[wordpress插件] WP contact form 7 db & Lead Manager pluginWP联系人表格7 db&Lead Manager插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-20 18:10 571 0 全屏看文



What is contact form 7 db storage & Lead Manager plugin?

什么是联系表单7数据库存储和Lead Manager插件?

Contact Form 7 Database Storage & Lead Manager plugin not only allows you to save complete submission data via contact form 7 forms, it also helps you export the data on later stage.


You can use as much contact forms using Contact Form 7 plugin as you want.

您可以根据需要使用Contact Form 7插件使用尽可能多的联系表。

This WPCF7 add-on saves data from all of your contact forms to database.


Contact form storage helps you find the old contact form 7 submissions in your WordPress admin.


By default CF7 sends you email notifications when someone submits the form on your website.


This contact form 7 db add-on records each form submission which can be later reviewed by you.

此联系表单7 db附件记录了每个表单提交的内容,您以后可以对其进行审核。

We excel at WordPress theme designing and plugin development.Contact us, if you need one, Click here to ask us Designs Valley

我们擅长WordPress主题设计和插件开发。如果需要,请与我们联系,单击此处向我们询问 Designs Valley

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    1. Quick to install and setup.
    2. 快速安装和设置。

    3. Compatible with latest version of Contact Form 7.
    4. 与最新版本的联系表7兼容。

    5. Saves data from all Contact Form 7 forms.
    6. 保存所有Contact Form 7表单中的数据。

    7. Detailed reporting allows you to see which form is sending you more leads.
    8. 详细的报告功能使您可以查看哪种表格为您带来了更多潜在客户。

    9. Export data to CSV file.
    10. 将数据导出到CSV文件。

    11. Leads insights with User Agents, IP, HTTP Referrer, Landing Page, Submission Page.
    12. 通过用户代理,IP,HTTP引荐来源网址,着陆页,提交页面来提供洞察力。

    13. Track even deleted Contact Form 7 data.
    14. 甚至跟踪已删除的联系表7数据。

    15. Works with WordPress V4.0 to V4.9
    16. 使用WordPress V4.0至V4.9



      1. lead Manager Interface will allow you to manage all leads and correspond to the inquiries using your WordPress admin instead of your email address.
      2. 潜在客户管理器界面将允许您使用WordPress管理员(而不是电子邮件地址)管理所有潜在客户并与查询相对应。

      3. Tag each lead with tags like “answered, replied, followed up, waiting for response”.
      4. 在每条线索上标记“答复,回复,跟进,等待响应”之类的标签。

      5. Pop3 Integration will allow you to receive all the inquiries and replies in WordPress control panel.
      6. Pop3集成将使您可以在WordPress控制面板中接收所有查询和答复。

      7. Filter data via drop down with different contact forms.
      8. 通过下拉菜单使用不同的联系表格过滤数据。

      9. Multi-Lingual Version.
      10. 多语言版本。

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    1. Upload “Contact Form 7 Lead Manager“ to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
    2. 将“ Contact Form 7 Lead Manager”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Go to Settings page and configure your plugin.
    6. 转到“设置”页面并配置您的插件。

    7. You’re done!

    8. 您完成了!

      It will start grabbing the data from all contact form submissions.

    9. 它将开始从所有联系表单提交中获取数据。

    How to use this plugin


      1. Go to the left menu in your wp-admin control panel and click on “CF7LM Settings”.

      2. 转到wp-admin控制面板中的左侧菜单,然后单击“ CF7LM设置”。

        You can configure this plugin.

      3. 您可以配置此插件。

      4. Go to the left menu in your wp-admin control panel and mouseover CF7LM Settings and then click “Leads”.

      5. 转到wp-admin控制面板中的左侧菜单,然后将鼠标悬停在CF7LM设置上,然后单击“ Leads”。

        This page will show all the submission data.

      6. 此页面将显示所有提交数据。

      7. To check reports go to CF7LM Settings and then “Stats”.
      8. 要检查报告,请转到CF7LM设置,然后单击“统计”。





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