[wordpress插件] Carousel Upsells and Related Product for WoocommerceWoocommerce的轮播加售及相关产品

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 04:00 730 0 全屏看文



The plugin replaces the standard related and upsells products on carousel slider using a script glide.js that does not depend on the jquery, which much faster than its analogues.


Simply activate the plugin and a carousel of related products will already appear in your store.


Among other things, you can separately configure related products and recommended(Upsells) products.


The design of the product cards will match the design of your template, but it should be noted that some templates have their own custom carousels of recommended or related products.


Settings plugin


    1. Woocommerce → Settings → Products → Related Product Carousel
    2. Woocommerce→设置→产品→相关产品轮播

    3. Woocommerce → Settings → Products → Upsells Product Carousel
    4. Woocommerce→设置→产品→加售产品轮播



      1. Replaces the standard output of related products and recommended(upsells) products with a carousel
      2. 用转盘替换相关产品和推荐(加售)产品的标准输出

      3. No dependence on the jquery, loading is very fast
      4. 不依赖jquery,加载速度非常快

      5. You can change the titles of the standard sections
      6. 您可以更改标准部分的标题

      7. You can enable or disable autoplay
      8. 您可以启用或禁用自动播放

      9. You can change the time interval for scrolling the carousel
      10. 您可以更改滚动轮播的时间间隔

      11. You can specify the number of products in the carousel
      12. 您可以指定转盘中的产品数量

      13. You can specify the number of visible products (specify the grid)
      14. 您可以指定可见产品的数量(指定网格)

      15. You can specify the number of displayed products on mobile devices and tablets
      16. 您可以指定在移动设备和平板电脑上显示的产品数量

      17. Standard accompanying and recommended products not displayed if their number is less than the indicated visible products in the carousel.

      18. 如果标准随行产品和推荐产品的数量少于圆盘传送带中指示的可见产品的数量,则不会显示。

        That is, a carousel is not created.


        Only high-quality optimization.

      19. 只有高质量的优化。

      20. You can disable the carousel and control other functions – section header, number of displayed products, number of columns
      21. 您可以禁用轮播功能并控制其他功能-部分标题,显示的产品数量,列数

      New advanced settings


        1. Hint on a mobile device (see. Screenshots)
        2. 在移动设备上提示(请参阅屏幕截图)

        3. Styling a mobile hint (see. Screenshots)
        4. 设置移动提示的样式(请参见屏幕截图)

        5. Central mode with cropping (see. Screenshots)
        6. 带有裁剪的中央模式(请参见屏幕截图)

        7. Central mode on mobile device only
        8. 仅在移动设备上的中央模式

        9. Choosing a carousel transition animation
        10. 选择轮播过渡动画

        11. Setting duration of the transition animation
        12. 设置过渡动画的持续时间

        13. Setting the distance between products
        14. 设置产品之间的距离

        15. The choice of navigation icons (see. Screenshots)
        16. 导航图标的选择(请参见屏幕截图)

        17. Setting the color of navigation
        18. 设置导航颜色

        All new options have tips right in the admin panel.


        You can always fine-tune the carousel.


        Plugin Benefits


        The most important advantage of the “Carousel Upsells and Related Product for Woocommerce” plugin is that it uses a javascript library of glide.js and has no jQuery dependencies.


        The main JS file of the plugin weighs only ~ 23kb, and in compressed form only ~ 7kb.


        Compared to similar carousel-slides, such as Slick Slider (88kb, and in compressed 44kb), Swiper Slide (more than 100kb) or OWL carousel (89kb, and in compressed 44kb) is many times smaller and I will remind glide.js without

        与类似的轮播幻灯片(例如Slick Slider(88kb,压缩后的44kb))相比,Swiper Slide(超过100kb)或OWL轮播(89kb,压缩后的44kb)要小很多倍,我会提醒glide.js,

        jQuery dependencies.


        With all this, glide.js has Touch Swipe mode, which allows the finger (touch on the element) to move the carousel in the right direction.


        As a result, this carousel works faster and directly instantly loads your goods in the carousel.


        By the way, remember to optimize your images, now owners of online stores fight for each kb as search engines love fast sites.


        Required Plugins



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


Install From WordPress Admin Panel:


    1. Login to your WordPress Admin Area
    2. 登录到WordPress管理区域

    3. Go to Plugins -> Add New
    4. 转到插件->添加新内容

    5. Type “Woocommerce Glide.js Carousel Upsells and Related Product” into the Search and hit Enter.
    6. 在搜索中输入“ Woocommerce Glide.js轮播追加销售及相关产品”,然后按Enter。

    7. Find this plugin Click “install now”
    8. 查找此插件,单击“立即安装”

    9. Activate The Plugin
    10. 激活插件

    Manual Installation:


      1. Download the plugin from WordPress.org repository
      2. 从WordPress.org存储库下载插件

      3. On your WordPress admin dashboard, go to ‘Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin’
      4. 在WordPress管理控制台上,转到“插件->添加新文件->上传插件”

      5. Upload the downloaded plugin file (carousel-upsells-and-related-product-for-woocommerce.0.3.7.zip) and click ‘Install Now’
      6. 上传已下载的插件文件(carousel-upsells-and-product-for-woocommerce.0.3.7.zip),然后单击“立即安装”

      7. Activate ‘Woocommerce Glide.js Carousel Upsells and Related Product’ from your Plugins page.
      8. 从“插件”页面激活“ Woocommerce Glide.js轮播追加销售和相关产品”。

