[wordpress插件] ChronoFlo Calendar ShortCodeChronoFlo日历简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-23 11:50 591 0 全屏看文



ChronoFlo Calendar is the best looking embeddable calendar software on the web.


With an innovative timeline-based navigation, unrivalled visual customization options and rich media content, there is no better way of promoting your events to your customers.


This plugin provides a shortcode to embed a ChronoFlo calendar on your website.


Please note that you will need to sign up for a (free) account on www.chronoflocalendar.com to create your calendar.


Why choose ChronoFlo Calendar:


– Choose from our beautiful hand-designed calendar templates


– Or create your own themes to perfectly match your branding


– Incude a background image to make your calendar really stand out


– Include rich media – including images, videos and audio – in your calendar


– Pioneering timeline navigation makes it effortless to explore the calendar


– Create content for your events using the popular and powerful markdown text language


– Populate your calendar with content from RSS feeds, iCal files or JSON*

–使用RSS feed,iCal文件或JSON * 中的内容填充日历

*Requires premium account


ChronoFlo Calendar’s free account offers the following:

ChronoFlo Calendar的免费帐户提供以下内容:

– Create a fully functional calendar


– Include images and videos from the web on the calendar


– Create your own theme for the calendar


– Embed the calendar on your website


– 100/month embeddable views


– Output calendar as a printable PDF


ChronoFlo Calendar’s premium accounts offer the following:

ChronoFlo Calendar的高级帐户提供以下内容:

– All the functionality of the free account


– Upload images from your computer to our servers


– Embeddable calendars can use feeds


– Higher limits on monthly embeddable views and number of events


– Feeds work on shared and embedded calendars

– Feed在共享和嵌入式日历上工作

– No ChronoFlo Branding


– No adverts


Please note ChronoFlo Calendar Accounts cannot be used commercially by digital agencies/consultants to create calendars for clients.


If you want to create a timeline for a client, please contact us at help@chronoflocalendar.com for rates.

如果您要为客户创建时间表,请通过 help@chronoflocalendar.com 与我们联系以获取费率。



If you are struggling to get things to work, please visit our WordPress support page.

如果您想让一切正常工作,请访问我们的 WordPress支持页面

Alternatively, contact us by email at help@chronoflocalendar.com and we’ll respond as quickly as we can

另外,也可以通过电子邮件与我们联系,网址为 help@chronoflocalendar.com ,我们将尽快答复


    1. If you haven't already, sign up for a free or premium account on the ChronoFlo Calendar website

    2. 如果还没有,请在 ChronoFlo日历网站上注册免费或高级帐户



    3. Create or edit your calendar on the ChronoFlo Calendar website
    4. ChronoFlo日历网站上创建或编辑日历

    5. Obtain the embedkey for your calendar.

    6. 获取日历的嵌入密钥。

      You can find this as follows:


        • Select the ‘Share and embed’ option in the Options panel
        • 在“选项”面板中选择“共享和嵌入”选项

        • Copy the embedkey text.

        • 复制embedkey文本。

          It will look something like this: 68-1662695519

        • 它看起来像这样:68-1662695519

      • Now install the ChronoFlo Calendar plugin.

      • 现在安装ChronoFlo Calendar插件。

        You can do this as follows:


          • Login to your WordPress dashboard
          • 登录到WordPress仪表板

          • Select Plugins -> Add New from the options on the left
          • 选择插件->从左侧的选项中添加新

          • Enter ChronoFlo Calendar into the search field
          • 在搜索字段中输入ChronoFlo日历

          • Click on the install button for ChronoFlo Calendar
          • 单击ChronoFlo日历的安装按钮

          • Alternatively, you can download a zipped version of the plugin here and manually

          • 或者,您可以在此处手动下载压缩版本的插件。

            install it in wordpress's plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/)

          • 将其安装在wordpress的插件目录(/ wp-content / plugins /)

        • Now activate the plugin in your WordPress dashboard

        • 现在在WordPress仪表板中激活插件

            • Select Plugins -> Add New from the options on the left
            • 选择插件->从左侧的选项中添加新

            • Click the activate option against the ChronoFlo Calendar plugin
            • 在ChronoFlo Calendar插件上单击激活选项

          • You can now use the ChronoFlo shortcode to embed the calendar on youe website
          • 您现在可以使用ChronoFlo简码将日历嵌入到您的网站上

    Shortcode Instructions:


    Enter the following code into a WordPress post where you want the calendar to appear, making sure to replace the embed code with the code you obtained in step 3 above.


    You can also change the width and heights to change the dimensions of the calendar.


    [chronoflo_calendar embedkey=”68-1662695519″ width=”100%” height=”500″]

    [chronoflo_calendar embedkey =” 68-1662695519” width =” 100%” height =” 500”]





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