。

      Omit the parameter or set it to 0 to hide the country.

    • 忽略该参数或将其设置为0即可隐藏国家/地区。

    • offset=2 Skip the given number of events before displaying the next one (default: 0).

    • offset = 2 在显示下一个事件之前跳过给定的事件数(默认值:0)。

      (Single widget only.)

    • (仅单个窗口小部件。)

    • admin_type="simple" Whether to use the “simple” (default) or “custom” display options (as appear in the widget settings).

    • admin_type =“ simple” 是使用“简单”(默认)显示还是“自定义”显示选项(显示在小部件设置中)。

      The custom_display and custom_filter parameters only function alongside admin_type="custom".

      custom_display custom_filter 参数仅与 admin_type =“ custom” 一起使用。

      The summary, alllink, divider, city, state, and

      摘要 alllink 分隔线城市

      country parameters only function when admin_type="simple" (or reverting to the default).

      country 参数仅在 admin_type =“ simple” (或恢复为默认值)时起作用。

      (List widget only.)

    • (仅列出窗口小部件。)

    • custom_display='{"event_title_infolink":{"title":0,"prefix":null,"suffix":null,"wrapper":1},"description":{"title

    • custom_display ='{“ event_title_infolink”:{“ title”:0,“ prefix”:null,“ suffix”:null,“ wrapper”:1},“ description”:{“ title

      ":1,"prefix":null,"suffix":null,"wrapper":1}}' Custom options for displaying results when admin_type="custom"

      “:1,”前缀“:null,”后缀“:null,”包装“:1}}' 用于在 admin_type =” custom“ 时显示结果的自定义选项


      The value should be an object written in JSON.


      Each property name should be a field to display, and the property value should be an object with the following properties: title (1 or 0: whether to display the field name), prefix

      每个属性名称应为要显示的字段,属性值应为具有以下属性的对象: title (1或0:是否显示字段名称),前缀

      code> (null or a string with markup to precede the field), suffix (null or a string with markup to follow the field),

      code>( null 或在字段之前带有标记的字符串),后缀 null 或在字段之后带有标记的字符串),

      and wrapper (1 or 0: whether to wrap the field with the default wrapper elements. You may configure a widget using the standard widget interface, click “Show JSON”, and copy the JSON into this parameter.

      wrapper (1或0:是否使用默认包装器元素包装字段。您可以使用标准的窗口小部件界面配置窗口小部件,单击“显示JSON”,然后将JSON复制到此参数中。

      If custom_display is missing, the listing will revert to displaying in the “simple” mode despite the admin_type value. (List widget only.)<

      如果缺少 custom_display ,则无论 admin_type 值如何,列表都会恢复为以“简单”模式显示。(仅列出小部件。) <


      / li>

    • custom_filter='{"start_date": {">=": "2015-12-16"}, "is_public": 1, "options": {"sort": "start_date ASC

    • custom_filter ='{“ start_date”:{“> =”:“ 2015-12-16”},“ is_public”:1,“ options”:{“ sort”:“ start_date ASC

      "}}' Custom options for filtering results when admin_type="custom".

      “}}' 用于在 admin_type =” custom“ 时过滤结果的自定义选项。

      The value should be an object written in JSON.


      The object should be a valid set of parameters for the CiviCRM API.

      该对象应该是CiviCRM API的有效参数集。

      The default is to list all public events starting on today’s date or later, sorted by start date ascending.


      (List widget only.)

    • (仅列出窗口小部件。)

    • event_type_id=3 Display Event with event type id 3 (default: show all event).

    • event_type_id = 3 显示事件类型为ID 3的事件(默认:显示所有事件)。

      (only work with admin_type=”simple”.)

    • (仅适用于admin_type =“ simple”。)

    Further Notes


    This plugin requires CiviCRM 4.3 or higher to function.

    此插件需要CiviCRM 4.3或更高版本才能运行。

    It is only supported with CiviCRM 4.6 or higher.

    只有CiviCRM 4.6或更高版本才支持。

    Read more at https://aghstrategies.com/civievent-widget

    在https://aghstrategies.com/civievent-widget 上了解更多信息。


    1. Upload civievent-widget to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. civievent-widget 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Go to the ‘Widgets’ page in WordPress to add and configure one or more widgets.
    6. 转到WordPress中的“小部件”页面以添加和配置一个或多个小部件。

    7. Insert shortcodes into posts or pages as appropriate.
    8. 根据需要将简码插入帖子或页面中。





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