[wordpress插件] CBX Accounting & BookkeepingCBX会计和簿记

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-19 09:50 587 0 全屏看文



CBX Accounting plugin gives easy and quick solution for book keeping for small business inside wordpress to keep the income and expense log.


This plugin is created thinking for people who doesn’t understand accounting but need help to track income and expense.


This is not double entry accounting system but it’s a tracking system for income and expense and helps to display logs and statements.


From the very beginning we tried to keep the plugin as simple as possible and still don’t add complex features so that it’s easy for non accountant people.


Learn more details


For support please Contact Us


If you think any necessary feature is missing contact with us, we will add in new release.


Best way to check the feature is install the free core version in any dev site and explore


Core Plugin Features


CBX Accounting: Main Features


    • Overview Dashboard
    • 概述仪表板

    • Plugin Setting with multiple tabs and 100s of setting fields
    • 具有多个标签和100多个设置字段的插件设置

    • Log Manager
    • 日志管理器

    • Income & Expense Manage
    • 收入和费用管理

    • Income & Expense Category
    • 收入和支出类别

    • Log Add, Edit, Delete
    • 记录添加,编辑,删除

    • Vendor & Clients(Free addon)
    • 供应商和客户(免费插件)

    • Bank Accounts & Cash Account Manager
    • 银行帐户和现金帐户经理

    • Statement Generate(Pro Features)
    • 语句生成(专业功能)

    • WooCommerce Integrations(Pro features)
    • WooCommerce集成(专业功能)

    • Frontend Account with all backend features
    • 具有所有后端功能的前端帐户

    • Export Logs in PDF and Excel formats
    • 以PDF和Excel格式导出日志

    • Role and Capability based access control for all urls and views
    • 针对所有网址和视图的基于角色和功能的访问控制

    CBX Accounting: Overview Dashboard


      • Quick summary of year graph: Shows Current year by default
      • 年份图表快速摘要:默认显示当前年份

      • Quick summary of year graph: Next/Prev Year explore
      • 年图快速摘要:下一个/上一个年探索

      • Quick summary of month graph: Shows Current month by default
      • 月图快速摘要:默认显示当前月

      • Quick summary of month graph: Next/Prev month explore
      • 月图快速摘要:下个月/上个月探索

      • Pie Diagram of Latest Income and Expense by Category(By Month, connected with next prev of month explore)
      • 按类别划分的最新收入和支出的饼图(按月,与下个月的上一个浏览有关)

      • Quick Summary(Including Tax)(By Month, connected with next prev of month explore)
      • 快速摘要(含税)(按月,与下个月的上一个浏览有关)

      • Current Month Latest Income(Showing latest 20 entries)
      • 当月最新收入(显示最近20条记录)

      • Current Month Latest Expense(Showing latest 20 entries)
      • 当月最新费用(显示最近20条记录)

      CBX Accounting: Log Manager


        • List of all logs/entries of income and expense in tabular format.
        • 以表格格式列出所有收入和支出的日志/条目。

        • Search log: By Income Category
        • 搜索日志:按收入类别

        • Search log: By Expense Category
        • 搜索日志:按支出类别

        • Search log: By Bank Accounts
        • 搜索日志:按银行帐户

        • Search log: By Date Range
        • 搜索日志:按日期范围

        • Search log: By Vendors and Clients(Depends on Free addon)
        • 搜索日志:按供应商和客户分类(取决于免费插件)

        • Export Option: Export by PDF
        • 导出选项:按PDF导出

        • Export Option: Export by Excel(XLS, XLSX, ODS)
        • 导出选项:通过Excel(XLS,XLSX,ODS)导出

        • Listing Bulk Option: Delete single or multiple logs/entries
        • 列出批量选项:删除单个或多个日志/条目

        • Listing Headings: ID, Title, Amount, Type, Category, Account, Vendor & Client(V&C), Added By, Modified By
        • 列表标题:ID,标题,金额,类型,类别,帐户,供应商和客户(V&C),添加人,修改人

