[wordpress插件] Marketo Lite for Contact Form 7联系表7的Marketo Lite

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 19:10 820 0 全屏看文



This extension allows you to capture and generate leads, tracking and push data into Marketo Lead Database using REST API.

此扩展程序允许您使用REST API捕获和生成销售线索,跟踪数据并将其推入Marketo Lead Database。

Marketo Lite Features

Marketo Lite功能

    • Easy and Manageable Extension Settings
    • 易于管理的扩展程序设置

    • Capture Lead Automatically using Contact Form 7 (Opt-In)
    • 使用联系表7(选择加入)自动捕获销售线索

    • WordPress Post/Page Lead Lead Tracking (Munchkin).
    • WordPress帖子/页面潜在顾客线索跟踪(Munchkin)。

    • Contact Form 7 Input Tag Generator for Marketo ( Text, Email, Url and Tel … )
    • 联系Marketo的表单7输入标签生成器(文本,电子邮件,网址和电话…)

    Marketo Pro Version Features

    Marketo Pro版本功能

      • Easy and Manageable Extension Settings
      • 易于管理的扩展程序设置

      • Capture Lead Automatically using Contact Form 7 (Opt-In)
      • 使用联系表7(选择加入)自动捕获销售线索

      • Generate Lead Manually using WordPress Custom Post Type
      • 使用WordPress自定义帖子类型手动生成销售线索

      • Update and Push to Marketo Lead Database Server
      • 更新并推送到Marketo Lead数据库服务器

      • Save Marketo Lead Locally into WordPress Custom Post Type
      • 将Marketo Lead本地保存为WordPress自定义帖子类型

      • Leads Listing using WordPress Custom Post Type Table
      • 使用WordPress自定义帖子类型表的清单

      • Pull Marketo List or Programs and Save to Custom Taxonomy
      • 拉Marketo列表或程序并保存到自定义分类法

      • WordPress Post/Page Lead Tracking (Munchkin).
      • WordPress帖子/页面潜在顾客跟踪(Munchkin)。

      • Contact Form 7 Input Tag Generator for Marketo ( Text, Email, Url and Tel … )
      • 联系Marketo的表单7输入标签生成器(文本,电子邮件,网址和电话…)

      • Woocommerce Marketo customer captured lead integration (Opt-In)
      • Woocommerce Marketo客户获得了潜在客户集成(选择加入)

      • Woocommerce Marketo tab settings
      • Woocommerce Marketo标签设置

      • Woocommerce sales orders Marketo tracking
      • Woocommerce销售订单Marketo跟踪

      • Woocommerce subscribe to marketo mailing list/program
      • Woocommerce订阅marketo邮件列表/程序

      • Contact Form 7 Marketo lead structure management table
      • 联系表7 Marketo潜在客户结构管理表

      • Contact Form 7 Marketo list/program management table
      • 联系表7 Marketo列表/计划管理表

      For more information, see Marketo Pro<

      有关更多信息,请参见 Marketo Pro <


      / p>

      Marketo Lead Database API Info

      Marketo Lead数据库API信息

      For more information, see REST API.

      有关更多信息,请参见 REST API

      Minimum Requirements


        • Contact Form 7 4.7
        • 联系表格7 4.7

        • WordPress 4.4+
        • WordPress 4.4 +

        • WordPress 5.0+
        • WordPress 5.0 +

        • PHP 5+
        • PHP 5 +

        • PHP 7+
        • PHP 7 +


    1. Download and unzip the contact-form-7.zip file and upload to wp-content/plugins directory.

    2. 下载contact-form-7.zip文件并解压缩,然后上传到wp-content / plugins目录。

      then activate the plugin through the Plugins section in WordPress

    3. 然后通过WordPress中的“插件”部分激活插件

    4. Unzip the cf7-marketo-lite.zip file and upload to wp-content/plugins directory.
    5. 解压缩cf7-marketo-lite.zip文件并上传到wp-content / plugins目录。

    6. Activate the plugin through the Plugins section in WordPress
    7. 通过WordPress中的“插件”部分激活插件

    8. Configure Marketo Lite Goto Contact Menu > Integration > Marketo
    9. 配置Marketo Lite转到联系菜单>集成> Marketo





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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