[wordpress插件] CDN BusterCDN巴斯特

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-19 22:40 868 0 全屏看文



Once you use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Amazon Cloudfront to speed up your blog, you will come across instances when you update a static file (a style or image file, for instance), but your readers keep getting

一旦您使用诸如Amazon Cloudfront之类的Content Delivery Network(CDN)来加快博客速度,更新静态文件(例如样式或图像文件)时就会遇到实例,但是您的读者不断

the stale file from the CDN.


No amount of cache clearing on your blog server is going to help refresh the cached file because it is on the CDN.


The only way would be to “invalidate” the file, which will signal the CDN to pull a fresh copy from the origin location.


But this necessitates you to log on to the CDN server, locate the file, generate a proper invalidation request, and wait for it to percolate to all the mirrors.


And it often costs money.


CDN Buster offers a much easier alternative.

CDN Buster提供了更简单的替代方法。

You enter a Version String in the plugin admin page, and append the same string where you define the CDN address in your caching plugins, such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.

您在插件管理页面中输入版本字符串,并在缓存插件(如WP Super Cache或W3 Total Cache)中定义CDN地址的位置附加相同的字符串。

This way, when your reader loads a page, he is looking for a different file, and your CDN server will query your blog server for it, where this plugin will intercept the query and serve the modified file from the original


em> location.


Thus, the modified file will get loaded on your CDN and all will be well.


Pro Version


In addition to the fully functional Lite version, CDN Buster also has a Pro version with many more features.

CDN缓存很容易失效,价格为$ 5.95“ rel =” nofollow“>专业版,具有更多功能。

    1. Automatically update the CDN settings in your WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache plugin.
    2. 自动更新WP Super Cache或W3 Total Cache插件中的CDN设置。

    3. Change the origin pull location on your CDN server to a generic string (eg cdn-bustor-* where * can be anything) without touching your blog settings to invalidate

    4. 将您的CDN服务器上的原点拉位置更改为通用字符串(例如, cdn-bustor-* ,其中 * 可以是任何内容),而无需触摸您的博客设置即可使之无效

      the cache.

    5. 缓存。

    6. Invalidate by file type, so that only certain types of files are invalidated.
    7. 按文件类型无效,以便仅某些类型的文件无效。

    8. Invalidate single files from a list that you specify.
    9. 使您指定的列表中的单个文件无效。

    Why use a CDN


    Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a collection of geographically distributed servers that mirror and serve you static contents (images, JavaScrip/CSS files, movies etc.) to your readers much faster than your own blog server can.

    Content Delivery Network(CDN)是地理位置分散的服务器的集合,这些服务器可以以比您自己的博客服务器更快的速度向您的读者镜像并向您提供静态内容(图像,JavaScrip / CSS文件,电影等)。

    It speeds up your blog tremendously:


      1. It serves a large part of your website payload from servers that are close to the readers.

      2. 它从靠近读者的服务器中获取网站负载的很大一部分。

        CDN servers are specifically optimized for such contents.

      3. CDN服务器专门针对此类内容进行了优化。

      4. Since your resources on the CDN have different address (URL), the reader’s browser loads the statc content and the dynamic content (from your blog server) in parallel, enhancing the user experience.
      5. 由于您在CDN上的资源具有不同的地址(URL),因此阅读器的浏览器并行加载statc内容和动态内容(来自您的博客服务器),从而改善了用户体验。

      6. The load on your blog server goes down becuase it is no longer serving a large part of the page content, which improves its performance.
      7. 博客服务器上的负载减少了,因为它不再提供大部分页面内容,从而提高了其性能。

      In short, if you are not using a CDN yet, you should.


      It is very easy to set it up if you use any popular cacching plugins (such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache).

      如果使用任何流行的缓存插件(例如WP Super Cache或W3 Total Cache),则设置起来非常容易。

      Most CNDs are of the so-called Origin Pull kind, where the CDN server automatically pulls a file from a location (typically your blog itself) whenever it is asked to serve a file it doesn’t have in its cache.

      大多数CND都是所谓的Origin Pull,即CDN服务器在要求提供其缓存中没有的文件时,会自动从某个位置(通常是您的博客本身)中拉出文件。

      This is usually a one-time operation, which is slow.


      The CDN then proceeds to mirror the file on its servers all over the world.


      Thereafter, whenever the file is requested, the file is served instantly from a server closest to the reader.



To install it as a WordPress plugin, please use the plugin installation interface.


    1. Search for the plugin CDN Buster from your admin menu Plugins -> Add New.
    2. 从管理菜单“插件->添加新内容”中搜索CDN Buster插件。

    3. Click on install.
    4. 单击安装。

    It can also be installed from a downloaded zip archive.


      1. Go to your admin menu Plugins -> Add New, and click on “Upload Plugin” near the top.
      2. 转到管理菜单插件->添加,然后单击顶部附近的“上传插件”。

      3. Browse for the zip file and click on upload.
      4. 浏览zip文件,然后单击上载。

      Once uploaded and activated,


        1. Visit the CDN Buster plugin admin page to run it.
        2. 访问CDN Buster插件管理页面以运行它。

        3. Take a tour of the plugin features from the CDN Buster admin menu Tour and Help.
        4. 从CDN Buster管理菜单“浏览和帮助”中浏览插件功能。





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