[wordpress插件] BurnZone Forums & CommentingBurnZone论坛和评论

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-14 04:30 506 0 全屏看文



BurnZone Forums & Commenting is a turn key community platform that brings together commenting & forums under one roof.


We also include industry first community features designed to quantify and promote positive contributions.


Current features for Both Forums & Comments:


    • Real Time – Conversations happen live.
    • 实时-对话实时进行。

    • Rich Media – Insert Images, Videos, & Social media directly into your posts.
    • Rich Media –将图像,视频和社交媒体直接插入您的帖子中。

    • Challenges – Any comment can be challenged by a commenter with a differing opinion.

    • 挑战–评论者可以用不同的意见来挑战任何评论。

      Challenges provide accountability to users that can have controversial opinions and surface what side of a topic a majority of people agree with.

    • 挑战为可能产生争议的用户提供了问责制,并揭示了大多数人都同意的话题的哪个方面。

    • Questions & Answers – We understand that comments are different from questions and we have designed our interface to support each activity separately.
    • 问题与解答–我们理解评论与问题有所不同,我们设计了界面来分别支持每个活动。

    • SSO & Social Media login options – Leverage a variety of options to allow your community to login and create an identitiy.
    • SSO和社交媒体登录选项–利用各种选项,使您的社区可以登录并创建身份。

    • Votes, likes & dislikes – Comments and answers can be liked and disliked.

    • 投票,喜欢和不喜欢–评论和答案可以被喜欢和不喜欢。

      In challenges vote for which side of the topic you agree with.

    • 在挑战中,投票赞成您同意主题的哪一方面。

    • User profiles – Every person commenting on your website will get a profile where the comments and points are stored.
    • 用户个人资料–每个在您的网站上发表评论的人都会获得一个个人资料,其中存储了评论和要点。

    • Sharing – Users can share BurnZone content to Twitter and Facebook or share directly to friends via email.
    • 共享–用户可以将BurnZone内容共享到Twitter和Facebook或通过电子邮件直接共享给朋友。

    • Competitions – Drive engagement to your community by rewarding the top contibutors with Prizes and Give-aways for a set period of time.
    • 竞争–通过奖励在一定时期内的头奖获得者,来推动社区参与。

    • Moderation – You can moderate users and content through the “BurnZone Moderator” area in your dashboard.
    • 审核–您可以通过信息中心的“ BurnZone主持人”区域审核用户和内容。

    • Language Support – We have just launched support for 10 languages.
    • 语言支持–我们刚刚推出了对10种语言的支持。

    Support & Documentation:


    Reach out to us and get help through our site: http://help.theburn-zone.com/.


    During USA business hours we will try to respond immediately to your questions.



Basic Outline


    1. Access the plug-in either by Signing up at: http://www.theburn-zone.com/signup or searching for BurnZone in the Plug-in Directory.
    2. 通过在http://www.theburn-zone.com/signup上注册或在插件目录中搜索BurnZone来访问该插件。

    3. Upload the plugin to your website either directly via the WordPress plugin directory or via FTP, copying the plugin folder to “/wp-content/plugins/”.
    4. 直接通过WordPress插件目录或FTP将插件上传到您的网站,将插件文件夹复制到“ / wp-content / plugins /”。

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    7. Register or sign-in via the WordPress Admin or the BurnZone website.

    8. 通过WordPress Admin或BurnZone网站注册或登录。

    9. Add your site in the admin section on the website.

    10. 在网站的“管理”部分添加您的网站。

      (the fields should pre-populate).

    11. (这些字段应预先填充)。

    12. Complete the details in the BurnZone settings and you’re done!
    13. 完成BurnZone设置中的详细信息,即可完成!

      • To Enable Forums visit the tab and create a Page in WordPress where you can add the forum install script.
      • 要启用论坛,请访问选项卡并在WordPress中创建一个页面,您可以在其中添加论坛安装脚本。

      • To be able to use Single Sign On your site check the box on the SSO Tab and specify and image URL for the login icon.
      • 要在站点上使用“单一登录”,请选中“ SSO”选项卡上的复选框,并为登录图标指定图像URL。

      More details can be found here:


        • Commenting -> http://help.theburn-zone.com/customer/portal/articles/1009471-how-to-install-the-platform-on-wordpress-
        • 评论-> http://help.theburn-zone.com/customer/portal/articles/1009471-how-to-install-the-platform-on-wordpress-

        • Forums -> http://help.theburn-zone.com/customer/portal/articles/1527370-how-to-install-forums
        • 论坛-> http://help.theburn-zone.com/customer/portal/articles/1527370-how-to-install-forums





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