[wordpress插件] Active Directory Employee ListingActive Directory员工列表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-28 07:40 640 0 全屏看文






This plugin allows you to query an active directory server to retrieve an optionally filtered list of users and display it as a list within a WordPress site.


Some of the features of this plugin include:


    • Widget – a widget is provided, with a few filtering/formatting options, to allow you to display a user list in any widgetized area
    • 窗口小部件–提供的窗口小部件具有一些过滤/格式化选项,可让您在任何窗口小部件化区域中显示用户列表

    • Shortcode – a shortcode is provided, with all of the plugin’s filtering/formatting options, to allow you to display a user list within any page or post
    • 简码-提供了简码以及所有插件的过滤/格式化选项,可让您在任何页面或帖子中显示用户列表

    • Output builder – a full-featured output builder is provided, allowing you to completely customize the format in which each user is displayed within the list.

    • 输出构建器–提供了功能全面的输出构建器,使您可以完全自定义在列表中显示每个用户的格式。

      The output builder even allows conditional (if…elseif…else) statements.

    • 输出生成器甚至允许条件(if ... elseif ... else)语句。

    • Format options – in addition to the output builder (which is used for each individual user), the following formatting options are also available:

    • 格式选项–除输出构建器(用于每个用户)之外,还提供以下格式选项:

        • before_list – Any HTML code you would like to appear before the list of employees.

        • before_list –您希望出现在员工列表之前的任何HTML代码。

          This code is output before the opening title_wrap tag.

        • 此代码在打开的title_wrap标签之前输出。

        • after_list – Any HTML code you would like to appear after the list of employees.

        • after_list –您希望在员工列表之后显示的任何HTML代码。

          This code is output after the closing list_wrap tag.

        • 此代码在结束list_wrap标记之后输出。

        • after_title – Any HTML code you would like to appear between the closing title_wrap tag and the opening list_wrap tag.
        • after_title –您希望在结尾的title_wrap标签和开头的list_wrap标签之间显示的任何HTML代码。

        • title_wrap – The HTML element you would like to use to wrap the list title (if set).

        • title_wrap –您要用于包装列表标题(如果已设置)的HTML元素。

          Just the element name, please;


          no opening or closing brackets.

        • 没有左括号或右括号。

        • title_class – The CSS class you would like applied to the list title (if set).

        • title_class –您要应用于列表标题(如果已设置)的CSS类。

          If you would prefer that no CSS class be applied to the title, leave this blank.

        • 如果您不希望将CSS类应用于标题,请将该空白留空。

        • title_id – If you would like to apply an HTML ID to the list title, you can indicate that here.

        • title_id –如果您想将HTML ID应用于列表标题,则可以在此处指示。

          Remember that IDs should be unique, so, if you plan on using multiple employee lists on a single page, you should leave this blank.

        • 请记住,ID应该是唯一的,因此,如果您打算在单个页面上使用多个员工列表,则应将此空白留空。

        • title – The title you would like to appear at the top of the list.

        • 标题-您想要显示在列表顶部的标题。

          The title is output prior to the opening of the list itself.

        • 标题是在列表本身打开之前输出的。

        • list_wrap – The HTML element you would like to use to wrap the entire list.

        • list_wrap –您想用来包装整个列表的HTML元素。

          Just the element name, please;


          no opening or closing brackets.

        • 没有左括号或右括号。

        • list_class – The CSS class you would like to assign to the opening list_wrap tag, aiding in styling the entire list.

        • list_class –您想分配给开始的list_wrap标签的CSS类,以帮助设计整个列表的样式。

          If you would prefer that no CSS class be applied to the list, leave this blank.

        • 如果您不希望将CSS类应用于列表,请将该空白留空。

        • list_id – If you would like to apply an HTML ID to the list itself, you can indicate that here.

        • list_id –如果要将HTML ID应用于列表本身,则可以在此处指示。

          Remember that IDs should be unique, so, if you plan on using multiple employee lists on a single page, you should leave this blank.

        • 请记住,ID应该是唯一的,因此,如果您打算在单个页面上使用多个员工列表,则应将此空白留空。

        • item_wrap – The HTML element you would like to use to wrap each individual employee in the list.

        • item_wrap –您想用来包装列表中每个员工的HTML元素。

          Just the element name, please;


          no opening or closing brackets.

        • 没有左括号或右括号。

        • item_class – The CSS class you would like to assign to each individual employee in the list.

        • item_class –您要分配给列表中每位员工的CSS类。

          If you would prefer that no CSS class be applied to the list, leave this blank.

        • 如果您不希望将CSS类应用于列表,请将该空白留空。

        • item_id – If you would like to apply an HTML ID to each individual employee in the list, you can indicate that here.

        • item_id –如果您希望将HTML ID应用于列表中的每个员工,则可以在此处指示。

          You can use placeholder variables for user information (any of the fields that are set to be retrieved, plus the user's username (samaccountname). Simply wrap the placeholder variable with percent symbols (so, to use a placeholder for samaccountname, use %samaccountname%


          ) All disallowed characters (the @ symbol, dots, spaces, etc.) will be replaced with hyphens. Remember that IDs should be unique, so, if you plan on using multiple employee lists that may include the same employee multiple times on a single


          page, you should leave this blank. Likewise, you should use a placeholder variable that will be unique.

