[wordpress插件] Cherry Search樱桃搜索

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-22 19:00 823 0 全屏看文



With this plugin you will be able to add advanced search functionality to your WordPress website.


It is multilingual, and is fully compatible with WooCommerce themes, so you can enhance your eCommerce website with a powerful conversion booster.


The plugin is based on AJAX, which means that the results will be displayed dynamically.


Your visitors will immediately see not only the titles of suitable search results, but also their image previews, author, date and other metadata.


Online documentation


Github Repository


Plugin website


Arbitrary section


Plugin Settings


Once the plugin is installed you can see a Cherry Search button in the right sidebar of your admin panel:

一旦安装了插件,您将在管理面板的右侧栏中看到一个Cherry Search按钮:

Main Settings


Here you can find major plugin settings:


    • Replace the standard search form – This option allows to replace all the standard search forms on your website.
    • 替换标准搜索表单 –此选项可替换您网站上的所有标准搜索表单。

    • Search Button Icon – This option sets search button text.
    • 搜索按钮图标 –此选项设置搜索按钮文本。

    • Search Button Text – This option sets search button text.
    • 搜索按钮文字 –此选项设置搜索按钮文字。

    • Caption / Placeholder text – This option sets placeholder text in input field.
    • 标题/占位符文本 –此选项可在输入字段中设置占位符文本。

    Search Result Settings


      • Search in – You can select particular search sources.

      • 搜索范围 –您可以选择特定的搜索来源。

        If nothing is selected in the option, search will be made over the entire site.

      • 如果未在该选项中选择任何内容,则将在整个站点上进行搜索。

      • Exclude categories from search results – This option allows to set categories in which search will not be made.
      • 从搜索结果中排除类别 –使用此选项可以设置不进行搜索的类别。

      • Exclude tags from search results – This option allows to set tags in which search will not be made.
      • 从搜索结果中排除标签 –此选项允许设置将不在其​​中进行搜索的标签。

      • Exclude post types from search results – This option allows to set post types in which search will not be made.
      • 从搜索结果中排除帖子类型 –此选项允许设置将不进行搜索的帖子类型。

      • Number of results displayed in one search query -This option will allow you to limit the number of displayed search results.

      • 在一个搜索查询中显示的结果数-此选项将允许您限制显示的搜索结果数。

        If the overall number of results exceeds previous set limit, the “load more” button will come up..

      • 如果结果总数超过了先前设置的限制,则会显示“加载更多”按钮。

      • Sort search results by – sort search results by a certain criteria
      • 搜索结果的排序方式 –按特定条件对搜索结果进行排序

      • Filter results by – filter search results by ascending or descending order
      • 过滤结果的依据 –按升序或降序过滤搜索结果

      Visual Settings


        • Show post titles – show/hide post titles
        • 显示帖子标题 –显示/隐藏帖子标题

        • Post word count – specify the post word count
        • 后记字数 –指定后记字数

        • Show post authors – show/hide post authors
        • 显示帖子作者 –显示/隐藏帖子作者

        • Prefix before author’s name – specify the prefix that will be displayed before author’s name
        • 作者姓名之前的前缀 –指定将在作者姓名之前显示的前缀

        • Show post thumbnails – show/hide posts thumbnails
        • 显示帖子缩略图 –显示/隐藏帖子缩略图

        • Enable scrolling for dropdown lists – enable disable scrolling for dropdown search results lists
        • 启用滚动下拉列表 –启用禁用滚动下拉搜索结果列表

        • Dropdown list height – specify the dropdown list heigh
        • 下拉列表高度 –指定下拉列表高度

        • “View more” button text – add text for “View more button”
        • “查看更多”按钮文字 –为“查看更多按钮”添加文字



          • Negative search results – text that will be displayed if nothing is found
          • 否定搜索结果 –如果找不到任何内容将显示的文本

          • Technical error – text that will be displayed during technical error
          • 技术错误 –在技术错误期间将显示的文本

          For developers




          The plugin contains templates that can be rewritten in the theme.


          For that you need to create a templates folder in the root catalog of the theme.


          In the templates folder, create a cherry-search.


          Templates list:


            • Ssearch-form – search form template
            • 搜索表单 –搜索表单模板

            • Ssearch-form-input – search form input template
            • 搜索表单输入 –搜索表单输入模板

            • Ssearch-form-submit – search form submit button template
            • 提交搜索表单 –搜索表单提交按钮模板

            • Ssearch-form-results-item – template of the element that is displayed in search results
            • Ssearch-form-results-item –搜索结果中显示的元素模板

            • Ssearch-form-results-list – dropdown search results list template
            • 搜索结果列表 –下拉搜索结果列表模板

            If you want to change the search results display type, you need to copy the search-form-results-item.tmpl file into the theme folder.

