[wordpress插件] c3 Random Quotesc3随机报价

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-15 03:10 599 0 全屏看文



IMPORTANT UPDATE NOTE: For all users who are currently using this plugin, after updating you should go to Appearance > Widgets and to the settings for c3 Random Quotes, and simply click on the Save button without changing a thing.


This will insure your settings are properly saved and will display on your site correctly.


Without doing this step your quotes will not display properly until you Save your settings.


c3 Random Quotes displays a random quote each time your site (or page that displays the sidebar in which this widget is assigned to) is loaded.


You create and maintain the list of quotes in a private page on your WordPress site.


Quotes can be anything including customer comments.


It’s easily installed, features a few settings to adjust the appearance to your site template, and can be used in a sidebar, header, or footer depending on how your WordPress template is laid out.


Hat tip to Scott Ball, creator of the Super Simple Random Quotes plugin, from which this was inspired.

超级简单随机报价插件创建者Scott Ball的提示,从中得到启发。



    • Easy user management of quotes in a private WordPress page.
    • 在WordPress专用页面中轻松管理报价的用户。

    • Provides a default quote to display until you can assemble your list of quotes.
    • 提供要显示的默认报价,直到您可以汇编报价列表为止。

    • Settings allow control over quote appearance.
    • 通过设置可以控制报价的外观。

    • Allows for the leading quotation mark to be normal text or to display an exaggerated quotation mark image.
    • 允许前导引号是普通文本或显示夸张的引号图像。

    • Can be placed anywhere on a WordPress site depending on where a template allows.
    • 可以根据模板允许的位置放置在WordPress网站上的任何位置。

    • Optionally you can have the quotes displayed in a post or on a page using the shortcode [c3rq].

    • (可选)您可以使用简码[c3rq]在帖子或页面上显示报价。

      You will still need to place the widget in a sidebar to be able to edit options for the widget.


      It can be a sidebar that is otherwise not viewed on your site.

    • 它可以是在您的网站上无法查看的侧边栏。


Installing the Widget


    1. Unzip the widget archive.
    2. 解压缩窗口小部件档案。

    3. Upload the folder c3randomquotes to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
    4. 将文件夹c3randomquotes上载到/ wp-content / plugins目录。

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    7. Add the widget to a sidebar and adjust the settings to suit your site.
    8. 将小部件添加到侧边栏,并调整设置以适合您的网站。

    9. Create a new page (NOT a post) on your WordPress site named ‘Quotes For Widget’ (without the quote marks) and set the ‘Visibility’ to ‘Private’.
    10. 在您的WordPress网站上创建一个名为“ Quotes For Widget”(不带引号)的新页面(无帖子),并将“可见性”设置为“私人”。

    11. For a quick start open the file quotes.txt in the c3randomquotes folder, copy it’s contents and paste in to the ‘Quotes For Widget’ page.
    12. 要快速入门,请打开c3randomquotes文件夹中的quotes.txt文件,将其内容复制并粘贴到“小部件报价”页面。

    13. Save the ‘Quotes For Widget’ page and enjoy.
    14. 保存“小部件报价”页面并享受。

    15. You may also choose to have the random quotes displayed on just a single page rather than in a header or sidebar which displays on every page.

    16. 您还可以选择将随机引号显示在单个页面上,而不是在每个页面上显示的标题或侧边栏中。

      To do this simply place the shortcode [c3rq] in your page or post where you desire the quotes to be displayed.

    17. 为此,只需将简短代码[c3rq]放在您的页面中或张贴您希望显示报价的位置。



      • Select how you want the leading quotation mark to appear in ‘Leading quotation mark image’.

      • 选择希望在“引号图像”中出现引号的方式。

        None displays a normal leading quotation mark in the same font as the quote appears.


        Selecting a color displays the exaggerated leading quotation mark image.

      • 选择一种颜色会显示夸张的引号图像。

      • ‘Width of the widget’ allows for adjusting the width to suit your template, in pixels, formatted as 100px for example.

      • “小部件的宽度”允许您调整宽度以适合您的模板,以像素为单位,例如,格式为100px。

        Often simply entering 100% will work perfect however there may be a situation you want to restrict the width to avoid a background graphic.

      • 通常,只需输入100%即可完美地工作,但是在某些情况下,您可能希望限制宽度以避免背景图形。

      • Enter the ‘Font size’ to match your template, such as 10pt or 10px.
      • 输入“字体大小”以匹配您的模板,例如10pt或10px。

      • ‘Quote font color’ and ‘Attribution font color’ are entered as hex numbers such as #af3f00.
      • “报价字体颜色”和“属性字体颜色”以十六进制数字形式输入,例如#af3f00。

      • Select the attribution prefix you desire.

      • 选择所需的归因前缀。

        Be sure to ‘Save’ your settings once you’re finished editing.

      • 完成修改后,请确保“保存”设置。

      Editing Quotes


      Each quote in the ‘Quotes For Widget’ page is made up of 3 elements;


      the text of the quote, a delimiter character, and who the quote is attributed to, or author.


      Each quote must be a line (or paragraph) of text unto itself and not combined with other quotes.


      The delimiter, or divider, between the quote and it’s attribution/author is the character ‘#’.


      Don’t change the delimiter or use the ‘#’ character in the text of a quote as this will break the widget.


      Take care not to leave any blank lines at the very top or bottom of the ‘Quotes For Widget’ page which may result in breaking the widget.






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