[wordpress插件] Bullseye Store Locator靶心店定位器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-14 02:00 670 0 全屏看文



Bullseye Locations is a leading provider of store locator and dealer locator software.

Bullseye Locations 是商店定位器和经销商定位器软件的领先提供商。

Bullseye’s first to market “SaaS” model has been providing businesses with an enterprise level cloud platform for nearly 10 years.

Bullseye最早推向市场的“ SaaS”模式一直为企业提供企业级云平台近十年。

In that time, the platform has evolved into one of the most robust feature rich store locator services on the market, powering locators for more than 4,000 customers.


Now, Bullseye Locations is proud to offer a WordPress plugin that integrates seamlessly with your WordPress website.

现在,Bullseye Locations很自豪地提供可与您的WordPress网站无缝集成的WordPress插件。

This new plugin for WordPress can be setup in minutes and provides easy-to-use tools for generating and configuring store locator pages and stand alone store locator interfaces.


The Bullseye Plugin for WordPress connects directly with your Bullseye Locations account allowing you to store and manage all location data centrally in the cloud.


Store and Dealer search functionality can be added via a simple shortcode and location results are delivered to your WordPress site via our high speed API connection.


Backed by the Bullseye Locations team, the Bullseye Plugin for WordPress comes with top rated customer support, a robust feature set, an easy-to-use back-end interface, and a comprehensive API.

在Bullseye Locations团队的支持下,适用于WordPress的Bullseye插件提供了最高评价的客户支持,强大的功能集,易于使用的后端界面以及完善的API。

Bullseye is the original cloud-based store locator solution.


Now see it for yourself and visit our DEMO.

现在,您可以自己查看它,并访问我们的 DEMO

How We Are Different


    • Easy for non-technical people—you don’t need to be a power developer.

    • 对于非技术人员来说很容易-您无需成为强大的开发人员。

      Create a store locator page in seconds using your current Bullseye subscription or signing up for a new one.


    • Hosted solution means upgrades are automatically distributed.

    • 托管解决方案意味着升级会自动分发。

      No need to monitor and manage updates.


    • Location management and hosting in the cloud makes all content available via API to other applications such as social media and mobile apps.

    • 位置管理和在云中托管使所有内容都可以通过API提供给其他应用程序,例如社交媒体和移动应用程序。

    • No nickle and dime add-ons.

    • 没有琐事和毛钱附件。

      Standard subscription comes with automatic location detection, batch CSV import, reporting, interface customization tools, geocoding, categorizations, custom attributes, search rule configuration, and more.

    • 标准订阅附带自动位置检测,批量CSV导入,报告,界面自定义工具,地理编码,分类,自定义属性,搜索规则配置等。

    Standard Features


      • Create, customize and embed on your site within minutes
      • 在几分钟内创建,自定义并嵌入您的网站

      • Location data management in one cloud-based solution
      • 一种基于云的解决方案中的位置数据管理

      • Responsive design works on all devices
      • 自适应设计适用于所有设备

      • Unlimited locations and categories
      • 无限的位置和类别

      • Unlimited custom attributes
      • 无限的自定义属性

      • Display Google map above or next to results list
      • 在结果列表上方或旁边显示Google地图

      • Customize map styles for free with Snazzy Maps
      • 使用时髦的地图 免费自定义地图样式

      • Customize search and results options
      • 自定义搜索和结果选项

      • Sophisticated geo-coding for accurate results
      • 复杂的地理编码以获取准确的结果

      • Auto location detection using IP or GPS on mobile devices
      • 在移动设备上使用IP或GPS进行自动位置检测

      • Precise and editable location mapping with custom pin icons
      • 带有自定义图钉图标的精确且可编辑的位置映射

      • International search with radius and countrywide searches
      • 半径和全国范围内的国际搜索

      • Advanced reporting and analytics
      • 高级报告和分析

      • Web crawler protection
      • 网络爬虫保护

      • Allow locations to administer content
      • 允许位置管理内容

      • Top-level customer support
      • 顶级客户支持

      Premium Features


      (Requires premium subscription level)



    1. Install the bullseye locations plugin through the WordPress plugin management page or upload the bullseye-store

    2. 通过WordPress插件管理页面安装 bullseye位置插件,或上传 bullseye-store

      -locator folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

    3. -locator 文件夹到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    6. Go to the menu item ‘Bullseye’ and create a Bullseye account or login using your Bullseye account
    7. 转到菜单项“ Bullseye”并创建一个Bullseye帐户或使用您的Bullseye帐户登录

    8. If you haven't done so already, add locations to your account by logging in to the Bullseye

    9. 如果尚未这样做,请登录 Bullseye,以将位置添加到帐户中

      Admin or selecting the 'Locations' button in the 'Bullseye' menu item

    10. 管理员或在“ Bullseye”菜单项中选择“位置”按钮

    11. Through the ‘Bullseye’ menu you can then choose to Add A Store Locator Page or Add A New Interface
    12. 通过“舷窗”菜单,您可以选择添加商店定位器页面或添加新界面





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