            如果要更改搜索结果的显示类型,则需要将 search-form-results-item.tmpl 文件复制到主题文件夹中。

            Example: theme_name / templates / cherry-search / search-form-results-item.tmpl

            示例: theme_name /模板/ cherry-search / search-form-results-item.tmpl


            %%INPUT%% – Returns search-form-input template content

            %% INPUT %% –返回搜索表单输入模板内容

            %%SUBMIT%% – Returns search-form-submit template content

            %% SUBMIT %% –返回搜索表单提交模板内容

            %%RESULTS_LIST%% – Returns search-form-results-list template content.

            %% RESULTS_LIST %% –返回搜索表单结果列表模板内容。

            %%SPINNER%% – Contains loader HTML structure

            %% SPINNER %% –包含加载程序HTML结构

            The macro works with filters:


              • cherry_search_spinner_holder -contains loader HTML wrapper markup
              • cherry_search_spinner_holder -包含加载器HTML包装器标记

              • cherry_search_spinner – contains loader HTML markup
              • cherry_search_spinner –包含加载程序HTML标记

              %%ICON%% – Returns Main Settings option value > Search Button Icon

              %% ICON %% –返回“主要设置”选项值>“搜索按钮”图标

              %%SUBMIT_TEXT%% – Returns Main Settings option value > Search Button Text

              %% SUBMIT_TEXT %% –返回“主要设置”选项值>“搜索按钮文本”

              %%THUMBNAIL%% – Contains post thumbnail.

              %% THUMBNAIL %% –包含帖子缩略图。

              If post doesn’t have a thumbnail, empty string will be returned


              $$ACTION$$ – Macro contains links to action forms

              $$ ACTION $$ –宏包含操作表格的链接

              $$LINK$$ – Contains post link

              $$ LINK $$ –包含帖子链接

              $$TITLE$$ – Contains post title

              $$ TITLE $$ –包含帖子标题

              $$CONTENT$$ – Contains part of the post contain

              $$ CONTENT $$ –包含帖子包含的一部分

              $$AUTHOR$$ – Contains post author

              $$ AUTHOR $$ –包含帖子作者

              $$READER_TEXT$$ – Contains “Search for:” text

              $$ READER_TEXT $$ –包含“搜索:”文本

              Macro works with cherry_search_reader_text filter

              宏可与 cherry_search_reader_text 过滤器一起使用

              $$PLACEHOLDER$$ – Returns Main Settings -> Placeholder text option value

              $$ PLACEHOLDER $$ –返回主要设置->占位符文本选项值

              $$WRAPPER_CLASS$$ – Returns search form wrapper class.

              $$ WRAPPER_CLASS $$ –返回搜索表单包装器类。

              Empty by default.


              If Woocommerce plugin is active the macro contains wc-search-form class.

              如果Woocommerce插件处于活动状态,则该宏包含 wc-search-form 类。

              Macro works with cherry_search_wrapper_class filter

              宏可与 cherry_search_wrapper_class 过滤器一起使用

              $$FORM_CLASS$$ – Macro returns search form class.

              $$ FORM_CLASS $$ –宏返回搜索表单类。

              Empty by default.


              If Woocommerce plugin is active the macro contains woocommerce-product-search class.

              如果Woocommerce插件处于活动状态,则该宏包含 woocommerce-product-search 类。

              Macro works with cherry_search_form_class filter

              宏可与 cherry_search_form_class 过滤器一起使用

              $$INPUT_ID$$ – Macro returns search form field ID.

              $$ INPUT_ID $$ –宏返回搜索表单字段ID。

              Empty by default.


              If Woocommerce plugin is active the macro contains id=”woocommerce-product-search-field class.

              如果Woocommerce插件处于活动状态,则该宏包含 id =” woocommerce-product-search-field 类。

              Macro works with cherry_search_input_id filter

              宏可与 cherry_search_input_id 过滤器一起使用

              $$SETTINGS$$ – Macro returns search query settings for a particular search form.

              $$ SETTINGS $$ –宏返回特定搜索表单的搜索查询设置。

              Macro works with cherry_search_query_settings

              宏可与 cherry_search_query_settings 一起使用



              cherry_search_button_icon – Allows to change the icons set, which you want to use buttons for search.

              cherry_search_button_icon –允许更改要使用按钮进行搜索的图标集。

                • Type – array
                • 类型– 数组

                • By default:
                • 默认情况下:

                Filter contains an array with the following values:


                  • Icon set title
                  • 图标集标题

                  • Path to css file with icons
                  • 带图标的css文件的路径

                  • Css icon prefix css (if required)
                  • CSS图标前缀CSS(如果需要)

                  cherry_search_limit_content_word – Allows to change search elements word length default value.

