[wordpress插件] Carousel Slider旋转木马滑块

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-17 03:50 1023 0 全屏看文



Create SEO friendly Image, Logo, Video, Post, WooCommerce Product Carousel and Slider.


Carousel Slider is a touch enabled WordPress plugin that lets you create highly customizable, stylish responsive carousel slider.

Carousel Slider是一个支持触摸的WordPress插件,可让您创建高度可定制,时尚的响应式Carousel滑块。

With Carousel Slider, you can create image carousel using media gallery or custom url, post carousel, video carousel.

借助Carousel Slider,您可以使用媒体库或自定义网址,发布轮播,视频轮播来创建图像轮播。

We have integrated Owl Carousel 2 into our plugin for the ultimate device support.

我们已将 Owl Carousel 2 集成到我们的插件中,以提供最终的设备支持。

Looking for a free minimal WordPress theme.


Try Shapla

尝试 Shapla

If you like this plugin, please give us 5 star

如果您喜欢此插件,请给我们 5星

to encourage for future improvement.


Full Feature Set


    • Multiple types carousel, images from media gallery, images from URL, videos from youtube and vimeo, posts, and WooCommerce products carousel slider
    • 多种类型的轮播,来自媒体库的图像,来自URL的图像,来自youtube和vimeo的视频,帖子以及WooCommerce产品轮播滑块

    • Hero slider with background image, title, description, call to action buttons and more
    • 英雄滑块,其中包含背景图像,标题,说明,号召性用语按钮等等

    • Posts carousel, support Specific posts, Post Categories, Post Tags, Posts per page, Date range query and ordering
    • 帖子轮播,支持特定帖子,帖子类别,帖子标签,每页帖子,日期范围查询和排序

    • Video carousel, support custom height and width (Currently only support video from Youtube and Vimeo)
    • 视频轮播,支持自定义高度和宽度(当前仅支持来自YouTube和Vimeo的视频)

    • WooCommerce Product carousel, support Product Categories, Product Tags, Specific Products, Featured Products, Recent Products, Sale Products, Best-Selling Products, Top Rated Products
    • WooCommerce产品轮播,支持产品类别,产品标签,特定产品,特色产品,最新产品,促销产品,畅销产品,评价最高的产品

    • Options to hide/show product Title, Rating, Price, Cart Button, Sale Tag, Wishlist Button, Quick View button and options to change color for Title, Button Background, Button text
    • 用于隐藏/显示商品标题,等级,价格,购物车按钮,销售标签,收藏夹按钮,收藏夹按钮,快速查看按钮的选项,以及用于更改标题,按钮背景,按钮文本颜色的选项

    • Fully responsive, configure the number of items to display for desktop, small desktop, tablet and mobile devices
    • 完全响应,配置要在台式机,小型台式机,平板电脑和移动设备上显示的项目数

    • Lightweight, only loads stuff when carousel is used
    • 轻巧,仅在使用轮播时加载内容

    • Navigation and pagination, choose what type of navigation is displayed for your carousel with unlimited colors option
    • 导航和分页,选择为您的轮播显示哪种导航类型,并且颜色不受限制

    • Works great in touch devices, Touch and Grab enabled
    • 适用于触摸设备,已启用触摸和抓取功能

    • Supported in all major browsers
    • 所有主要浏览器均支持

    • CSS3 3D Acceleration
    • CSS3 3D加速

    • Multiple carousel on same page
    • 同一页上的多个轮播

    • Lazy load images
    • 延迟加载图像

    • Support image title, caption, link url
    • 支持图片标题,标题,链接网址

    • and more options
    • 更多选项

    Hero Image Slider



    Images Carousel using gallery images



    Images Carousel using custom URLs



    Posts Carousel



    WooCommerce Products Carousel



    With Page Builder by SiteOrigin

    使用SiteOrigin的Page Builder


    With Visual Composer Website Builder

    使用Visual Composer网站构建器


    Using as a Widget




    • From your WordPress dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
    • 从WordPress仪表板转到插件>添加新

    • Search for Carousel Slider in Search Plugins box.
    • 搜索插件框中搜索轮播滑块

    • Find the WordPress Plugin named Carousel Slider by Sayful Islam.
    • 找到 Sayful Islam 命名为 Carousel Slider 的WordPress插件。

    • Click Install Now to install the Carousel Slider Plugin.
    • 点击立即安装以安装 Carousel Slider 插件。

    • The plugin will begin to download and install.
    • 该插件将开始下载并安装。

    • Now just click Activate to activate the plugin.
    • 现在只需单击激活即可激活插件。

    If you still need help.


    visit WordPress codex

    请访问 WordPress Codex





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