[wordpress插件] Case Study Ninja忍者案例研究

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 13:20 582 0 全屏看文



The Case Study Ninja WordPress Plugin enables third party WordPress sites to display a set of case study previews (picture, title, Case Study Ninja link, author) from a selected team on pages within their site.

案例研究Ninja WordPress插件使第三方WordPress网站能够在其站点页面上显示选定团队的一组案例研究预览(图片,标题,案例研究忍者链接,作者)。

It is possible to have case studies from different teams on different pages.


To set up your team and start creating case studies visit: www.casestudyninja.com


Both free and paid for packages are available.


For more information contact Simon@CaseStudyNinja.com



To install the Case Study Ninja WordPress Plugin onto a WordPress website:

要将案例研究Ninja WordPress插件安装到WordPress网站上:

    1. Upload the folder ‘caseStudyNinja’ to the WordPress plugin directory (usually found in /wp-content/plugins/).
    2. 将文件夹“ caseStudyNinja”上传到WordPress插件目录(通常在/ wp-content / plugins /中找到)。

    3. Log into the WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins / Installed Plugins.
    4. 登录WordPress管理面板,然后转到“插件” /“已安装的插件”。

    5. Look for Case Study Ninja and click the ‘Activate’ link located underneath it.
    6. 查找“忍者案例研究”,然后点击其下方的“激活”链接。

    The Case Study Ninja Admin Panel


    Once the Case Study Ninja plugin is activated, you can access its admin panel by going to Tools / Case Study Ninja.


    The Case Study Ninja admin panel can be used to customize how your case study previews appear on your website.


    The following controls are available to you:


    Display as directory listing? – this allows you to choose to display case study previews as a directory list with case study showing per row.

    显示为目录列表吗? –您可以选择将案例研究预览显示为目录列表,每行显示案例研究。

    If you select no, then case studies will display in a grid format and you can choose the number of case studies displayed on each row.


    Help support us by displaying Powered by Case Study Ninja – if you'd like to help us grow, please select yes to display a small Case Study Ninja logo at the bottom of your case studies with

    通过显示“案例研究忍者”提供支持,以帮助我们 –如果您想帮助我们发展壮大,请选择“是”,在案例研究的底部显示一个小的“案例研究忍者”徽标,

    'Powered by Case Study Ninja' text.


    Total number of case study previews to display – this allows you to specify the total number of case study previews that will be displayed.

    要显示的案例研究预览总数 –您可以指定要显示的案例研究预览总数。

    Number of case study previews to display per row (for non-directory listing style) – this allows you to specify the number of case study previews to display per row.

    每行要显示的案例研究预览的数量(对于非目录列表样式) –这使您可以指定每行要显示的案例研究预览的数量。

    For example, if you chose to display a total of 10 case studies and 2 per row, a total of five rows would be displayed with 2 case studies on each row.


    This setting is only used if you have selected ‘no’ in the ‘Display as a directory listing’ setting.


    You can edit the Case Study Ninja CSS here – the CSS that is used to style Case Study Ninja previews is contained in this text box and advanced users can edit this as required.

    您可以在此处编辑案例研究忍者CSS –该文本框中包含用于设置案例研究忍者预览样式的CSS,高级用户可以根据需要进行编辑。

    It is recommended you copy the css into an external editor to make modifications.


    Adding Case Study Ninja Previews


    To add Case Study Ninja previews to any part of your WordPress site simply use the following shortcode (replacing the text in bold with the Case Study Ninja team id you want to use: [case-study-ninja team=”Your team

    要将案例研究忍者预览版添加到WordPress网站的任何部分,只需使用以下简码(将您要使用的案例研究忍者团队ID替换为粗体:[case-study-ninja team =“”您的团队

    id here”]


    Note: if you would like to add the shortcode into a widget, then you need to install the third party plugin Shortcode Widget.






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