[wordpress插件] Cat Block猫块

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 17:30 621 0 全屏看文



Adds a block (widget or shortcode), which scrolls through the posts in a category.


Current features


    • Easy to use
    • 易于使用

    • Only fade effect
    • 仅淡入淡出效果

    • Customizable
    • 可自定义

    • Shortcode & Widget
    • 简码和小部件



    Use [cvmh-catblock]


    If you want to disable a parameter which is on true by default, put an empty string.


    Example: [cvmh-catblock slideshow=””]

    示例:[cvmh-catblock slideshow =””]

    Shortcode parameters


      • title: widget title (default: Category block)
      • title:小部件标题(默认:Category块)

      • introduction: text before posts list (default: empty)
      • 简介:帖子列表之前的文字(默认:空白)

      • category: array of category ids to use (default: empty, all categories will be used)
      • 类别:要使用的类别ID的数组(默认值:空,将使用所有类别)

      • count: number of psts to display (default: 3, set to -1 if you want all posts)
      • count:要显示的pst数(默认值:3,如果需要所有帖子,则设置为-1)

      • buttonall: weither to display a link to the category (default: true, only if category has parameter has only one category id)
      • buttonall:既不显示到类别的链接(默认:true,仅当类别的参数仅具有一个类别id时)

      • alltext: text of the “all button” (default: See all)
      • alltext:“所有按钮”的文本(默认值:查看全部)

      • posttype: post type to get (default: post)
      • posttype:要获取的帖子类型(默认:post)

      • showimage: weither to display the post thumbnail (default: false)
      • showimage:不显示帖子缩略图(默认:false)

      • imagesize: size of the post thumbnail (default: thumbnail)
      • imagesize:帖子缩略图的大小(默认:缩略图)

      • showtitle: weither to display the post title (default: true)
      • showtitle:是否显示帖子标题(默认:true)

      • titletag: html tag for the post title (default: h3)
      • titletag:帖子标题的html标签(默认值:h3)

      • titlelength: max length for the post title in caracters (default: 45)
      • titlelength:帖子中标题的最大长度(默认值:45)

      • showexcerpt: weither to display the post excerpt (default: false)
      • showexcerpt:是否显示帖子摘录(默认:false)

      • excerptlength: max length for the excerpt in words (default: 50)
      • excerptlength:摘录的最大长度(以字为单位)(默认值:50)

      • showdate: weither to display the post date (default: false)
      • showdate:不显示发布日期(默认:false)

      • dateformat: post date format (default: j F Y)
      • dateformat:发布日期格式(默认:j F Y)

      • showreadmore: weither to display a link to the post in addition to the link on the post title (default: true)
      • showreadmore:除了显示帖子标题上的链接(默认值:true)以外,不显示该帖子的链接

      • readmoretext: text of the “read more” button (default: Read more)
      • readmoretext:“更多”按钮的文本(默认值:更多)

      • readmoretype: html tag for the “read more” button (default: anchor, use “button” if you want a link in javascript)
      • readmoretype:“更多”按钮的html标签(默认值:锚点,如果要在javascript中链接,请使用“ button”)

      • slideshow: display posts in a slideshow (default: true)
      • 幻灯片显示:以幻灯片显示形式显示帖子(默认值:true)

      • duration: duration of a slide in ms (default: 7000)
      • 持续时间:幻灯片的持续时间(以毫秒为单位)(默认值:7000)

      • shownav: weither to display dots for navigation if slideshow is activated (default: true)
      • shownav:如果激活幻灯片显示,则不显示导航点(默认值:true)

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      Contact us: agence web WordPress

      与我们联系: agence web WordPress

      How to uninstall Cat Block

      如何卸载Cat Block

      To uninstall Cat Block, you just have to de-activate the plugin from the plugins list.

      要卸载Cat Block,只需从插件列表中停用插件即可。


    1. Unzip the plugin and upload the “cat-block” folder to your “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
    2. 解压缩插件并将“ cat-block”文件夹上传到您的“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” administration page in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”管理页面激活插件

    5. Use the shortcode or the widget
    6. 使用简码或小部件

    7. Enjoy.
    8. 享受。





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