[wordpress插件] CIDRAMCIDRAM

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 16:30 475 0 全屏看文



CIDRAM (Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager) is a PHP script designed to protect websites by blocking requests originating from IP addresses regarded as being sources of undesirable traffic, including (but not limited to) traffic from non-human access endpoints


, cloud services, spambots, scrapers, etc. It does this by calculating the possible CIDRs of the IP addresses supplied from inbound requests and then attempting to match these possible CIDRs against its signature files (these signature files contain lists of CIDRs of IP addresses regarded


as being sources of undesirable traffic);


If matches are found, the requests are blocked.




    • PHP >= 7.2.0
    • PHP> = 7.2.0

    • PCRE
    • PCRE



    Note: CIDRAM does not interact in any way with your database, and stores its own configuration settings, customisations, and related materials as flatfiles within its own directory.


    If you’ve not changed any of the default configuration settings and if you’re not using any customisations for this plugin, updating normally via the plugins dashboard, without need for any additional steps, should be sufficient and shouldn’t cause any problems.


    However, if you've modified the configuration settings for CIDRAM, or if you've made any customisations, I would recommend making backups of all of these prior to updating, due to that updating will likely overwrite these changes and customisations (after updating,


    you can then restore your customisations from your backups).


    Alternatively, if you update via the CIDRAM front-end updates page, configuration settings and customisations should all be preserved.



Installing via the plugins dashboard.


    1. Before you begin, ensure that you're logged in as an administrator with the necessary permissions to install, update and edit plugins (after activating the plugin but before modifying the plugin configuration file, do not log out from this account).

    2. 开始之前,请确保您具有管理员权限,并具有安装,更新和编辑插件的必要权限(在激活插件之后但在修改插件配置文件之前,请勿从该帐户注销)。

    3. From the plugins dashboard, click the “Add New” button.

    4. 在插件仪表板中,单击“添加新”按钮。

      From the page that appears, type “CIDRAM” into the “Search Plugins” text field, and press enter.

      在出现的页面上,在“搜索插件”文本字段中键入“ CIDRAM”,然后按Enter。

      A button to install CIDRAM should appear, and CIDRAM should automatically install when you click on that button.

    5. 应该会显示一个用于安装CIDRAM的按钮,当您单击该按钮时,CIDRAM应该会自动安装。

    6. Before activating the plugin, it is advisable to understand the various configuration directives available to the plugin, what they do, and how to change them.

    7. 在激活插件之前,建议先了解插件可用的各种配置指令,它们的作用以及如何更改它们。

      Go to https://cidram.github.io/, scroll the page until you reach the “Documentation” subheading;

      转到 https://cidram.github.io/ ,滚动页面,直到到达“ Documentation”子标题;

      Choose your language, and read through “Section 5: Configuration Options”;


      The information presented relates to the configuration directives available to the plugin.

    8. 显示的信息与插件可用的配置指令有关。

    9. Please read through the “Frequently Asked Questions” before activating!
    10. 在激活之前,请通读“常见问题”!

    11. From the plugins dashboard, click the “Activate” button located directly below where you see “CIDRAM”.
    12. 从插件仪表板中,单击位于“ CIDRAM”正下方的“激活”按钮。

    13. After you’ve activated the plugin, you’ll be able to modify the CIDRAM configuration file directly from your plugins dashboard.

    14. 激活插件后,您将可以直接从插件仪表板修改CIDRAM配置文件。

      Unfortunately, due to filetype restrictions, the CIDRAM configuration file can’t be modified from the plugins dashboard while CIDRAM is deactivated/inactive, and won’t appear in the files list.


      To modify the CIDRAM configuration (after CIDRAM has been activated), click the “Edit” button located directly below where you see “CIDRAM”, and in the list that should appear to the right, look for “cidram/vault/config.ini

      要修改CIDRAM配置(激活CIDRAM后),请单击位于“ CIDRAM”正下方的“编辑”按钮,然后在应显示在右侧的列表中,查找“ cidram / vault / config.ini”



      Click on that, and the CIDRAM configuration directives should appear.


      Edit as per your needs, and click “Update File”.

    15. 根据需要进行编辑,然后单击“更新文件”。

    Installing via manual upload.


      1. Download the package onto your local machine, and extract its content to a directory convenient for editing.
      2. 将软件包下载到本地计算机上,并将其内容提取到便于编辑的目录中。

      3. Before activating the plugin, it is advisable to understand the various configuration directives available to the plugin, what they do, and how to change them.

      4. 在激活插件之前,建议先了解插件可用的各种配置指令,它们的作用以及如何更改它们。

        Go to https://cidram.github.io/, scroll the page until you reach the “Documentation” subheading;

        转到 https://cidram.github.io/ ,滚动页面,直到到达“ Documentation”子标题;

        Choose your language, and read through “Section 5: Configuration Options”;


        The information presented relates to the configuration directives available to the plugin.

      5. 显示的信息与插件可用的配置指令有关。

      6. Please read through the “Frequently Asked Questions” before activating!
      7. 在激活之前,请通读“常见问题”!

      8. Modify the file /vault/config.ini as per your needs (this file contains the configuration directives available to the plugin), and make any other necessary changes to the package (eg, installing custom

      9. 根据需要修改文件 /vault/config.ini (此文件包含可用于插件的配置指令),并对软件包进行任何其他必要的更改(例如,安装自定义

        signature files, if you need them).

      10. 签名文件(如果需要)。

      11. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/cidram directory of your WordPress installation.
      12. 将插件文件上传到WordPress安装目录的 / wp-content / plugins / cidram 目录中。

      13. From the plugins dashboard, click the “Activate” button located directly below where you see “CIDRAM”.
      14. 从插件仪表板中,单击位于“ CIDRAM”正下方的“激活”按钮。





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