        • 页面上,您应该将此空白留空。同样,您应该使用一个唯一的占位符变量。

      • Field chooser – choose which Active Directory fields to retrieve from the server (note that any fields included in the output builder must be chosen in the field chooser, otherwise they won't be retrieved and, therefore, won't be displayed

      • 字段选择器–选择要从服务器检索的Active Directory字段(请注意,必须在字段选择器中选择输出构建器中包含的任何字段,否则将不会检索它们,因此将不显示它们


      • Single user display – feed a username to the shortcode or widget, and a single user will be retrieved and displayed, rather than a list of users
      • 单用户显示–将用户名输入简码或小部件,将检索并显示一个用户,而不是用户列表

      • Search form – a simple search form (the input keyword is searched against all fields being retrieved) is provided
      • 搜索表单–提供了一个简单的搜索表单(针对要检索的所有字段搜索输入关键字)

      • Multisite-compatible – Options can be set for the entire network, and can be overridden on each individual site within the network.

      • 与多站点兼容–可以为整个网络设置选项,并且可以在网络中的每个单独站点上覆盖这些选项。

        Some options can even be overridden in the widget or shortcode itself.

      • 某些选项甚至可以在小部件或简码本身中被覆盖。

      • Information cache – Information retrieved by this plugin is cached for 24 hours after it is retrieved (this option is not currently configurable, but will probably be in future versions) in order to avoid hitting the AD server more than necessary.

      • 信息缓存–该插件检索到的信息在检索后将被缓存24小时(此选项当前不可配置,但可能在将来的版本中),以避免过多地击中AD服务器。



      You can connect to the Active Directory server using SSL and/or TLS, if desired.

      如果需要,可以使用SSL和/或TLS连接到Active Directory服务器。

      You can also provide multiple Active Directory server addresses to allow load-balancing (a random server is chosen from the list before connecting and querying).

      您还可以提供多个Active Directory服务器地址以实现负载平衡(在连接和查询之前从列表中选择一个随机服务器)。

      Compatibility Note and Credits


      This plugin currently utilizes version 3.3.2 (with some extended functionality built specifically for this plugin) of the adLDAP class

      该插件目前使用 adLDAP类的版本3.3.2(具有为此插件专门构建的扩展功能)

      a> from Scott Barnett & Richard Hyland.

      a>来自Scott Barnett和Richard Hyland。

      It has also been tested with version 3.1-Extended and version 3.3.2-Extended as they are included with various versions of the Active Directory Authentication Integration and Active Directory Integration plugins.

      /“> Active Directory身份验证集成和 Active Directory集成插件。

      This plugin is potentially incompatible (and has not been tested) with Active Directory Integration, though;

      不过,该插件可能与Active Directory集成不兼容(并且尚未经过测试);

      as it all depends on in which order the adLDAP class is instantiated (if this plugin’s copy of adLDAP is included before that plugin’s version, that plugin may not work properly).


      This plugin was developed by Curtiss Grymala for the

      此插件是由 Curtiss Grymala

      rel="nofollow">University of Mary Washington.

      rel =“ nofollow”>玛丽华盛顿大学。

      It is licensed under the GPL2, which basically means you can take it, break it and change it any way you want, as long as the original credit and license information remains somewhere in the package.


      Important Note


      At this time, this plugin has only been tested on a handful of WordPress installations (all on similar server configurations) with a single Active Directory server, so it is entirely possible that there will be bugs or errors that stop it (or

      目前,此插件仅在使用单个Active Directory服务器的少数WordPress安装(均在类似的服务器配置上)上进行了测试,因此完全有可能存在会阻止它的错误或错误(或

      other plugins) from working properly.


      In order to improve this plugin, please share any feedback you have.


      To Do


        • Implement pagination
        • 分页

        • Provide a work-around for the PHP “paging” error
        • 提供针对PHP“分页”错误的解决方法

        • Investigate allowing results to be filtered by multiple groups
        • 调查允许结果按多个组过滤

        • Investigate allowing results to be filtered by multiple usernames
        • 调查允许结果由多个用户名过滤


This plugin can be installed as a normal plugin, a multisite (network-active) plugin or a mu-plugin (must-use).


To install as a normal or multisite plugin manually:


    1. Download the ZIP file of the current version
    2. 下载当前版本的ZIP文件

    3. Unzip the file on your computer
    4. 在计算机上解压缩文件

    5. Upload the active-directory-employee-list folder to /wp-content/plugins
    6. 将active-directory-employee-list文件夹上载到/ wp-content / plugins

    To install as a normal or multisite plugin automatically:


      1. Visit Plugins -> Add New in your Site Admin (for normal WordPress installations) or Network Admin (for multisite WordPress installations) area
      2. 访问插件->在“站点管理员”(对于普通WordPress安装)或“网络管理员”(对于多站点WordPress安装)区域中添加新内容

      3. Search for Active Directory Employee List
      4. 搜索Active Directory员工列表

      5. Click the “Install” link for this plugin
      6. 点击此插件的“安装”链接

      To activate the plugin on a single site:


        1. Go to the Plugins menu within the Site Admin area and click the “Activate” link
        2. 转到“网站管理员”区域内的“插件”菜单,然后单击“激活”链接

        To network-activate the plugin on a multisite network:


          1. Go to the Plugins menu within the Network Admin area and click the “Activate” link
          2. 转到“网络管理”区域内的“插件”菜单,然后单击“激活”链接

          To install as a mu-plugin:


            1. Download the ZIP file of the current version
            2. 下载当前版本的ZIP文件

            3. Unzip the file on your computer
            4. 在计算机上解压缩文件

            5. Upload all of the files inside of the active-directory-employee-list folder into your /wp-content/mu-plugins directory.

            6. 将active-directory-employee-list文件夹内的所有文件上传到/ wp-content / mu-plugins目录中。

              If you upload the active-directory-employee-list folder itself, you will need to move active-directory-employee-list.php out of that folder so it resides directly in /wp-content/mu-plugins

            7. 如果您自己上传active-directory-employee-list文件夹,则需要将active-directory-employee-list.php移出该文件夹,以便直接位于/ wp-content / mu-plugins








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