[wordpress插件] Bulk Edit for WooCommerce批量编辑WooCommerce

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-13 18:20 1135 0 全屏看文



Managing a store with hundreds of products is not easy.


From time to time, you may need to decrease prices by 20% for a time based sale, add a tag to hundreds of products to optimize searches, etc.


No need to do it manually anymore – our bulk editor app is specialized at doing this kind of repetitive product/variant edit work accurately and quickly.





    • Filter products/variants to edit by collection, product type, tags, title, description, keywords, created time or any combination of these.
    • 过滤产品/变量以按集合,产品类型,标签,标题,描述,关键字,创建时间或它们的任意组合进行编辑。

    • Preview which products are going to be edited based on your filters.
    • 根据您的过滤器预览要编辑哪些产品。

    • Auto data column only shows advanced column data if you search.
    • “自动数据”列仅在您搜索时显示高级列数据。

    • Ajax paging for preview products.
    • 用于预览产品的Ajax分页。

    • Choose how you want to edit.

    • 选择编辑方式。

      Apply for product variations only or apply for specific variants.

    • 仅申请产品变体或特定变体。

    • Review what products/variants have been edited with detailed logs.
    • 查看使用详细日志编辑了哪些产品/变体。

    • Task history logs.
    • 任务历史记录日志。

    • Option to revert/undo any changes that have been made.
    • 用于还原/撤消已进行的任何更改的选项。

    • Schedule bulk editing.
    • 计划批量编辑。

    • Designed to edit hundreds of products.
    • 旨在编辑数百种产品。

    • Advanced price edit actions: set new, increase by a fixed amount, increase by %, decrease by a fixed amount, decrease by %.
    • 高级价格编辑操作:设置新的价格,增加固定数量,增加%,减少固定数量,减少%。

    • Advanced round price to nearest x.xx after decimal points.
    • 小数点后高级进位价格到最接近的x.xx。

    • Support placeholders data for edit text fields e.g product title, product content,…
    • 支持占位符数据用于编辑文本字段,例如产品标题,产品内容等...

    • Bulk delete products.
    • 批量删除产品。

    • Schedule bulk delete products.


    • Documentation: http://pressmaximum.com/documentation/

      文档: http://pressmaximum.com/documentation/

    Fields possible to edit:


      • Title
      • 标题

      • Excerpt
      • 摘录

      • Description
      • 说明

      • Product Status
      • 产品状态

      • Date Published
      • 发布日期

      • Regular price
      • 正常价格

      • Sale price
      • 销售价格

      • SKU
      • SKU

      • Thumbnail
      • 缩略图

      • Gallery
      • 画廊

      • Sale dates from (Pro version)
      • 销售日期始于(专业版)

      • Sale dates end (Pro version)
      • 销售日期结束(专业版)

      • Manage stock
      • 管理库存

      • Stock quantity
      • 库存数量

      • Virtual
      • 虚拟

      • Downloadable
      • 可下载

      • Downloadable files (Pro version)
      • 可下载文件(专业版)

      • Download limit
      • 下载限制

      • Download expiry
      • 下载到期

      • Allow backorders
      • 允许延期交货

      • Total sales
      • 总销量

      • Average rating
      • 平均评分

      • Review count
      • 评论数

      • Tax status (Pro version)
      • 税收状况(专业版)

      • Tax class (Pro version)
      • 税收类别(专业版)

      • Sold individually
      • 单独出售

      • Categories
      • 类别

      • Tags
      • 标签

      • Weight
      • 重量

      • Length
      • 长度

      • Width
      • 宽度

      • Purchase note
      • 购买说明

      • Upsells (Pro version)
      • 追加销售(专业版)

      • Cross-sells (Pro version)
      • 交叉销售(专业版)

      • Product attribute (Pro version)
      • 产品属性(专业版)

      • Custom field (Comming soon)
      • 自定义字段(即将推出)


    • Download to your plugin directory or simply install via WordPress admin interface.
    • 下载到您的插件目录,或直接通过WordPress管理界面进行安装。

    • Activate.
    • 激活。

    • Use.
    • 使用。