        • Listing Headings(cont.): Added Date, Modified Date, Source Amount, Tax%, Final Amount, Invoice No, Actions
        • 列表标题(续):添加日期,修改日期,源金额,税额,最终金额,发票编号,操作

        • Listing Actions: Add & Edit Log with file attachments
        • 列出操作:添加和编辑带有文件附件的日志

        • Listing Actions: Single Click ajax delete
        • 列出操作:单击ajax删除

        • Listing Actions: View details log as per capability
        • 列出操作:按功能查看详细信息日志

        CBX Accounting: Category Manager


          • Category based on Income and Expense
          • 基于收入和支出的类别

          • Different color for different category for legend marking in different places.
          • 不同类别的不同颜色,用于在不同地方标记图例。

          • Filter: All Categories, Income Categories, Expense Categories
          • 过滤器:所有类别,收入类别,费用类别

          • Search Category by keywords
          • 按关键字搜索类别

          • Category Listing Heading: Title, Type, Added By, Modified By, Added Date , Modified Date, Color, Publish, Protected, ID
          • 类别列表标题:标题,类型,添加者,修改者,添加日期,修改日期,颜色,发布,受保护的ID

          • Category Add, Edit, De
          • 类别添加,编辑,取消

          • Protected Category: Category created by 3rd party plugins or addon can not be edited from Category Edit option
          • 受保护的类别:无法通过“类别编辑”选项来编辑由第三方插件或插件创建的类别

          • Category listing Bulk Options: Delete single or multiple category(if that category has no logs)
          • 类别列表批量选项:删除单个或多个类别(如果该类别没有日志)

          CBX Accounting: Accounts Manager


            • Account Types: Cash or Bank
            • 帐户类型:现金或银行

            • Multiple Cash or Bank Account facility
            • 多种现金或银行帐户功能

            • Export: PDF and Excel formats
            • 导出:PDF和Excel格式

            • Search Accounts by keywords
            • 通过关键字搜索帐户

            • Account Listing Heading: Title, Type, Acc.

            • 帐户列表标题:标题,类型,帐户

              No, Acc.


              Name, Bank Name, Bank Branch, Added By, Modified By, Added Date, Modified Date, ID

            • 名称,银行名称,银行分行,添加人,修改人,添加日期,修改日期,ID

            • Accounting Listing Bulk Options: Delete single or multiple if that account has no logs/entries connected
            • 帐户列表批量选项:如果该帐户未连接日志/条目,则删除一个或多个

            CBX Accounting: Vendor Manager(Free Addon)


              • List vendor or client
              • 列出供应商或客户

              • Vendor is related with expense, vendor gets payments(Expense)
              • 供应商与费用有关,供应商获得付款(费用)

              • Client is related with income, clients gives payments(Income)
              • 客户与收入相关,客户付款(收入)

              • Bulk Options: Delete single or multiple vendor if they are not connected to any logs/entries
              • 批量选项:如果一个或多个供应商未连接到任何日志/条目,则将其删除

              • Search Vendor/Clients by keywords
              • 通过关键字搜索供应商/客户

              • List Headings: Name, Type, Address, Contact Information, Connected User ID, ID
              • 列表标题:名称,类型,地址,联系信息,连接的用户ID,ID

              • Export: PDF and Excel formats
              • 导出:PDF和Excel格式

              • View Vendor/Clients As readonly mode
              • 以只读模式查看供应商/客户

              • Add, Edit Vendor
              • 添加,编辑供应商

              Free & Pro Addons



    1. Upload cbxwpsimpleaccounting.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or search in wordpress dir from wordpress for “CBX Accounting”
    2. cbxwpsimpleaccounting.zip 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或从wordpress的wordpress目录中搜索“ CBX记帐”

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. You’ll now see a menu called “CBX Accounting” in left menu of word, start from there
    6. 现在您将在单词的左侧菜单中看到一个名为“ CBX Accounting”的菜单,从此处开始





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