                  cherry_search_limit_content_word –允许更改搜索元素的字长默认值。

                    • Type – number
                    • 类型-编号

                    • By default: 50
                    • 默认情况下: 50

                    cherry_search_reader_text – Allows to change Search for: text.

                    cherry_search_reader_text –允许更改“搜索:”文本。

                      • Type – string
                      • 类型-字符串

                      cherry_search_icon_prefix – Filter defines whether to add a prefix class to the icon font.

                      cherry_search_icon_prefix –过滤器定义是否在图标字体中添加前缀类。

                      For example in font-awesome – fa fa-search font

                      例如使用超赞字体– fa fa-search字体

                        • Type – bool
                        • 类型– 布尔

                        • By default: true
                        • 默认情况下: true

                        cherry_search_icon – Filter allows to change the HTML markup of the search button icon.

                        cherry_search_icon –过滤器允许更改搜索按钮图标的HTML标记。

                          • Type – string
                          • 类型-字符串

                          • By default:
                          • 默认情况下:

                          cherry_search_submite_text – Filter allows to change the HTML markup of the search button text.

                          cherry_search_submite_text –过滤器允许更改搜索按钮文本的HTML标记。

                            • Type – string
                            • 类型-字符串

                            • By default: %s
                            • 默认情况下: %s

                            cherry_search_spinner_holder – Filter allows to change the loader wrapper HTML markup.

                            cherry_search_spinner_holder –过滤器允许更改加载程序包装HTML标记。

                              • Type – string
                              • 类型-字符串

                              • By default:
                              • 默认情况下:

                              cherry_search_spinner – Filter allows to change the loader HTML markdown.

                              cherry_search_spinner –过滤器允许更改加载程序HTML降价。

                                • Type – string
                                • 类型-字符串

                                • By default:

                                • 默认情况下:


                                • >

                                cherry_search_thumbnail_html – Filter allows to change post thumbnail HTML wrapper markup.

                                cherry_search_thumbnail_html –过滤器允许更改帖子缩略图HTML包装器标记。

                                  • Type – string
                                  • 类型-字符串

                                  • By default: %s
                                  • 默认情况下: %s

                                  cherry_search_author_html – Filter allows to change Filter allows to change post author name HTML wrapper markup.

                                  cherry_search_author_html –过滤器允许更改过滤器允许更改帖子作者名称HTML包装器标记。

                                    • Type – string
                                    • 类型-字符串

                                    • By default: %1$s %2$s
                                    • 默认情况下: %1 $ s %2 $ s

                                    cherry_search_more_button_html – Filter allows to change the more-button HTML markdown.

                                    cherry_search_more_button_html –过滤器允许更改更多按钮的HTML标记。

                                    Button text is set in the option Visual settings -> “Show more” button text.


                                      • Type – string
                                      • 类型-字符串

                                      • By default:
                                      • %s
                                      • 默认情况下:
                                      • %s

                                      cherry_search_wrapper_class – The filter allows to add or replace new class to the search form wrapper.

                                      cherry_search_wrapper_class –过滤器允许向搜索表单包装器添加或替换新类。

                                        • Type – string
                                        • 类型-字符串

                                        • By default: ( If WooCommerce is activated “wc-search-form” is used by default )
                                        • 默认情况下: (如果激活了WooCommerce,则默认使用“ wc-search-form”)

                                        cherry_search_form_class – The filter allows to add or replace new class to the search form.

                                        cherry_search_form_class –过滤器允许在搜索表单中添加或替换新类。

                                          • Type – string
                                          • 类型-字符串

                                          • By default: ( If WooCommerce is activated “woocommerce-product-search” is used by default )
                                          • 默认情况下: (如果激活了WooCommerce,则默认使用“ woocommerce-product-search”)

                                          cherry_search_input_id – The filter allows to change or add new ID to the search form input field.

                                          cherry_search_input_id –过滤器允许更改或向搜索表单输入字段添加新ID。

                                            • Type – string
                                            • 类型-字符串

                                            • By default: ( If WooCommerce is activated “id=”woocommerce-product-search-field” is used by default )
                                            • 默认情况下: (如果激活了WooCommerce,则默认使用“ id =” woocommerce-product-search-field”)

                                            cherry_search_query_settings – The filter allows to change search query settings.

                                            cherry_search_query_settings –过滤器允许更改搜索查询设置。

                                              • Type – string
                                              • 类型-字符串


    1. Upload cherry-testi folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将cherry-testi文件夹上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Use the Cherry Search->Settings screen to configure the plugin
    6. 使用Cherry搜索->“设置”屏幕来配置插件

    Online documentation






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